
How to effectively render video in Java (AWT??)

Hi, in my project I've got a class FrameProducer firing events each time a video frame has been created. Each frame is an image returned as an java.awt.Image.BufferedImage object. I've got 2 FrameProducer objects and would like to render BufferedImage's produced by them simultaneously on the screen. I would like the picture rendered on...

How to change the default font size in the Swing GTK LookAndFeel?

Is there a way to change the default font size in the Swing GTK LaF? The GTK LaF seems to assume 72dpi, so all the fonts are only 3/4 of the size they should be when using a 96dpi screen. See this Fedora bug for details. I'd like to find a workaround in the meantime, while I wait for the fix. I've already tried resetting the font size ...

Is it possible to call java main event loop ?

I could not find any answer related to this question. I wonder if it is possible. Here is my problem. I have a core processing application written in Fortran. The application needs a new UI. The Fortran code has its own main loop. It communicates with the UI through a interface routine. This routine calls the main event loo...

Spring and a Swing application together?

Our assignment for our java project is to make a tool for kids to make math excercices. One part should be in a swing application, where the teacher can adjust settings to what the kids should make, view their results, etc... The other part is where kids should be able to make excercices on the internet. Now, so we thought, as we are se...

Best layout strategy if removing/adding components in a Java Swing UI ?

I have a dynamic java Swing form UI that needs to resize when a toggle button is pressed. Components inside the form panel need to be removed or added and the height accordingly reduced/increased. Cardlayout allows me to switch between two panels with different components but the height is hardwired to the the tallest card. I need to dy...

Griffon integration test or script that displays a griffon View

When I create plane java Swing components like dialog boxes etc, it is very easy to make a unit test to display the Dialog. Basically, I can just create an instance of the dialog and call setIsVisible(true). I'm having a really tough time figuring out how to do this with a griffon View. I've been trying to do this with integration tes...

Java Jframe Not showing up

I have a question. I created a new project with netbeans and have main.java and i created a jframe that i called GUI.java. Now when I hit F6, my GUI.java dosen't appear and it runs but nothing shows up cause my main is empty. But if i right click on GUI.java, it shows up the jframe. How do I go about getting my Jframe working properly ...

Is it legal to customise JRE to decrease Java GUI application size ?

like i said ,this question is about redistributing JRE. i wrote a swing app to access Google Docs Service,which named iGoSyncDocs and could be found at http://igosyncdocs.sourceforge.net/. if you're interested in,please try it and send me bugs. thanks ahead. If it is right to bundle JRE with App. i should make an installer for all ope...

How to store Java desktop application(multiplatform) global settings?

What do I need exactly is to store information like applications first execution date and few settings somewhere on the user machine. The program will be distributed on Windows and Mac OS. This information needs to be shared between the users on same machine... somewhat global settings. On windows I'd probably store this information in r...

Cloning a Swing component

I'm implementing a copy/paste example and when I set the clipboard like: clipboard.setContents(new MyTransferable(image_label), null); I want that image_label (is a JLabel) is a clone of the copied label How can I do that? ...

Creating JTree using parsed XML document..

i want to create a JTree resembling XML dom in java.. below is the XML form... <html> <head> <title></title> <style></style> <body></body> </head> <head> <title></title> <style></style> <body></body> </head> </html> i want to create this tree structure.... ...

Drawing Multiplie Lines in a Buffered Image in Java

Hi everyone: I am trying to draw horizontal and vertical lines on a bufferedimage. It should end up looking like a grid of cells. But when I run the code, I see only two lines: the leftmost line and the topmost line (ie. a line from 0,0 to 0,height of image & 0,0 to width of image,0) Heres the code snippet: BufferedImage mazeImage = ...

How to handle java exception in user friendly way

Hello.. I'm developing a swing application and I'm a bit confused how can I handle exceptions for example lately a part of my code rename files, So when I was testing it I came up with a "you don't have permission to rename file" as I got it from print exception message. So How Could I express this message to user? and should I use JOpt...

Why isn't JMenu always on top?

The JMenu behaves normally until a JButton is used to update a JTable on the JFrame. Then the JMenu is mostly hidden by a JPanel (see images below). Shouldn't the JMenu always be on top when it is selected? Why has it been pushed to the back? The code that updates the table on jButtonAddActionPerformed is. public class MyClass extends j...

Swing JProgressBar doesn't repaint as I'd expect it to

Hey all, I have a pretty simple problem someone should be able to help me with. All I want is a small frame with a progress bar that updates, right now it's not updating: final JProgressBar bar = new JProgressBar(0,250000); bar.setValue(1000); bar.setIndeterminate(false); JOptionPane j = new JOptionPane(bar); final JDialog d = j.createD...

java-gui creation approaches via description files?

Hi, I have the following requirement for a GUI, that the user will have a number of available actions to perform. Currently, it is implemented a series of JButtons that the user presses. But the actions are a lot, and in each version more "actions" would be possibly offered. I am not sure how this is better presented/done in GUIs. I hav...

Java JFrame layout probelm

Hi all, This is the problem, I have a class MainWindow that extends JFrame in one of the setup routines I set the layout of the class to a new CardLayout(). This all works fine but when I go to request the the layout from the JFrame and cast what it returns to a CardLayout I get errors because it is returning a BorderLayout. I think you...

JEditorPane doesn't display special separators while reading by BufferedReader

I am creating a custom XML editor. My xml file contains lots of special separators such as ¦ • ¥ ‡ § and such other. But when I read a file and display in JEditorPane it doesn't read it and displays something else such as • for • and some weird characters. So how can read and display a file as it is. below is the code i have writen to ...

Using custom icons in title with JOptionPane.showInputDialog

Hi, I'm trying to use a custome icon in the title of the JOption pane rather then with the label. Is there a way that I can do that? I'm using the Icon class (as shown below) in JOptionPane but it keeps displaying the icon in the main display area rather than in the title. Here is the code: Icon icon = new ImageIcon(ApplicationManager...

How do I write superscript word for checkbox text in java?

I made few checkboxes using swing in Java. I want to write a superscript text for the checkboxes but I'm not sure how. The code currently looks like this. JCheckBox hCheckBox = new JCheckBox("[M + H]+"); I want to have "+" sign inside the JCheckBox parameter superscripted. What's an easy way to do this? Thank you in advance. ...