I have an object with two different integer properties in it, and I'm trying to get a a new object in Linq to Entities, combining two integer properties from the same object as concatenated strings, as follows
List<DateRange> collection = (from d in context.dates
select new DateRange
DateString = from s in context.Seasons
I am new to writing SQL and would greatly appreciate help on this problem. :)
I am trying to select an entire row into a string, preferably separated by a space or a comma. I would like to accomplish this in a generic way, without having to know specifics about the columns in the tables.
What I would love to do is this:
In CLR 2.0, is there any way to view all of the strings that have been interned? I've looked into the CLR Profiler APIs and can't see any API calls to monitor when a string gets interned. Also, what is the scope of interned strings? Do interned strings get collected when the App Domain gets unloaded, or do they span App Domains?
i hat one task, and know i have to continue but have a bad experience with regexp ... :(
can somebody help me :
i need to take a sting from "domain url" with jquery :
This is the address name :
http://mydomain/Our-Company/default.aspx?txt=James D. Perrlo
I want to take with jquery la string after "?txt=" in this case "James D. Pe...
I'm trying to create a structure storing strings and I'm getting an error incompatible types when I try and insert as string into the array. This my first time working with a program in C. Could somebody help spot my problem.
This is my implementation of list.c
struct list *init_list(int num) {
struct list *p;
p = malloc(LIS...
I need to replace a word in a string looking like "duh duh something else duh". I only need to replace the second "duh", but the first and the last ones need to stay untouched, so replace() and replaceFirst() don't work. Is there a method like replaceFirst(String regex, String replacement, int offset) that would replace the first occurre...
I have the following string read from an XML elememnt, and it is assigned to a variable called filename. I don't know how to make this any clearer as saying filename = the following string, without leading someone to think that I have a string literal then.
when I try and pass this to
I currently have a Python application where newline-terminated ASCII strings are being transmitted to me via a TCP/IP socket. I have a high data rate of these strings and I need to parse them as quickly as possible. Currently, the strings are being transmitted as CSV and if the data rate is high enough, my Python application starts to ...
Is there anything standard in C# to transform in to out. I don't mind ad hoc routine either.
string in = "1 February 2001"
string out = "2001/02/01"
How do a I take an input birthday string such as 02 26 1991 and make it into a Gregorian Calendar?
I tried parsing it first but it keeps giving me an error message so I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong. I also have other input data before this date. One is another string and one is a double value.
I've been poking my nose in extending SAS string handling with some C functions such as a longest common substring algorithm. The proc FCMP functions get easily pretty inefficient.
The embedded C compiler in proc proto doesn't seem to produce the results I expect after writing the algorithm in Visual Studio. One thing I think I have ver...
I need to encode a Java String to display properly as part of an HTML document, e.g. all new lines or tab characters. So I have e.g. "one\ntwo", and I want to get something like "one<br>two". Do you know any library that would do it for me?
When (deep) Cloning a custom object, should I use clone.str1 = String.Copy(obj.str1) or clone.str1 = obj.str1?
I'd prefer the latter - shorter and quicker, but is it "safe"?
I'd point to this thread, but, however, not sure what to use.
I want to define an array of strings but I don't know the number of strings I'll need to store in it. Can I define such an array, and how can I insert strings into it?
could any one tell me about some practical examples on using string streams in c++, i.e. inputing and outputing to a string stream using stream insertion and stream extraction operators?
How would I go about removing the "&" symbol from a string. It's making my xml parser fail.
I have tried
[currentParsedCharacterData setString: [currentParsedCharacterData stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"&" withString:@"and"]];
But it seems to have no effect
this my json in string format,
i have to check in javascript that loggedin value 0 or 1
what's the maximum number of characters generated by the following statement? i need to format the output properly.
echo base_convert(sprintf('%u',crc32($_string)),10,36);
I am using dbus to get the current playing song from Songbird Media Player & Metadata is also taken from dbus object.
The line where error comes is:-
audio_file = MP3(current_playing_track['location'], ID3=ID3)
The error is:-
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./last.py", line 42, in <module>
audio_file = MP3(current_pl...
i need to parse normail mailing addresses in vb.net.
the requirement is address shall be split in 2 variables. so if address is
12300 euclid st. then it will be "12300" and "euclid st." in two different variables.
also if address is 123 B4 euclid st then "123 B4" and "euclid st". Sometimes address is
12008 B2 euclid st Apt 12. In this c...