
Remoting SWT GUI

I'm trying to remote an SWT GUI (Eclipse RCP) from a Linux or Windows box onto a Windows Mobile handheld device. So far I've tried: RDP: Windows Terminal Services. xrdp server on the Linux box. This works, but we have issues with the clipboard and pasting punctuation (i.e. on the PDA, which has a barcode scanner that copies the barcode...

Align an image in a SWT TableViewer

Hey Folks, I just found out, that its somehow impossible to align an image in a swt tableviewer. Creating a TableColumn with SWT.RIGHT (for instance) has no effect on that column if its labelprovider returns an image for it. Question: Is there any other way to align an image instead of modifiying the image file itself and put some extra...

Vertical ruler in RCP applications

Eclipse text editors has this nice vertical rulers at both sides where bookmarks and annotations are shown with little dots, so that you navigate real quick to the line. I've got to do something similar, but not with the text editor, - with some large list or a table. How would you go about it? Is there anything in eclipse RCP I can re-u...

image not loading

trying to run the code // Create a label with an image Image image = new Image(display, "interspatial.gif"); Label imageLabel = new Label(shell, SWT.NONE); imageLabel.setImage(image); is giving me the error message Exception in thread "main" org.eclipse.swt.SWTException: i/o error (java.io.FileNotFoundException: interspatial...

SWT: Unable to resize buttons on a Mac

I am developing a Java application using SWT that contains some buttons with images. On my Windows machine, the button will automatically be large enough to show the entire image in the button. I tried this on a Mac however the button will not become tall enough to fit the entire image. I tried using the setsize() function on the bu...

Develop desktop applications view with HTML, as a web application

Hello I am used to develop web applications in Java (Struts, Spring, JSP...). But now I want to develop a desktop one. I never liked to design windows in Java (AWT, Swing, SWT): too much work for an ugly interface. So I think it could be a good idea if could take advantage of my web-app skills. One option is to modify the SWT Browser an...

Change just the font size in SWT

I need to use a larger font for one of the labels. label.setFont( new Font(display,"Arial", 14, SWT.BOLD ) ); but obviously Arial is not always the default font. I want to change just the size and keep everything else at default values. Can I do something like label.setFontSize( 14 ); to avoid setting the other parameters? Or can ...

How to remove "Input method" submenu selection from StyledText context menu?

I'm using StyledText widget in my SWT app. SWT by default appends "Input method" submenu to the end of existing context menu. Is there any way to remove it? ...

Detecting MouseMove events from a Browser control in SWT

I have a dialog with a SWT Browser in it. I want to be able to track the mouse coordinates as the mouse moves over the browser control, but it doesn't seem to work like other controls. Adding a mouse listener to the browser control has no effect and using Display.addFilter() detects mouse movements everywhere but over the browser contr...

SWT Table with SWT.VIRTUAL raises StackOverflowError

After recently installing Windows 7 Professional, I'm getting a strange problem removing a TableItem from a populated Table in SWT. It is specific to Windows 7 and to the SWT.VIRTUAL style constant for the table. Consider the following code: table = new Table(parent, SWT.VIRTUAL | Skin.SCROLL_STYLE | SWT.FULL_...

What is the state of SWT to WPF port?

A while ago I read about a WPF port of Eclipse and SWT. I can't find any recent information about it. What is the current status of the WPF port? Will it be available before E4? Any other details about the implementation also welcome. ...

Strange Clipping Issue in OpenGL

Hey all, I am very very new to OpenGL, so please bear with me. :) I'm working through NeHe's OpenGL tutorials, and I have developed my own version of Lesson 5, in which you rotate a 3D shape around the origin. I'm not sure what I did wrong, I copied the code nearly line-for-line, but I'm seeing strange overlaps in my surfaces. Does anyo...

How to add a Processing PApplet in SWT

I have a problem when trying to add a PApplet into SWT, it turns up an empty window when it should just render the PApplet. I.e. the PApplet works by itself, but not in a SWT window. I thought that just adding the PApplet into the frame should initially do the trick, using the SWT tutorial code in Eclipse. Apparently it wasn't so easy....

[SWT, Java] Date time picker control

I look for date time picker control which look like this: All controls which I found don't use system layout. It would be great if this control use system style and layout. ...

SWT and Java WebStart on Mac OS X 10.5

I am using the most stable SWT Cocoa downloads for Mac OS X and and launching my app via Java WebStart. All jnilib files are within my app jar on its root. The app downloads, verifies, but I cannot get any buttons to respond. I can enter data into all my UI components. My VM arguements are "-d32" and "-XstartOnFirstThread". The app work...

Threaded drawing onto a canvas in Java SWT

I've been working quite a bit on something I can only describe as a "threaded canvas" for some time now. In a moment I'll describe what I have, but since I'm really open to new ideas, existing solutions or a completely fresh start, I'll formulate the problem. The canvas is intended to display genetic information (although the specific p...

Can HTML-Style Links be added to SWT StyledText?

I know SWT has a Link class to create HTML a href style links as widgets, but I wast trying to find a way to make certain text in a StyledText control appear and function as a link. I feel like Eclipse does this in their code editor if you hold down control and hover over a method name, but I know the Eclipse java editor is much more ...

How to disable SWT event listening if the action is not triggered by user

I notice that the ModifyListener will be triggered regardless the action is caused by user or system itself, for instance, Text t = new Text(shell, SWT.BORDER); t.addModifyListener(new TModifyListener()); ............................................... private class TModifyListener implements ModifyListener { @Override public void...

Call crystal reports through java

Hi, I have one crystal report and i want to create one front end application using java to show the reports to user. Can any one give me the code how can i invoke crystal reports through a java application? ...

[Java] Eclipse documentation

I write application in Java(SWT) and I want to add documentation like in Eclipse application. How to do it? Is it exist tools for this? Documentation window in Eclipse: ...