
Are pointers primitive types in C++?

I was wondering about the last constructor for std::string mentioned here. It says: template<class InputIterator> string (InputIterator begin, InputIterator end); If InputIterator is an integral type, behaves as the sixth constructor version (the one right above this) by typecasting begin and end to call it: string(static_cast<size_t...

why string is a reference type?

We know that string is a reference type , so we have string s="God is great!"; but on the same note if i declare class say Employee which is a reference type so why below piece of code does not work ? Employee e = "Saurabh"; 2- How do we actually determine if a type is a reference type or value type? ...

Split string into multiple lines

I have a long string of comments that I'd like to split into multiple lines. It's currently displayed as <%= Html.Encode(item.important_notes) %> I've played with using .Substring to split it, but can't figure out how to prevent it from splitting in the middle of a word. Instead of characters 1-100 on line 1 and 101-200 on line 2, I'...

Normalising book titles - Python

I have a list of books titles: "The Hobbit: 70th Anniversary Edition" "The Hobbit" "The Hobbit (Illustrated/Collector Edition)[There and Back Again]" "The Hobbit: or, There and Back Again" "The Hobbit: Gift Pack" and so on... I thought that if I normalised the titles somehow, it would be easier to implement an automated way to kno...

Interpolating environment variables into a string in Ruby using String#scan

I'm trying to interpolate environment variables into a string in Ruby and not having much luck. One of my requirements is to do something (log an error, prompt for input, whatever) if a placeholder is found in the initial string that has no matching environment variable. It looks like the block form of String#scan is what I need. Below i...

Prevent backslash from being parsed by javascript for a string

A Flash AS3 IRC application sends me a string like "f\reak" to my javascript. Irc allows the \ in usernames which poses a problem when its passed to javascript. "f\reak" become "feak" in javascript making the \r into a carriage return. Is there a way to read the absolute value of the string instead of parsing a carriage return? These don...

Check how much a String sounds like another one in Java

I'd like to know if there is any class in Java able to check, using its own criteria, how much a String is equal to another one. Example : William Shakespeare / William Shakespeare : might be 100% William Shakespe*a*re / William Shakespe*e*re : might have above 90% William Shakespeare / Shakespeare, William : might have above 70% (jus...

how to remove the \n, \t and spaces between the strings in java?

how to remove the \n, \t and spaces between the strings in java? ...

String / DateTime Conversion problem ( vb)

I have this code: Dim birthdaystring As String = MonthBirth.SelectedValue.ToString & "/" & DayBirth.SelectedValue.ToString & "/" & YearBirth.SelectedValue.ToString Dim birthday As DateTime = Convert.ToDateTime(birthdaystring) Which produces errors (String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.) The string was "01/31/1963". Any assi...

Method to concatenate 2 Strings in Java

I have a method in Java that concatenates 2 Strings. It currently works correctly, but I think it can be written better. public static String concat(String str1, String str2) { String rVal = null; if (str1 != null || str2 != null) { rVal = ""; if (str1 != null) { rVal += str1; } if (str2 != null) { rVal ...

Substring and its reverse in a string

My professor was talking about this in a Dynamic programming class and asked us to think over it. She gave us some examples as well. Given a string, we were to find the longest continuous subsequence whose reverse is also a subsequence present in the given string. Example: INPUT: pqrstuvtsrv OUTPUT: i=3, k=2 rst -> tsr (rst found firs...

passing string literal to std::map::find(..)

I've got a std::map: std::map<std::string, std::string> I'm passing string literal to find method. Obviously, I can pass a string literal such as .find("blah"); However, I wanted to declare it upfront, instead of hardcoding the string, so I have couple of choices now: const std::string mystring = "blah"; const char mystring[] = "b...

Extract strings in python

Basically, I want to extract the strings "AAA", "BBB", "CCC", "DDD" from a text file.. ...... (other text goes here)..... <TD align="left" class=texttd><font class='textfont'>AAA</font></TD> ..... (useless text here)..... <TD align="left" class=texttd><font class='textfont'>BBB</font></TD> ....(more text)..... <TD align="left" class=tex...

Splitting only long words in string

I have some random string, let's say : s = "This string has some verylongwordsneededtosplit" I'm trying to write a function trunc_string(string, len) that takes string as argument to operate on and 'len' as the number of chars after long words will be splitted. The result should be something like that str = trunc_string(s, 10) str =...

Where to put constant strings in C++: static class members or anonymous namespaces

I need to define some constant strings that will be used only by one class. It looks like I have three options: Embed the strings directly into locations where they are used. Define them as private static constant members of the class: (Code formatting is buggy after enumerations.) //A.h class A { private: static const st...

Redirecting console to a string in a .NET program

How can I redirect whatever is written to the console to be written into a string? ...

string formatting in Haskell

What is haskell equivalent of string str = string.Format("{0} {1}",10,20); // C# ...

Glib::ustring and Japanese characters

Glib::ustring is supposed to work well with UTF8 but I have a problem when working with Japanese strings. If you compare those two strings, "わたし" and "ワタシ", using == operator or compare method, it will answer that those two strings are equals. I don't understand why. How Glib::ustring works ? The only way I found to get false to the c...

How to dynamically expand a string in C

Hi - I have a function that recursively makes some calculations on a set of numbers. I want to also pretty-print the calculation in each recursion call by passing the string from the previous calculation and concatenating it with the current operation. A sample output might look like this: 3 (3) + 2 ((3) + 2) / 4 (((3) + 2) / 4) x 5 (((...

comparison between string literal

This very simple code: #include <iostream> using namespace std; void exec(char* option) { cout << "option is " << option << endl; if (option == "foo") cout << "option foo"; else if (option == "bar") cout << "opzion bar"; else cout << "???"; cout << endl; } int main() { char opt[] = "foo...