
Eclipse: Synchronizing project on Thumbdrive with PC

I have a thumb drive (memory stick, flash drive, etc.) on which I use for my projects when I am away from my home PC. Currently I am accessing my Eclipse project directly from my thumb drive when connected to my PC. I would like to copy my files to the PC, develop on the PC, then "synchronize" with the thumb drive (update files on th...

Does a thread waiting on Windows Events need to get scheduled on CPU to wake up from sleeping?

It is best to describe my question in an example: We create a Windows Event handle by CreateEvent, with manualReset as FALSE. We create 4 threads. Ensure that they all start running and waiting on the above event by WaitForSingleObject. In the main thread, in a for loop, we signal this event 4 times, by SetEvent. such as: for (int i =...