
Will the accessibility of supercomputers change software engineering?

After reading this Computer World article, I've found some supercomputers that I readily available for less than $10000US. To me, that's a huge shock. However, I'm curious as to how this will impact software engineering and computer science, especially in the design and construction of applications. ...

Orbital equations, and power required to run them

Due to a discussion on the SO IRC today, I'm curious about orbital mechanics, and The equations needed to solve orbital problems The computing power required to solve complex problems The question in particular is calculating when the Earth will plow into the Sun (or vice versa, depending on the frame of reference). I suspect that a...

Is the PVM (parallel virtual machine) library widely used in HPC?

Has everyone migrated to MPI (message passing interface) or is PVM still widely used in supercomputers and HPC? ...

Basic guidelines for high-performance benchmarking

Hello, I am going to benchmark several implementations of a numerical simulation software on a high-performance computer, mainly with regard to time - but other resources like memory usage, inter-process communication etc. could be interesting as well. As for now, I have no knowledge of general guidelines how to benchmark software (in ...