
To What Degree (pun) has your College Education Attributed to the Success of your Development Career?

To What Degree (pun intended) has your College Education Attributed to the Success of your Development Career? ...

Quality vs. ROI - When is Good Enough, good enough?

UPDATED: I'm asking this from a development perspective, however to illustrate, a canoical non-development example that comes to mind is that if it costs, say, $10,000 to keep a uptime rate of 99%, then it theoretically can cost $100,000 to keep a rate of 99.9%, and possibly $1,000,000 to keep a rate of 99.99%. Somewhat like calculus...

Which factors determine the success of an open source project?

We have a series of closed source applications and libraries, for which we think it would make sense opening up the source code. What has been blocking us, so far, is the effort needed to clean up the code base and documenting the source before opening up. We want to open up the source only if we have a reasonable chance of the project...

How do you stay focused and ship projects?

I find way too many projects to get involved in, way to many languages to play with (and way too many cool features within those languages), and way too many books to read... How do you guys stay focused and actually get anything done, rather than leaving a trail of partially complete "experiments?" ...

What is the most important feature a website can have?

Ok, I'm planning to build a site. What single features is going to optimize my chance of success. Where do I put the most effort? Nice design. Simple design. Clear purpose. Low response time. How would your list look like? ...

Has a system that incorporated a rule engine ever been TRULY successful?

Our system (exotic commodity derivative trade capture and risk management) is being redeveloped shortly. One proposal that I have heard is that a rule engine will be incorporated to make it easier for the end-users (commodities traders, so fairly sophisticated) to make certain changes to the business logic. I am a little skeptical of ru...

Not printing results from AJAX

I am working on a script to send data to a mysql table and I have it all working properly but the success part of the call, it is not loading my results in to my results column on my page. My code is below. Any suggestions on what I can do to fix that? I am guessing the problem is within my "success:" option in my AJAX call. Thank you,...

Stupid, but commercially successful software

Recently I read that the author of the 99 cent iFart Mobile application for the iPhone makes nearly 10,000 US$ a day (!)¹ with his flatulence simulator. Do you know of any other silly or useless, but commercially successful software products? Perhaps there is a pattern and we all can find recession-proof software niches as competition h...

What are success factors in software development projects?

We recently passed on a project that had a number of red flags attached to it - the lack of a clear plan, no success metrics, an obscure legacy system to integrate with, the absence of a resident expert for it, not enough budget, and a very tight deadline. That got me thinking, and I am going to turn the question around. In your experi...

How to sequence events in PHP for uploading files to amazon S3

Hi I am hoping someone can help me to understand why I am getting varied results with some PHP code I have written to upload files to S3 then call an EC2 instance to perform actions on the uploaded file. Here is the order i do things - 1) use S3 class to put file $result = s3 -> putObjectFile($uploadDIR, $bucket, $name, S3::ACL) ...

Porting to which gaming platforms?

I'm developing a pretty portable indie game engine and also a "demo" game to go with that. In the future I would however like to make a more comprehensive game to deploy on some different platforms. The details on the future game is less important, I'm more into the "how" than the "what" -- genre and content is irrelevant to me. So what...

JQuery ajax error function is executed even if query is successfull

Hello, I'm trying to learn JQuery - and I have a small problem with ajax. I'm trying to populate a javascript array with values returned from an XML response from a page. Here's my main page (ajax.html): <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/jquery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery/fiber.js"></...

use succes or complete in ajaxcall

Hello, My question is that I want to know what the difference is in the ajaxcall below If I substitute complete for success I get an empty responseText as the error says and with complete it works like it is supposed to Is it that success returns sooner then complete?? $("#formnaw").submit(function(){ var fnc = invoerFnc.attr("...

Why default return value of main is 0 and not EXIT_SUCCESS ?

Hello, the iso 1998 c++ standard specifies that not explicitly using a return statement in the main is equivalent to use "return 0". But what if an implementation has a different standard "no error" code, for example "-1" ? Why not use the standard macro "EXIT_SUCCESS" that would be replaced either by "0" or "-1" or any other value de...

Display a success message to user in a SharePoint Document Library after validation in ItemAdding Event

When validating a document in the ItemAdding event there are many ways to display errors to the user, but there doesn't seem to be a way to display successes to user, like a validation was successful. An info message to the user at the top of document library would be great. public class MyItemEventReceiver : SPItemEventReceiver { p...

JQuery Call Function Outside of Ajax on Ajax Success?

Hey all, I currently have created a pagination js class that will automatically paginate comments when you get more than 10 to a page. This works fine, but I'd like to set some css properties only if there are more than 10 comments on the page (add space for the buttons to switch between pages). This COULD be done in the ajax success, bu...

catch variable in ajax success function to stop submit form

Hello, I have a problem within this code. I want to choose whether I will submit the form or not based on the outcome off the ajaxcall. If I hardcode it with return false; It stops going to the paypal site. That's why I want it to depend on a variable set in the ajax succes function. It is probably lost in the callback, so that's wh...

Ajax jquery success scope

I have this ajax call to a doop.php. function doop(){ var old = $(this).siblings('.old').html(); var new = $(this).siblings('.new').val(); $.ajax({ url: 'doop.php', type: 'POST', data: 'before=' + old + '&after=' + new, success: function(resp) { if(resp == 1) { $(this).siblings('.old').html(new); } }...

Ajax jquery synchronous callback success

I have this function that makes an ajax call. I'm describing the problem in the last chunk of code comments. function doop(){ var that = this; var theold = "theold"; var thenew = "thenew"; $.ajax({ url: 'doop.php', type: 'POST', ...

Best practice in python for return value on error vs. success.

Hi, In general, let's say you have a method like the below. def intersect_two_lists(self, list1, list2): if not list1: self.trap_error("union_two_lists: list1 must not be empty.") return False if not list2: self.trap_error("union_two_lists: list2 must not be empty.") return False #http://byt...