
Locking a table with a select in Entity Framework

I need to be able to do select * from myTable with (xlock,holdlock) from Entity Framework. Is this possible? I've opened a TransactionScope with the Serializable isolation level but my selects are not locking the tables. I'd like them to lock until I complete the transaction scope. ...

How can I get SQL Server transactions to use record-level locks?

We have an application that was originally written as a desktop app, lo these many years ago. It starts a transaction whenever you open an edit screen, and commits if you click OK, or rolls back if you click Cancel. This worked okay for a desktop app, but now we're trying to move to ADO.NET and SQL Server, and the long-running transactio...

Rails running multiple delayed_job - lock tables

Hey. I use delayed_job for background processing. I have 8 CPU server, MySQL and I start 7 delayed_job processes RAILS_ENV=production script/delayed_job -n 7 start Q1: I'm wondering is it possible that 2 or more delayed_job processes start processing the same process (the same record-row in the database delayed_jobs). I checked the c...

Do MySQL Locked Tables affect related Views?

So after reading in regards to performance issues I was thinking about I did some research on locking tables in MySQL. On Table locking enables many sessions to read...

Possible to select...for update, do e-commerce transaction, and then call a MySQL stored procedure in PHP?

Hello, I am currently building a PHP e-commerce website for my client. Its been going smoothly but I've hit a roadblock and was wondering if any MySQL/PHP experts can help me. Basically, the e-commerce site sells a product only once (meaning they only have one quantity in stock for each item), which means that once a customer checks out...

Sql Server - Merging large tables without locking the data

I have a very large set of data (~3 million records) which needs to be merged with updates and new records on a daily schedule. I have a sproc that actually breaks up the recordset into 1000 record chunks and uses the MERGE command with temp tables in an attempt to avoid locking the live table while the data is updating. The problem is...

Why is table-level locking better than row-level locking for large tables?

According to the MySQL manual: For large tables, table locking is often better than row locking, Why is this? I would presume that row-level locking is better because when you lock on a larger table, you're locking more data. ...