
How do you recommend implementing tags or tagging

I've heard of a few ways to implement tagging; using a mapping table between TagID and ItemID (makes sense to me, but does it scale?), adding a fixed number of possible TagID columns to ItemID (seems like a bad idea), Keeping tags in a text column that's comma separated (sounds crazy but could work). I've even heard someone recommend a s...

SQL many-to-many matching

I'm implementing a tagging system for a website. There are multiple tags per object and multiple objects per tag. This is accomplished by maintaining a table with two values per record, one for the ids of the object and the tag. I'm looking to write a query to find the objects that match a given set of tags. Suppose I had the following ...

Database Design for Tagging

How would you design a database to support the following tagging features: items can have a large number of tags searches for all items that are tagged with a given set of tags must be quick (the items must have ALL tags, so it's an AND-search, not an OR-search) creating/writing items may be slower to enable quick lookup/reading Idea...

Union and Intersect in Django

class Tag(models.Model): name = models.CharField(maxlength=100) class Blog(models.Model): name = models.CharField(maxlength=100) tags = models.ManyToManyField(Tag) Simple models just to ask my question. I wonder how can i query blogs using tags in two different ways. Blog entries that are tagged with "tag1" or "tag2": Blog.o...

Tag hierarchies and handling of

This is a real issue that applies on tagging items in general (and yes, this applies to StackOverflow too, and no, it is not a question about StackOverflow). The whole tagging issue helps cluster similar items, whatever items they may be (jokes, blog posts, so questions etc). However, there (usually but not strictly) is a hierarchy of t...

MySQL Limit with Many to Many Relationship

Given a SCHEMA for implementing tags ITEM ItemId, ItemContent TAG TagId, TagName ITEM_TAG ItemId, TagId What is the best way to limit the number of ITEMS to return when selecting with tags? SELECT i.ItemContent, t.TagName FROM item i INNER JOIN ItemTag it ON i.id = it.ItemId INNER JOIN tag t ON t.id = it.TagId is of course the e...

Is there an agreed ideal schema for tagging

I have a photo website and i want to support tags as my original category bucketing is starting to fail (some pictures are family and vacations, or school and friends). Is there an agreed tagging db schema? I still want to support having photos as part of an album. Right now i have a few tables: Photos PhotoID PhotoAlbumID Captio...

In a Web 2.0 site, how long (in sec) should a newly added tag take to show and be indexed for search?

I'm building a web 2.0 site with tagging functionality and wanted to get a sense from anyone with experience how long (in sec) the system can take to a) show a new tag on a given record and b) index the tag for search. For example, does a newly added tag have to be available for search in 1 second but show on the user's screen in .1 sec...

How to build "Tagging" support using CouchDB?

I'm using the following view function to iterate over all items in the database (in order to find a tag), but I think the performance is very poor if the dataset is large. Any other approach? def by_tag(tag): return ''' function(doc) { if (doc.tags.length > 0) { for (var tag in doc.tags) { ...

How would you identify a user's most active sections?

On a website, everything is tagged with keywords assigned by the staff (it's not a community driven site, due to its nature). I am able to determine which tags a user is most active in (or, what tags they view the most). However, I'm not entirely sure how to choose the list. A few options present themselves, but they don't seem right to ...

Are there any papers or research results concerning the way people use tags and keywords?

I'm working on a tagging system at work, but one thing that I would be interested in is determining what has already been learned about the way people use such systems so that, when using libraries and tools and creating code, I can accommodate the way people do things (or so I hope). After asking this question, I continued to go throug...

What kinds of things can be done to improve the tagging functionality on a website?

I have rough ideas - like dealing with singular/plural, two or more words/phrases that mean the same thing, misspellings, etc. But I'm not sure of any patterns or rules of thumb for dealing with these, either programatically and automatically or by presenting them to administrators or even users to clean up. Any thoughts or suggestions?...

How to match Tagged items based on "similarity"

I have a real question. I have a database with the schema as follows: item id description other junk tag id name item2tag item_id tag_id count Basically, each item is tagged as up to 10 things, with varying counts. There are 50,000 items and 50,000 tags, and about 500,000 entries in items2tag. I'd like to find, given one...

What is the most efficient way to store tags in a database?

I am implementing a tagging system on my website similar to one stackoverflow uses, my question is - what is the most effective way to store tags so that they may be searched and filtered? My idea is this: Table: Items Columns: Item_ID, Title, Content Table: Tags Columns: Title, Item_ID Is this too slow? Is there a better way? ...

What is your method of "folksonomy" tagging for files on your local machine?

Way back in the days when "delicious" was just "del.icio.us", I had assumed that everyone had finally caught on that Ontology is overrated. So why am I still having to roll my own tagging system using sqlite and a bunch of ruby scripts in order to address this obvious deficiency on my own local machine? I can tag on-line web links, blo...

What are good APIs or search method for tagging objects into categories and searching them?

i want to tag many user created content and have multiple types of categories (project tags, desc tag, style/inspiration tag etc). I seen horrible search engines where the more words you use the worse your result is and i dont want that with tagging. What are good APIs or search method for tagging objects into categories and searching t...

Regex for parsing tags from a string.. Flickr style

I wonder if anyone can provide me with the regular expressions needed to parse a string like: 'foo bar "multiple word tag"' into an array of tags like: ["foo","bar","multiple word tag"] Thanks ...

CVS/SVN best practices for branching and tagging

hi i'm going to be responsible for deciding how tagging branching is going to happen in our CVS/SVN repo. Is there any literature that will help me understand the best way to work with CVS? either branching/tagging, etc? thanks ...

validating user input tags

I know this question might sound a little cheesy but this is the first time I am implementing a "tagging" feature to one of my project sites and I want to make sure I do everything right. Right now, I am using the very same tagging system as in SO.. space seperated, dash(-) combined multiple words. so when I am validating a user-input t...

nested insert in mysql for tagging

hi all, i'd like to add a tag to a blogpost with a single sql statement. say my tables would look as follows: tags +-------+-----------+ | tagid | tag | +-------+-----------+ | 1 | news | | 2 | top-story | +-------+-----------+ tag2post +----+--------+-------+ | id | postid | tagid | +----+--------+-------+ ...