
apache, httpd.conf and symfony - can't see styles or images

Well, seems that so far the tutorial is working as it suppose to. However, I can't get it to use styles and images. I am using win7 + wamp + symfony sandbox 1.4 The project i the Jobeet tutorial. the path for the www folder is: "d:\dev\wamp\www" My project folder is located directly under the www path and named: 'banana'. I changed ...

In symfony 1.4, how can I fetch data from a text file in the 'new template' page?

Hi everyone, I want to read a text file in the 'new template' of a module, so I can retrieve a number in that file, and give it as a field at the moment of saving that register. As an example, in the form I have this fields: name: description: number: The number field is in the text file, and I want to retrieve it before I press the...

Symonfy 1.4 dynamic validation possible?

Hi all, I'm trying to create a form that change the validation of a field based on the select option from the html form field. Ex: if user select a option 1 from drop down field "options", I want the field "metric" to validate as sfValidatorInteger. If user select option 2 from field "options", I want the field "metric" to validate as...

How do I call use_javascript after include_javascripts has been called?

In my layout, I'm calling include_javascripts() in my <head></head> section. Later on in my layout, I'm calling a component which makes use of use_javascript(), but, unfortunately, the javascript has been output, so this request falls on deaf ears. I can think of a few approaches: Put the call to `include_javascripts()` at the bottom....

How do I embed sfDoctrineGuardPlugin register/signup form into my homepage module template?

So far I have copied sfGuardRegister into my frontend app modules directory so it has taken over the default sfGuardRegister located in the sfDoctrineGuardPlugin directory in the symfony plugins directory. I want to have the plugins sfGuardRegister signup/register form show up on my homepage template.. Thanks in advance ...

symfony 1.4: recreating the database from new schema

I'm trying to recreate the database from a new schema, but I keep getting the same error Invalid default value for ... I've changed the schema.yml so many times even removed the value that is causing this error, but it still shows. I'm still getting the same error no matter what I do. I use php symfony doctrine:build --all --and-load bu...

Issue with Lucene

Hello I have Lucene in my project according to the jobeet way. And this is my problem: We have lucene in two modules: -In a backend module called admins -In a frontend module called valoracion We can search in the backend module but not in the frontend. In both modules we can create new values but only they appear in the search of t...

How to resolve url from query into route

I'm trying to find a way get the symfony 1.4 to render the page: /detail/id/1 when url called is: /?url=/detail/id/1 Any ideas? Been googling around but so far haven't found the solution for it. Any ideas? I know it could be done with rewrites but i hoped i can do it through routing.yml somehow. ...

Symfony/sfDoctrineGuard Conditional Permissions

Hey All, I'm contemplating the best way to implement the conditional permissions i.e. Users and Teams are m-to-m. But each Team also has a 1-to-m "Leader" relationship with the User table as well. For simplicity sake, let's say we have two permission levels, "User" and "Admin". Then lets say, only certain Team administration task i.e. ...

require_once of certain file works on local windows, not on dev linux machine

Hi, I'm trying to integrate Goutte into my existing symfony 1.4 project and am running into a problem. I have everything working on my local wamp server, here are the two lines in question: require_once('path_to_goutte.phar'); $client = new Goutte\Client(); Now to debug I've put a print statement befor...

RewriteRules for Symfony 1.4 running IIS6 with IIRF

I need some help translating the following mod_rewrite rules from a .htaccess file to IIRF ( format: RewriteEngine On # uncomment the following line, if you are having trouble # getting no_script_name to work RewriteBase / # we skip all files with .something RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} \..+$ RewriteCond ...

Is there a way of using PHP-ActiveRecord as symfony's ORM/abstraction layer?

I just discovered PHP-ActiveRecord not too long ago after struggling for nearly a month to write my own ORM (I'm hard headed like that) and I fell in love with it. I had looked at Doctrine and Propel before but decided to run away due to the sheer complexity and learning curve. With AR, I don't have the anxiety and learning difficulty I ...

How do I set a MysQL variable (time_zone) from within doctrine / symfony?

I would like to know how I can set the MySQL time zone to UTC (SET time_zone = 'UTC') from within Symfony/Doctrine, so when I call a UNIX_TIMESTAMP() function on a DATETIME field in my query, it returns the UTC unix time and not unix time in the server's time zone. How can I do this, either automatically upon every connection, or manua...

Symfony 1.4: Problems displaying a field depending on the credentials user in the admin generator

Hi everyone, I'm working with symphony 1.4 with the Doctrine ORM. I want to display in the edit and list action some fields of a form depending on the credentials of the user. An example, if the user has admin credentials, the filed secret_notes will appear and it could be modified. Otherwise it doesn't appear and it couldn't be modifie...

Symfony merge two forms that have a field with the same name

Hi I have two forms, a Specification form and a Source form. I'm merging the two forms into one so that users can submit a specification and the source of the specification at the same time. The problem is that the specification table has a field called name and the source table has a field called name. So, when creating the forms and...

Symfony 1.4 routing issue

I have symfony 1.4 application. On windows AMP all is right. But on Linux Apache2 i have an isseu: For example, i have deployed application on myhost. http://myhost/ - works right, but http://myhost/module - doesn't work. But in i use frontend_dev.php - all is right. http://myhost/frontend_dev.php/module/ - works. Cache is clean. An...

Using Varnish in a Symfony Application?

My goal is to use Varnish to cache my static assets with my Symfony 1.4 site ( I can write a VCL file that strips out cookies on all static files while leaving the user authentication cookie on the php file -- but the user authentication is failing. I cannot log into my application. I am looking for an answer t...

Doctrine (symfony) YAML schema/fixture constraint trouble

Morning, I'm having some trouble creating tables/loading fixtures. (symfony 1.4.6 with the bundled Doctrine 1.2.3(?)) Tables (simplified): Horseman: tableName: Horseman actAs: { Timestampable: ~ } columns: id: { type: integer(4), primary: true, autoincrement: true, unsigned: true } name: { type: st...

receive mail with symfony

Is there a way to read mails from pop3 recipit? I'm alredy using swift mailer to send, but nothing about receive. ...

Doctrine many-to-many relations with extra field

Hi! I want to join 3 table, Szamla, Termek and Vasarlo. This is my schema: options: collate: utf8_unicode_ci charset: utf8 Szamla: actAs: [Timestampable] columns: datum: type: timestamp notnull: true total: type: float notnull: true fizetesi_datum: type: date fizetesi_ora: ...