
Display folder contents on webpage using Python

I wanted to know if there was a way I can get my python script located on a shared web hosting provider to read the contents of a folder on my desktop and list out the contents? Can this be done using tempfiles? ...

AS3: FileReference ...

Let's say a user is starting to upload a file to the server via FileReference. What happens to that temporary file if the user cancels the upload or closes the browser? At what point is the server script called? Is the server script (in my case, ColdFusion) called only once the file has been successfully put on the server? I'm trying to...

How to create temporary files in memory visible for other process, using python

Hello! I'm trying to write simple batch file generator in python. Batch file consist of about 30-50 lines of text and is passed to other applications. During the execution of script there a lot of calls to external applications. I want to create file in memory (like named pipes in win32). Is there any platform-independent way? UPD: Tha...

Qt - How to get the "Temp" dir for an arbitrary user?

For each OS there is a location for storing temporary data. It could be like: C:/Users/[user name]/AppData/Temp (or so). How can I get this path independently from OS with QT? ...

Length of time temporary file kept?

I'm working on a program which will generate some temporary files, wait for the user's input on a few things, then use these temporary files for an operation. I was wondering if I can reliably expect that these temporary files will not go away before I am completely done with them (e.g. will they disappear while the user is working?). ...

How can I delete temporary files that are still open in other programs?

My program writes temporary PDF files (using Path.GetTempFileName) which are then passed to the default PDF handler (typically Adobe Reader) for display. I have a finally block in my Main method to delete the temp files, but if Adobe Reader is still open when my program closes, the files remain open and can't be deleted. One solution wo...

how to create a temporary directory and get the path / file name in python

how to create a temporary directory and get the path / file name in python ...

where can I find a copy of a .aspx.vb file that I lost?

I had a little disaster: I did an "undo checkout" in my .aspx.vb file and lost all my work. How can I recover my code? Can I find it in the Temporary ASP.NET Files? If so, where? Is there any other VS2010 temporary files folder worth checking? A visual sourcesafe temporary folder? ...

How long do uploaded files stay on your server?

When I use a form to upload a file, it gives me the 'name' and 'tmp_name' and you're supposed to move the file from its temporary location in order to keep it. But how long does the file stay on the server before it gets deleted? Is it stored there permanently until you manually clean up your folders, or does it get deleted once the PHP ...

Should Dispose() or Finalize() be used to delete temporary files?

I have a class that makes use of temporary files (Path.GetTempFileName()) while it is active. I want to make sure these files do not remain on the user's hard drive taking up space after my program is closed. Right now my class has a Close() method which checks if any temporary files used by the class still exist and deletes them. Would...

ASP.Net Forms "type exists in both dll1 and dll2" error in Debug mode but not Release mode

In a website project targeted for the .Net Framework 3.5 I occasionally get an error like the following: The type 'ASP._myetc_master' exists in both 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\Temporary ASP.NET Files\site\3a65eca7\73f2d86b\App_Web_myetc.master.cdcab7d2.iefhoqis.dll' and 'c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.303...

Generate unique temporary file paths

Hi, I want to generate unique file paths in Objective-C. I looked at NSTemporaryDirectory() but the closest I could get was to this and this. But in the second one they create such a file. I do not want to create it, I just want an NSString for a unique writable path... I don't need paths to folders, just files. How is this possible? ...

What is the typical file size of an ASP.NET Temporary Files, folder?

Hi folks, I know this is a bit like how long is a piece of string question, but I'm wondering how big some peoples ASP.NET Temporary Files folder, gets. I wish to move this folder to a RAM DISK so I'm trying to see how big this should be set, to. eg. <compilation tempDirectory=“R:\ASP.Net Temporary Folder\” debug=“false“> This is only...

Creating temporary files in Android

What's the best way to create a temporary file in Android? Can [File.createTempFile][1] be used? The documentation is very vague about it. [1]: http://developer.android.com/reference/java/io/File.html#createTempFile(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) ...

Temporary file, single instance lock, and process kill (Java)

I'm currently using a temp folder for my Java application to create a lock so that only one instance can be running at a time. This lock file MUST be deleted when the program exits. This is fine, except for the case when the process is killed (not allowed to shutdown normally, e.g. from Windows Task Manager). If that happens, the user ...

Remove temporary files after doing tests

During doing unit tests in Rails a few temp files are created (associated with model). When test is done I want to remove these files, so I have to find a way to do this no matter the test passes or not. So, what are you suggestions? ...

PHP: A good script to clear temporary file for cron?

I have a temporary folder generated by my business application and wish for the documents within to be only available for around 30 minutes. I was tempted to build an index to keep track of when each file was created but that would be a little silly for just temporary files, they are not of too much importance but I would like them to re...

File.createTempFile create special file or how to force flush data to harddrive?

Hi, I'm using File.createTempFile to create regular files I want to keep, the reason I use this method is because it guarantees a unique file name. However I'm seeing a strange thing with files created by this method: After I flush and closed the output stream on this file, I crash the machine running JVM deliberately, I assumed since t...

JasperReport creation with image fails to create temporary file on Windows Vista, 7 or Server 2008

Hi, We are getting the following error while generating a Jasper report when running our app on some machines with Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 2008: java.lang.RuntimeException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: javax.imageio.IIOException: Can't create output stream! at br.com.oobj.relatorio.RRelatorioJasper.gerarJas...

How long are resources used (file descriptor and memory) for Java temporary files (jar_cache####.tmp)?

I"m running a Java application on a Linux system. I noticed that the application seemed to consume a lot of file handles (I get "Too many open files" after a few days). So when I use the 'lsof' command to dump all the files associated with the Java application, I get something like this: java 2690 root 239u REG 3,2 428057 943...