
How do you loop through past items in a search in a Zotonic template?

I would like to able to loop through past events in a template: {% for page in m.search[{past cat='event'}] %} {% if forloop.first %}<ul>{% endif %} <h2>{{ m.rsc[page].date_start|date:"M j, Y" }} {{ m.rsc[page].title }}</h2> <p>{{ m.rsc[page].body|show_media }}</p> <p><a href="{{ m.rsc[page].website }}">Regis...

c++ templates without "typename" or "class"

hello! i'm used to write templates like this: template<typename T> void someFunction(SomeClass<T> argument); however - now I encountered templates in another thread written like this: template<U> void someFunction(SomeClass<U> argument); as far as i know one can use "typename" and "class" interchangably (except for some details re...

"Expected ; before..." with template function to print std::vector<Whatever>

Hi all, I'm trying to make a pretty-printer for std::vector's of whatever ... doubles, my own custom classes... anything that has a friend std::ostream& operator<<. However, when trying to compile the following function: template <typename T> std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, std::vector<T> const& list) { std::vector<T>::co...

Syntax for calling templated method

Hi, I'm wondering what's the proper syntax for calling template method given as: struct print_ch { print_ch(char const& ch) : m_ch(ch) { } ~print_ch() { } template<typename T> void operator()() { std::cout << static_cast<T>(m_ch) << std::endl; } private: char m_ch; }; I came up with sth like this: ...

Why should the member function declarations of a class template be all well-formed?

OK, suppose I want to check whether the template parameter has a nested type/typedef XYZ. template <class T> struct hasXZY { typedef char no; typedef struct { char x[2]; } yes; template <class U> static yes f(typename U::XYZ*); template <class /*U*/> static no f(...); enum {value = sizeof(f<T>(0))=...

Cleanly duplicate an instance of a baseclass or subclass in C++?

In the trivial example inheritance hierarchy: class Food { virtual ~Food(); }; class Fruit : public Food { virtual ~Fruit(); }; class Apple: public Fruit { virtual ~Apple(); } class Vegetable: public Food { virtual ~Vegetable(); } I wish to create a method that can clone an object from its subclass or baseclass inst...

C++ template specialization

Hello! Does someone know a way to achieve or emulate the following behaviour? (this code results in compilation-time error). E.g, I want to add specific template specialization only in derived classes. struct Base { template <typename T> void Method(T a) { T b; } template <> void Method<int>(int a) { float c; }...

c++ metaprogramming madness

consider the following templated datastructures enum eContent{ EINT = 1, EFLOAT = 2, EBOOL = 4 }; template<int> struct Container{ Container(){assert(false);} //woops, don't do that! }; template<> struct Container<EINT>{ Container():i(123){} int i; }; template<> struct Container<EFLOAT>{ Container():f(123.4...

Would templates (or other technology) support the following construct?

This is kind of a follow-up from my other question. When I first heard about generics, it was before the release of Delphi 2009 (Where they introduced it first). I know it was supported in .Net before that, but I have yet to dig in that realm. Reading about generics, I learned that it allowed class to have a variable argument to it, an...

Non-member static templated method definitions in C++?

Can I call a non-member static templated function from a static member function where the definition is split into header and cpp: // zero.cpp class Zero { static void zero() { one(5); } }; // one.h template <typename T> static void one(T& var); // one.cpp template <typename T> void one(T& var) { } // main.cpp ... Zero::zero...

overloading ostream for any function that returns a vector

Hi assume that I have class A : using namespace std; template <class T> class A{ private: vector<T> my_V; public: // assume initializations etc are done inline vector<T> get_v() { return my_v; } }; and some where else I have overloaded ostream of std::vector template <class T> ostream & operator<<(ostream& out, vector<T> &vec...

Templated classes in a union?

I'm trying to get the maximum size of any possible instance of my template as a compile time constant. The first thing that came to mind was something like this... union TestUnion { template<typename T> class MyClass { public: MyClass() { }; MyClass(T& t) : _t(t) { } private: T _t; }; }; But sizeof(TestUnion) is always equ...

Concept checking of static member variables compile error on gcc

I'm trying to apply the technique described in http://www.drdobbs.com/tools/227500449 With the sample code below, I expect the output: 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 And this is indeed what happens if I compile using clang. But with gcc, this code gives the following errors: junk.cpp: In instantiation of ‘const bool has_fo...

jquery-tmpl - template function not working

Hey! The following code: jQuery(document).ready(function($) { function getBooks() { var query = "ajax.php?do=allbooks"; $.ajax({ dataType: "jsonp", url: query, jsonp: "callback", success: showBooks }); } function showBooks(data)...

How to switch L10N in django

LANGUAGE_CODE = 'ru-RU' USE_I18N = True # If you set this to False, Django will not format dates, numbers and # calendars according to the current locale USE_L10N = False {{ post.date_added|date:"b" }} gives "окт" in templates. If I set USE_I18N = False then it gives oct as it should be. Is this a bug ? How can I solve this problem ?...

MVC2 - How to obtain parent model (container) inside template

I'm writing an MVC2 app using DataAnnotations. I have a following Model: public class FooModel { [ScaffoldColumn("false")] public long FooId { get; set; } [UIHint("BarTemplate")] public DateTime? Bar { get; set;} } I want to create a custom display template for Bar. I have created following template: <%@ Control Lan...

How to implement template logic in PHP.

Having my first attempt with PHP templates and i'm a bit confused separating business with presentation logic. I've choosen Dwoo as my template engine as you will see on the example below but my question is independent of Dwoo. I see that what im doing isn't a good logic, it'll confuse the designer and it doesn't really separates PHP/HT...

accessing protected members of superclass in C++ with templates

Why can't a C++ compiler recognize that g() and b are inherited members of Superclass as seen in this code: template<typename T> struct Superclass { protected: int b; void g() {} }; template<typename T> struct Subclass : public Superclass<T> { void f() { g(); // compiler error: uncategorized b = 3; // compiler error: unr...

Dynamically choose which base template to extend in django

I have content that is going to be the exact same between the mobile and web site. The only thing i want to change is the base template. One base template for the mobile HTML, and one for the website HTML. One solution is to wrap the render_to_response and determine which HTML to render, but I'd still have two files. Is there a way I c...

Microsoft and JQuery: code to combine linking and templating?

With an extreme amount of SO user help, I used ASP.NET MVC 2 Futures to employ JSON to load 600 some products and display them with Microsoft Jquery templates in 400ms with the code below. Is there a way to use Microsoft JQuery Linking to bind the object to the generated form data without looping through every one? (Assuming I preserve...