
OR in if condition raises "unexpected T_VARIABLE" error

I'm stuck. I just want a simple OR inside an if condition and php always raises an error: My Code: if( ($value > 0.01 || $seconds < 100) ): Error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE ...

In Chrome Extension get error Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input

I wish I could give you more information about this problem, but that is really the problem: What does Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input mean? I am getting it when I load the background.html file which contains all the JavaScript for my extension. What causes these types or errors? How do I go about debugging them? No line ...

Error: Expected primary-expression before '=='

Hello.. I'm trying to work through a book on C and I am stuck on the following error: while((c = getchar()) != EOF){ if(c >= '0' && c <= '9'){ ++ndigit[c-'0']; } else if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || == c =='\t'){ ++nwhite; } else{ ...

Invalid syntax error in simple Python-3 program

from TurtleWorld import * import math bob = Turtle() print(bob) draw_circle(turtle, r): d = r*2 c = d*math.pi degrees = 360/25 length = c // 25 for i in range(25): fd(turtle, length) rt(turtle, degrees) draw_circle(bob, 25) wait_for_user() The problem in on line 7: draw_circle(turtle, r): ...

JavaScript Syntax Error

I am getting a syntax error on line 13... line 13: "c001": {type:"tool", id: "webconference", name:"Web Conference Tool"}, // web conference Can you help me fix this? :) Thanks. //assuming jquery exists /* notes: a lot of the functions need to either return jQuery or jQuery.ib, and if jQuery.ib then I need a .stop() function th...

syntax error on batch File to create a timestamp directory

Hi, I tried the script below to create a timestamp directory in one of my drives, for some reason is giving me a syntax error on the last string where it create the directory. See below. :: Code begins.... pause W: pause cd W:\VL2000_AMF\AMF_Archive pause for /F "tokens=1-4 delims=. " %%i in ('date /t') do ( set Day=%%i set Month=%%j se...

PHP Syntax Help - Unexpected T_STRING

I am making an image morphing function, however I am encountering problems. I have an unexpected T_STRING at the commented line, which I'm sure is an embarrassingly simple error... What's wrong? How can I avoid this in the future? Thanks. function morph($img) { $tempImg = $img; $size = getimagesize($tempImg); $width = $size[0...

mysql updating cell content issue

I am trying to update a value in my database but am recieving the following error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''users' ('new_user') VALUES ('1') WHERE 'id'= 5' at line 1 I am trying to UPDATE the table 'users' in the column 'new_...

Python invalid syntax

lastPosition = GPS.getActualPosition() I m trying to compile a code which is about sending sms through telit module. above statement is giving an error. I couldn't understand, GPS library is in the place where it's supposed to be and I imported it. import SER import MOD import MDM import GPS syntaxError: invalid syntax http://foru...

Chrome: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected end of input

I have this project that i been working on its still in development. but i just uploaded it to a free host just as a test run before i get a paid host. Here is the link Here is the problem when using Google chrome i get a syntax error : Unexpected end of input. i have no idea what is causing this any help woul...

SyntaxError while placing Javascript in PDF

I am trying to apply some javascript to a pdf to make it print silently. I found this chunk of code and pasted it in, but get the error below. SyntaxError: missing ; before statement 1: at line 2 This highlights the first 2 lines of the code below: Document document = new Document(); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("...

Why doesn't {$ifopt FINITEFLOAT ON} compile?

I have the construct: {$ifopt FINITEFLOAT ON} {$message 'FINITEFLOAT option ON' } {$else } {$message 'FINITEFLOAT option OFF' } {$endif } in my source and it won't compile! It's got to be something stupid. The error is: E1030 Invalid compiler directive: '$IFOPT' at the first line, but it is the FINITEFLOAT it's complaining abo...

C2061 Syntax Error (identifier)

1>cb.c(51): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'SaveConfiguration' 1>cb.c(51): error C2059: syntax error : ';' 1>cb.c(51): error C2059: syntax error : 'type' 1>cb.c(52): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LoadConfiguration' 1>cb.c(52): error C2059: syntax error : ';' 1>cb.c(52): error C2059: syntax error : 'type' 1>cb.c(122): er...

SQL Error: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'End'

Hi Need help with this SQL Server 2000 procedure. The problem is made difficult because I'm testing procedure via Oracle SQL Developer. I'm running the procedure to iterate column with new sequence of numbers in Varchar format for those who have null values. But I keep getting error, so a) I may have done a wrong approach b) syntax i...

error in your SQL syntax - Getting this error and cannot pinpoint where the error is

I am building a search function on my website and I am having some trouble locating an error in the SQL. There are four SQL statements used to return the counts of the same search using the AND and the OR keywords. The second set of SQL statements return the actual results of the AND and the OR searches limited according to the page numb...

unexpected T_FUNCTION error when using "function (array $matches)"

Hi I'm using the following code but I'm getting an "unexpected T_FUNCTION" syntax error for the second line. Any suggestions? preg_replace_callback("/\\[LINK\=(.*?)\\\](.*?)\\[\/LINK\\]/is", function (array $matches) { if (filter_var($matches[1], FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) return '<a href="'. htmlspecialchars($matches...

Getting t_string error after ::

Ok, sorry for this upcoming rookie question.. I was looking for a good user management plugin for cake, and i was recommended Authsome (if someone knows anything better>> plz recommend). Anyway, i'm trying to set it up using the git's readme (very simple) but im running into a problem: t_string error. Code: Parse error: syntax error, ...

syntax error, unexpected T_RETURN, expecting T_FUNCTION oop php

Hi, Im receiving an error as stated above. Its referring to my return statement. Any one got any clues on this?! Thankful for all help! Regards! public function getPosts() { $result = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM posts"); $posts = array(); while($posts = $result->fetch_assoc()) { array_push($p...

Can't find JavaScript Syntax Error

Hi there, I'm just about to freak out. I currently have to work on a website that some other guy did and I am asked to maintain etc. It uses jQuery and a bunch of drupal modules. At some point i get some syntax error, so that some js works, and some does not. My big big problem is to find the syntax error. Neither Firebug, nor WebInspec...

What are the implications of not closing a directory handle in Perl?

I recently inherited some code that someone else had written. I discovered that everywhere in the code that a directory was opened for reading, it was never closed because the original developer had a syntax problem - he was using the close function to try to close a directory handle instead of the closedir function. The code was som...