
Drupal jquery submit form without submit button

Hi, I have a drupal form which i post using jquery when you select an option from a selectlist (a sort of quicksearch selectlist). The porblem is that when i submit by clicking the button, it works. When I use jquery, and the button is in the form (hidden or not), it works. When I use jquery and I rmove the button, the post is done, bu...

[JS] Write to textarea when enter key is pressed?

I have a textarea, which will handle output, and a textfield which will handle user input. Focus will be entirely on the input field. I can't make it so that the user input field will add text when the form is submitted (enter key is pressed). It will only work if there is a button and this is clicked. How do I solve this issue? Below ...

How to disable the submit button in opera mini to prevent multiple submissions of a form

Because Opera mini only fires button events on Opera's servers when a form is finally submitted, I am having trouble preventing users from multiclicking the submit button. This results in multiple submissions of the same form. I could prevent this server-side, but is there any way to prevent this on the opera mini client (i.e. via java...

jquery datepicker not sending data on using .serialize() for populating the grid

I have a form with 2 input type="text" , 1 combo box and other contains ( combo box contains equal , after,before & between operators + start date(jquery datepicker)+end date(jquery date picker ) but when i am sending the data to server its not appending date parameters with the url using .serialize(). My approach: $("form#transactionF...

jQuery: Submitting patches

In two years of development, I found only one bug in jQuery. I confirmed it as a bug by reviewing related tickets at, and it was later fixed. Now, however, I've found another. And this time, I want to submit a proposed patch. I've corrected the bug in my local copy of jQuery, and want to submit it to be evaluated for incl...

tab and enter hit different submit button in html form (all browsers)

Hi I have an issue that appears in all browsers. I am working with ASP.NET MVC. My controller renders an html form with various submit buttons (the reason for this is explained in the Addendum below). Whilst tabbing sends the focus to the right submit button under the right circumstances, hitting enter seems to submit the form usin...

Free script to open multiple URLs at once

Hi, I am looking for Free PHP script to open multiple URLs at once click. Please let me know if anyone find anywhere. Thanks in advance, Manim ...

Form submit on opra browser.

I am submitting the form through normal submit method. It is working fine for all browser. I got some problem with opera browser some time the forms get submitted properly but many times when I click on the submit button page remains as it is without any error. I think it is due to the internet speed. I want the valid reason to prove t...

FancyBox breaks input submit code behind click event

Hi guys! Not using forms!! Scenario: 1. 3 divs - div 1 and 2 display: block, div 3 display: none; User clicks on Edit - div1 and 2 display: none, div 3 display: block In div 3 i list all the articles the user has written (repeater). While repeater items are created i also create in hidden placeholder divs with textbox:header, textbo...

Benefit of useing UseSubmitBehavior in button

Benefit of useing UseSubmitBehavior in button? ...

Passing elements via submit trigger

How can I pass btnClicked variable via the submit trigger in order to know the button clicked. $('div.btn_confirm li.cancel, div.btn_confirm').click(function(e){ var btnClicked = $(this).attr('class');//cancel or save $('form#my_form').submit(); }); $('form#my_form').submit(function() { var postData = $(this).serial...

Jquery submit form

How can I submit a specific form using the follow code (example the id of my form is #form1). $(".nextbutton").click(function() { submit; }); ...

CSS selector for disabled input type="submit"

Hello! Is there a CSS selector for disabled input type="submit" or "button"? Should I just use input[type="submit"][disabled]? Does that work in IE6? Thank you. ...

Jquery call predefined functions?

All of the tutorials I see online are defining functions on the fly to respond to event handlers. I am trying to call a JS function when my form is submitted, but it never works quite right. In PHP: echo "$(document).ready(function() { $(\"#newDate\").submit( ValidateForm('".$ID."') ); });"; When the user hits enter for the input fi...

Why doesn't my form get posted in PHP?

I am using a simple form and submitting my textbox values to database, <body> <?php if(isset($_POST["submit"])) $des="Insert into enquiry(Companyname,Name,Phno,Email,Address,Comments) values ('".$_POST[txtcompname]."','".$_POST[txtname]."','".$_POST[txtphno]."', '".$_POST[txtemail]."','".$_POST[txtaddress]."','".$_POST[txtcomments...

Using jQuery to block form redirections on submit until the function finishes

Is there a way, using jQuery, to force a form to wait until a function is done executing before submitting? I have a submit button on a multi-field form. I would like the submit button to hit a server to determine whether the current user has any items in the database, and if they have none, I would like it to pop up a confirmation wind...

Hitting "enter" from an input (text) field when a form has a "submit" input

I'm trying to figure out something having to do with the behavior descibed by this old question from last year. I've got a form with a single input text field, and a single "submit" button. Unlike the person who asked that question, I want the form to submit when the user hits "enter". Indeed, that's working for me; what's not working ho...

submit captcha and get text inside table using ASP.NET

Hello, I need to submit (send) a captcha entered manually to a site and then get text result inside an html table, how I do that using ASP.NET thanks ...

Resource not found when calling ActionResult from Controller from multiple submit buttons

link text I am following the answer in this link, I have done this... <% Html.BeginForm("MyAction", "MyController", FormMethod.Post); %> <input type="submit" name="submitButton" value="Send" /> <input type="submit" name="submitButton" value="Cancel" /> <% Html.EndForm(); %> <% Html.BeginForm("Send", "MyController", FormMethod.Post...

Javascript: Enter does not work for submitting password

I can't get the following code working: when I press enter in the text-box, the function is not called. I can't see why though... <form> <p align="center"> <input type="password" class="password" name="text1" onkeypress="submitonenter(text1.value,"money","cash",event)" /><br> <input type="button" value="Enter" style="width: 100px" name=...