
Open source (Linux Hostable) e-commerce/storefront projects

My company is a Microsoft/C# focused. We are looking to offer e-commerce sites as apart of our services. We have identified a number of .Net opensource/paid-for e-commerce solutions that we can make use off, the down side of these is windows server costs. So Im looking for a Linux host-able e-commerce solutions. Can anyone recommend an...

opensource .net storefront

Hi, I need to create a small online store. What is the best opensource .NET storefront out there? Thanks ... MVC Storefront showing too many queries?

I am studying Asp.NET MVC Storefront application and there is some help needed with LINQ. For example study this Partial Code. Here is GetCategories Function which retrieves All Categories and their corresponding Products. In a View I only needed Category Names but when called this Function and checking in SQL profiler it shows too many ...

MVC Storefront - Kona - Where are they?

I am looking for a full-blown shopping cart example for ASP.Net MVC. I found plenty of links pointing to MVC Storefront (1) (Apparently not being developed anymore) and other articles which talk about Kona, a separate project based off MVC Storefront. Too bad, MVC Store Preview 1A had me pretty happy. Are there any "production ready", o...

storefront menu tab

i am working on storefront(not mvc) but the one from I try to add menu items on topmenu but i am seeing (!menu.About!)" as result. How to do this? ...