
How to use Brail as a stand-alone general purpose templating engine (like NVelocity)?

Hi, I've been using NVelocity as a stand-alone templating engine in my text file generator. The problem with NVelocity is that the macros are quite shaky; pretty much all errors I get are from faulty macro implementation. It would be cool if I could just use some other templating engine, such as Brail. That way I would just write funct...

Qt Icon embedded in Executeable

I have some buttons on a tabwidget. These buttons need to have some icon on top of them. I am aware of QPixmap that will allow me to put an image on top of a button, but I see that these constructors take a filepath as a parameter. I want to avoid dragging icons around in a file after I build. I would like to embed these icons in the ex...

Make an executable at runtime

Ok, so I was wondering how one would go about creating a program, that creates a second program(Like how most compression programs can create self extracting self excutables, but that's not what I need). Say I have 2 programs. Each one containing a class. The one program I would use to modify and fill the class with data. The second fil...