
PHP: variable name as class instance

Hey guys, Im having a problem with using a variable as the class name when calling a static function within the class. My code is as follows: class test { static function getInstance() { return new test(); } } $className = "test"; $test = $className::getInstance(); Ive got to define the class name to a variable a...

Tips for avoiding Static Method Overuse

I'm refactoring some code and I'm looking at a class called HFile. HFile has all private constructors so that you can actually create instances of it. Instead of creating instances of HFiles as follow: var file = new HFile('filename') file.Save() All HFile interaction is handled via static methods. So if I wanted to save a file I w...

referencing static methods from class variable...

I know it's wired to have such a case but somehow I have it: class foo #static method @staticmethod def test(): pass # class variable c = {'name' : <i want to reference test method here.>} What's the way to it? Just for the record: I believe this should be considered as python worst practices. Using static methods is ...

Why doesn't Java allow overriding of static methods ?

Why is it not possible to override static methods? If possible, please use an example. ...

What happens when a static method is invoked using a null object reference?

public class CallingStaticMethod { public static void method() { System.out.println("I am in method"); } public static void main(String[] args) { CallingStaticMethod csm = null; csm.method(); } } Can someone explain how the static method is invoked in the above code? ...

Keeping track of static method calls in a class using java.util.Observer

Hi, I'm a beginner programmer, and am wondering how to work around this issue. The problem I am trying to solve is keeping a tally of static method calls in my program using a java.util.Observer. Clearly, my original post must have just confused people so I'll leave it more open-ended: can anyone suggest a way to keep a static method ...

Are static methods appropriate for a Linq To SQL DAL?

Hey, I'm using Linq to SQL for my DAL and have heard various things about using static methods in a web application (regarding threading/concurrency issues). At the moment, I created a test DAL, which seems to be functioning fine. However, are there any problems with the way I've created it, since it's static? public static class ...

Why can I only access static members from a static function?

I have a static function in a class. whenever I try to use non static data member, I get following compile error. An object reference is required for the nonstatic field, method, or property member Why is it behaving like that? ...

Using this inside a static function fails

I have this method that I want to use $this in but all I get is: Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context. How can I get this to work? public static function userNameAvailibility() { $result = $this->getsomthin(); } ...

php: get the name of an inheriting class in a static method

Okay, the post title might be a little confusing. I have this code: class A { public static foo() { return get_called_class(); } } class B extends A { } class C { public function bar() { echo B::foo(); } } Output: C WHat I want to get in foo() is the class name of B. How can I do this without chang...

.Net: What does it mean? Having a non-static class with a static method?

What does it mean? Having a non-static class which has for example one static method? Without creating an instance of that class, we can't use it. But What about its static method? ...

Java generics + static factory methods = [panic]

Hello, everyone! I thought, I would understand Java generics by now. But now I'm helpless again. I have a generic class where a c-tor constructs correctly-typed instance, while a static factory method produces a type mismatch. Please look at the following code: public class _GenericFactoryMethods { public final static class DemoCl...

How to factor static call out of a class

Let's say I have a static method called Logger.log(), which calls another static method, CurrentUser.getName(), to get some additional information to log: public static void log(text) { String[] itemsToLog = { text, todaysDate, ipAddress, CurrentUser.getName() }; Now obviously this isn't an ideal situation, especially with the stati...

C# class instance with static method vs static class memory usage

How does C#, or other languages for that matter, handle memory allocation (and memory de-allocation) between these two scenarios: 1.) A method on a static class is invoked. public Program { Foo foo = Loader.load(); } public static Loader { public static Foo load() { return new Foo(); } } 2.) A method is invoked...

Static method to be accessed by multiple threads, Java

Hi, I am using a third party library to do hand evaluation of 7 card poker hands. The method evaluate in this library is declared as public static and I believe it alters some global static arrays within the class. The problem I have is that as I am doing an enumeration algorithm of about 10m enumerations I want to parallelize it, there...

Is it ok to wind up using mostly static classes?

I'm currently rewriting an e-shop - but only the client side, i.e. the CMS remains mostly in tact. I am not using a pre-built framework, as the system has to retain backwards compatibility with the CMS and I have to have full freedom of the structure of code. The new system is purely MVC based and I have a Bootstrapper which loads cont...

Refactoring large method in .NET

Hi, If I have a large .NET method, I want to know if it is good practice to split it up into multiple methods or not. My concerns are: 1 - Is there any point creating a method if it will only be called once? 2 - If I'm calling a private method from within my class, I try not to use instance variables. Is this good or bad practice? Fo...

HttpContext.Current NullReferenceException in Static Method

I have a static class with serveral static methods. In these methods, I'm trying to access the current thread's context using HttpContext.Current. For example: var userName = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; However, when I do that, I receive a NullReferenceException, the infamous "Object reference not set to an instance of an ...

private static method problem

When a class is defined as a private static, why do I need to make the get and set methods static? ...

Looking for a better way to integrate a static list into a set of classes

I'm trying to expand my sons interest from Warcraft 3 programming into C++ to broaden his horizons to a degree. We are planning on porting a little game that he wrote. The context goes something like this. There are Ships and Missiles, for which Ships will use Missiles and interact with them A Container exists which will hold 'a list...