
wcf service start

I have a wcf service inside a windows service. Inside the wcf service I have a http listener which needs to be started automatically when the windows service is started. Any ideas? ...

Stop and Start IIS programatically. Quickly and safe way.

My situation: when I deploy assemblies .NET in GAC, I get errors (Cannot access to xxx.dll because is in use for another process). The IIS use those dll (assemblies). Which is the best way (more performance,quick and safe way) or all ways to stop, start IIS 6.0 Windows 2003 ? (for C#, .NET 3.5) options, I think: 0). First step, detect...

Force Delphi to open a project with chdir the project's dir

Hi! I have Delphi 6 prof, with Win7. We have many projects. Some of them are favourites, commonly used/edited. Formerly I used GExperts' fav. files that is shown in "Open dialog" for this. But this is vanished with Win7. The main problem that Delphi don't forcable to use a folder as initial folder. What's this meaning? When I start a...

how to run several .cmd files in parallel

Hi I have 4 .cmd files. I want to run then in parallel taking 2 at one time. say my files are : 1.cmd, 2.cmd, 3.cmd, 4.cmd i want to run 1.cmd and 2.cmd in parallel. Now when any of these ends , i want to run 3.cmd and then 4.cmd. In short, at any given time i want 2 of the .cmd files to run. I am using the Start command for parallel...

QT Open default file explorer on *nix

I have the following: QProcess *process = new QProcess(this); QString path = QDir::toNativeSeparators(QApplication::applicationPath); #if defined(Q_OS_WIN) process->start("explorer.exe", QStringList() << path); #elif defined(Q_OS_MAC) process->start("open", QStringList() << path); #endif How I can achieve the same behavior for le...

Start application via batch hiding console

I've made an easy batch to start an application (it opens a pdf in pdf reader): @ECHO off start ../folder/index.pdf When I launch my batch, the console is shown for a couple of seconds and then is closed when the reader is launched, Is it possible to hide the console when I launch the batch? So on launching the batch only the reader ...

How could I create a start page for my Java application much like Netbeans start page?

It appears the start page is an html document rendered somehow. I know about jWebPane, but its dead and the only other active solution I can find is to embed firefox which is a huge dependency and eats up a ton of memory. Is there any lightweight solution for this? ...

CKEditor prevent the <p> at the begining

Hello! I am using CKEditor and what it does is add by default a at the begining of the content. Even if I set enterMode to be , it will only affect what the Enter key does, and keep the starting . The problem I have with that is that if a text starts with an tag, it will wrap the around that and the float:left on the image has no e...

Focus on item in the jcarousel

Hi all I've a page with a jcarousel, the carousel contains n items linked to other pages. I'm trying to keep on focus the clicked item also in the new page. Thanks in advance Luca ...

VB: Start from specific line for SQL INSERT

Hi everyone, I have a small VB program I am doing, however I have run into a problem I can't seem to figure out. Currently my code reads a file line by and line in a loop and does some processing stuff such as SQL INSERT, however the file I'm reading from has a large portion that is configuration at the top and the data at the bottom. ...

change the enddate choice with jquery datepicker

Hi, I have 2 textboxes: StartDate and endDate How can I make so the user will be able to pick from the endDate only the dates starting from the startDate text box and ending 24 hours after the startDate? I tried this but it didnt work: $("#startDate").change(function() { test = $(this).datepicker('getDate'); $("#endDate").dat...

WCF Service Start

I have a wcf service and i want to call a method automatically , immediately after the publishing in IIS. Like an initialization of the WCF service without having to call the method manually or from somewhere else. Where should i place my Initialize method in WCF Service in order to run exactly after the start of the application? ...

Exception while starting application using CouchDB

Hi! I'm starting learning some about CouchDB by the Definiteve Guide. There is example - blog system Sofa. I'm downloading it, but when I try push it, I catch exception.2010-09-19 14:38:15 [CRITICAL] 'str' object has no attribute 'update' Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Program Files\python\27\lib\site-packages\couchapp\d...

Starting a service?

Well, I've recently been getting into developing drivers, so I thought I should make a class to programmatically start services. But of course, I ran into some trouble on the way, as usual. I'm using StartService to start it, but for some reason it just hangs, I've done some research over the internet and it seems it waits for ensurance...

Asynchronous NAnt batch call

In my NAnt project, I'd like to fire off a batch file and just forget about it. So I tried pulling something like this: <exec program="start" commandline="cmd /c c:\mybat.bat" /> But NAnt complains: 'start' failed to start The system cannot find the specified fileBlockquote start cmd /c c:\mybat.bat works if I run it straight f...

Why does a dynamic JNLP generated from a JSP always fail with a locahost hef ?

I have a JSP that spits out a JNLP file as shown below. Work son localhost, when deployed to a remote server, Java Web Start errors out with an exception - Unable to load resource: http : // localhost:8080/jnlp/myjnlp.jnlp ExitException[ 3] Unable to load resource: http: // localhost:8080/jnlp...

Starting a Cocoa document-based application shows selection window first.

This seems like it should be easy yet I must be missing something. I have a document-based application. I have also built a new XIB that has a NSTableView and three buttons on it that I intend to display a list of previous files. I wish this XIB to be displayed instead of the document window when the application first starts. Once th...

Process.Start() returns null on own process.

I'm using Process.Start() to initialize an elevated copy of the currently running application. Unfortunately Process.Start() returns null because it thinks it's using an existing process of my application, and while there is an existing process, it doesn't specify any way of handling this kind of entry point. Is there any way in .NET (...

Aborting non working thread

I have I multi thread application written by c#, my max thread number is 256 and this application gets the performance counters of the computers in an Ip interval( - it works fine and turns many times in a day. because I have to get reports. But the problem is some times one machine keeps a thread and never f...

How do i start and stop application state in ASP.NET

What seems to be happening is on a request some values I have retrieved are being stored in application state, but when I make changes to the values, the old values are still in application state for a while before finally going. I want a way to refresh the application state on each request.? ...