
scale9Grid in haXe on image imported with swfmill

I'm trying to use scale9Grid in haXe on an image that I imported with swfmill. border = flash.Lib.attach("BorderPic"); border.scale9Grid = new Rectangle(15, 15, 1, 1); The second line generates the following runtime error: ArgumentError: Error #2004: One of the parameters is invalid. at flash.display::DisplayObject/set scale9...

[HaXe] Attaching swf elements by ObjectID

I have swf file with some graphics I need to use in my haxe(future compiled to swf too) program. There is no problem with embedding pictures by swfmill, so i tried to disassemble the swf with swfmill and found some entries like DefineSprite and DefineShape which have objectID's. Is it possible to attach these elements from haxe using th...

AS3 & Swfmill: How to access assets in swfmill-generated library swf

Hi! I'm creating library swfs in as3 this way, works like a charm (except for the slow mxmlc compiler): package { import flash.display.Sprite; public class Library extends Sprite { [Embed(source="assets/test.png")] public var TestBitmap:Class; } } I would like to create the same kind of libary using swfmill. I've tried ...

Why is Ruby throwing a Segmentation fault on only my system, and only in this Rails application?

I'm not exactly sure how to properly debug this but have tried a few different approaches that have chewed up time, but not solved the problem. At least 4 other people in my office can execute this code on identical machines with the same version of ruby and rubygems installed with no error. Here is the code that I'm executing: status ...

Jpgs Extracted From Swf Tags DefineBitsJpeg2 and DefineBitsJpeg3 Using SwfMill are Invalid (Contain Additional Bytes)

I'm getting fairly familiar with understanding the different tag formats and how they work for a swfs but I cam across a particular swf file that I am unable to view/use the extracted images for some reason. Upon further review there is some data in extracted jpgs but I am unsure what this data is. Can someone possibly explain the addit...

How to do a proper haXe preloader for Flash, or what do you think is the best way to do it?

Hi, I have recently begun to develop a game in haXe which targets the Flash platform. I can say that I'm not really used to Flash and how it works, it is really apparent that it was intended for animations. But anyway, now that game I'm making is starting to be that big that it takes a few seconds for it to load that I want to have a nic...