
MS Access 2007 Converting forms into sub form - "form not found" issue

So I recently have been trying to incorporate more sub forms to make the UI more friendly. So I have a pre developed form that runs some VB, so for examples sake lets just say that it runs SQL statement, returns the recordset, and fills text boxes with the data (because this is sort of an interactive dashboard concept: dim db as databas...

Selecting a record in Access Subform

I have a form in Access 2003 that contains 2 subforms. The first is in datasheet view and is only 2 fields, SiteID and SiteName, so a list of many sites for one record in the parent form. The second subform is the same datasource as the first, but in single form view, so it shows all the site fields for one site in a single form. The ide...

Form used to do batch data entry

I have a form called Transaction Entry. I have a subform called Batches. I want to be able to enter a date in the Transaction Entry form, and then enter multiple items on the subform, but have it always update the date from Transaction Entry form. Basically it would be like what I have drawn out below, and would update the date automat...

MS-Access unbound ComboBox in DataSheet?

In ms-access 2007, i'm trying to make a form for a table. this table has foreign keys from 2 parent tables. so i thought i would make these fields a lookup. but i couldn't create a single lookup for each parent table because they are composite keys. I decided to create a query in which for each of these parent tables and the child table...

Using custom isValid() function for specific subform in Zend_Form

Hi, I have a form with several subforms. I've overriden the form's isValid function with my own, but can't find any documentation on how to set an isValid function per individual subform. Can someone post a link or sample code so I can learn how to do this please. Thanks in advanced. ...

Problems linking a subform to a combobox on the main form

On a form in an access ADP there is an unbound combobox that displays a list of companies (the name is shown, the id is the bound field). When a company is chosen, I want to display the subscription information in a subform (the datasource for which is companySubscription view) for that company. I set the link Master Fields and links ch...

How to select a single record based on a multivalued candidate key and synchronize subforms to work with that record?

Hi, In a parent-form, I filtered a table on a candidate key consisting of multiple values, so the result should give a single record. Now I can't get the subforms to synchronize to that. It keeps showing the same record (with the possibility to loop trough all values using the buttons) Either the applied filter does not work, or there i...

Ahhhhh! Where did the subform go?

I have a form called Group in my MS Access ADP. On it is a tab control, and in each of the tabs there is a subform. The first tab contains the subform Users, and it isn't showing up in form view. Subform Users shows up in design view. Any clue as to why this might be happening? ...

Filter subform based on what is typed in a textbox on the subform

I'm trying to filter the records shown on a subform based on what is typed in a textbox on the subform. The subform is called Users, and it is on the Group form. On the Users subform there is a textbox called txtFilter. If I type "W" in txtFilter, I want to show only records in which the User's lastName or userName begins with a "W". As ...