
Problem setting Android tab background color

Hello, I'm adding tab icon via selector like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""&gt; <item android:drawable="@drawable/tab_cart_selected" android:state_selected="true" /> <item android:drawable="@drawable/tab_cart" /> </selector> http://img844.images...

How to display buttons above tab widget on Android?

I'm trying to add buttons above a tab-widget but they are always displayed under the tab-widget's tabs. The buttons are displayed on front layer so that they appear on each tab. Does anybody have an idea is it possible at all to display any widgets above the tab-widget? Here's an example layout to give some idea on the placement of th...

TabWidget buttons

Is it possible to display tab buttons at bottom, rather than top? I need to port an application, which was originally designed on iPhone, where the default "tab" buttons are at the bottom. ...

How to change the SDK buildin tab style into better looking1

Hi, I have been banging my head against the wall for few days for this and If some one can help me I really really do appreciate it. What I want to know is how I can change the tab visual appearance style of sdk original style into something like android 2.1 contact/phone tabs or android market tabs. I attached images underneath. I have ...

Few questions about android TabHost

Hi, I'm new in android and I have few questions to ask. Is it possible to use the keypad (Left and Right) to move from one TabHost to another? I successfully changed the selector color in listview, then how can I change the text color in ListView as well? Is it possible change the TabHost layout by own graphics? I have created a TabHo...

Android Tabhost Problem - .setIndicator

Hello, First let me clarify that i have already referred the SO question related to "Android - TAbhost". I have done googling about "Android Tabhost" but failed to find the solution. My problem is: If are having <3 tabs then it is fine. but Supporse if we are having 4 tabs with indicator title as TabHost1, TabHost2, TabHost3, TabHos...

Existing patches for android tabwidget to allow tabs on left-hand side?

My employer is having me work on an android application with very specific UI requirements. Specifically, we need an interface that looks exactly like a TabWidget interface. However, having the tabs on the left hand side is an absolute must. We aren't going to be deploying this application to any android phones, its for an in house devic...

Get rid of the line under TabWidget

I've got simple tab activity with next layout: <TabWidget android:id="@android:id/tabs" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:background="#ffffff00" /> <FrameLayout android:id="@android:id/tabcontent" android:layout_width="fill_pa...

Different sized tabs in Android

I have an application with 4 tabs. By default every tab width is 1/4 of the screen width. How can I override this? I need the tabs to have a different width for each one. Any ideas on how to accomplish that? ...

Dynamically updating TabWidget icons?

Is it possible to update the TabWidget icons/indicators? If so, how, when you are creating TabContent through intents? Edits below with answer thanks to @Bart Generic code: MainActivity: public class TestActivity extends TabActivity { public int i; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(sa...

Android: Highlighted tab of TabWidget not readable on HTC Sense

In my Android app I use a TabWidget without any special customization. I'd like Android to take care of the specific appearance, which works fine if you compare Android 1.6 with 2.1 for example. By just using a TabWidget the same code leads to different forms of tabs because the SDK defines how to draw it. Here is how it looks on 2.1 for...

Android: When adding a drawable tabselector I am getting an unwanted apx. 5px padding on my tabs

Okay so with my code below for adding custom look to my tabs (works great), yet I am getting a border (padding or some sort of crop I assume) around my drawable image. How and where do I remedy this? Activity: TabHost mTabHost = getTabHost(); Drawable mySelector = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.tabselector); mTabHost.addTab(...

dividers between TabWidgets

Hi, Is the android:divider attribute under the TabWidget working? I tried the Tab Layout tutorial from android just to test ( and set the android:divider to some image (for now I used the android vertical scrollbar as the drawable to really emphasize if its get...

deleting/closing current tab

Hi, Is there any simple way to close the current tab or single tab in androids? I don't want to do clearing all tabs and adding the required tabs? Please suggest me. Thanks in advance. With regards Kavya ...

What's the state of a pressed Tab in Android

Hi all, I'm trying to get my tabicon to change when a tab is pressed (i.e. when it changes color when you press the tab, but haven't released yet). I've created a selector as follows: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <selector xmlns:android=""&gt; <!-- Non focused states --> <it...

Android Tab height wastes real estate! There must be a way to minimize it!

I am not using an image icon, only a (fixed size) text indicator. How do I set the tab height to its most efficient size?[wrap_content has no effect.] ...

How to remove the selected tab in Android?

What should I do to remove only the selected tab in android? Is there anything like remove tab or anything that helps me to remove a tab in the TabWidget class or in another class of the Android API? ...

Tab Widget and Listview combo

Howdy, I am trying to combine the TabWidget and ListView Tutorials. Also I added a couple of buttons with no functions right now. Each tab is supposed to be a ListView (for right now). I run the app and it launches as just a ListView and no tabs. Here is the main.xml used in <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <L...

Adding spinner via java code rather than XML in Tabwidget

Hello everyone, I'm new to android. Recently I learn how to create Tabwidget. This function is useful. But I find that I cannot add the widgets I want in R.layout.xxxx. So I try to do it by java code. But unfortunately it failed. By using XML, I do the following. The program works without problem. public class ShowBalanceActivity exte...

How to properly change Tab Background in Android

Hi Guys, I am a newbie to Android Development, and facing this particular problem while changing TabBackground Image. As you can see in the attached Image, there is a thin gray line. And I am unable to figure out where is it coming from. Can you please assist me in removing it. I have checked there is no padding anywhere, and android...