
How to run a .sh-script in an Unix console/Mac terminal?

I know it, forgets it and relearn it again. Time to write it down. ...

Creating a ctrl+tab keybinding in PuTTY

I'd like to be able to map the vim commands :tabnext and :tabprev to CTRL+TAB and CTRL+SHIFT+TAB respectively. Unfortunately, I seem to be running into the problem where PuTTY eats these character combinations. I've tried searching for information, but to no avail. I'm pretty sure this is a PuTTY thing but there doesn't seem to be any ...

Unable to put data to the first line in terminal without an editor?

Duplicate of prepend to a file one liner shell? . I trying to put my paste to the very first line without opening an editor similarly as but for the reverse direction echo Masi >> file How can you put data to the first line in terminal without opening an editor? For instance, I have a file M M M I want to put Masi to my file suc...

How can you use Javascript in terminal for w3m?

I found the text browser w3m which is the best so far in my opinion. However, it is main problem is Javascript. I cannot see comments at all in Stackoverflow when I use it. I am not sure what is the restriction in letting Javascript to be in terminal. How can you enable at least some of JavaScript for Terminal such that comments are v...

Bus error when running Android 1.5 emulator on Mac OS X 10.5.6

Here is the crash report. I have removed all Input Managers that were added, but it's still happening. Any ideas? Process: emulator [460] Path: /usr/local/dev/android/android-sdk-mac_x86-1.5_pre/tools/emulator Identifier: emulator Version: ??? (???) Code Type: X86 (Native) Parent Process: bash [275...

Can't decode utf-8 string in python on os x terminal.app

I have terminal.app set to accept utf-8 and in bash I can type unicode characters, copy and paste them, but if I start the python shell I can't and if I try to decode unicode I get errors: >>> wtf = u'\xe4\xf6\xfc'.decode() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't e...

Unable to hide a running process in terminal

I yesterday upgraded by MacPorts' apps which took apparently about 4 hours. It was irritating to see the installation process going on in one tab in terminal. Problem: to hide a running process in terminalsuch that it does not take space in my working area I found today that there a new command coproc in Bash 4: coprocess is execut...

Linuxlike Ctrl-C (KeyboardInterrupt) for the Windows cmd line?

I've been forced into using a command line in windows and wondered if there were Linux-like keyboard shortcuts? I googled and didn't find what I was looking for. Things like ^C, ^Z and such? Thanks all! ...

Unable to have no Scattered windows in Screen by .Xresources

Inital Problem: to have no scattered windows when I use vspilt in Vim inside Screen Attemps to solve the problem: Impossible: to increase the Display Refreshing Rate for Mac's terminal code to add something to .Xresources Unix Power Tools -book says that the problem can be solved in .Xresources. However, it does not specify exacl...

Unable to use Screen efficiently in Mac's Terminal

The post summarizes problems in using Screen in Mac's terminal when you have the following in your .zshrc if [[ $STY = '' ]] then screen -xR; fi Solution #1 is not working but Solution #2 works: Clipboard programs: pbcopy, pbpaste and xsel do not work at all Bug in Vim when used in Mac: Unable to have no scattered windows in Screen ...

Unable to turn off automatic margins by termcap in Mac

I need to turn automatic margins off according the following statement from Screen's manual in my Mac If your terminal is a "true" auto-margin terminal (it doesn't allow the last position on the screen to be updated without scrolling the screen) consider using a version of your terminal's termcap that has ...

How to render with yafaray on mac osx

I've installed wings 3d on mac osx and I'm loving it. The problem is I can't do any fancy renderings. I've downloaded and installed YafaRay- and I can't seem to get it to work. The wings3d manual states that on mac os you export the xml file from wings 3d, but you make the rendering from Terminal, calling yafaray w...

Python interpreter with Linux Screen

I was working with Python with a Linux terminal screen. When I typed: help(somefunction) It printed the appropriate output, but then my screen was stuck, and at the bottom of the terminal was "(end)". How do I get unstuck? Thanks in advance. ...

Gnome-Terminal, how to start in a different directory?

Hi, Whenever I start my console gnome-terminal in Ubuntu, it starts in the home directory. How can I make it start in a different directory say ~/myfolder? I tried to write cd ~/myfolder in ~/.profile but nothing happens. ...

How do I start a command from terminal so that terminal is not the parent?

Let's take example of a command "example-command". I open terminal I write example-command in terminal, and example-command executes. Now if I close terminal, example-command gets killed too. I now try with "example-command &", but the same behaviour. How do I execute a command so that when I close the terminal, the command doesn't g...

PhpDocumentor installed via PEAR on OSX not working - missing files?

Hi there. I'm basically new to PEAR (and PhpDocumentor); I installed PhpDocumentor using the PEAR CLI, and everything seemed to go fine... until I went to use it, at which point I got the following error: Warning: require(PhpDocumentor/phpDocumentor/phpdoc.inc): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /usr/local/bin/phpdo...

Can't run ruby script/console

I get this error when trying ruby script/console "Rails requires RubyGems >= . Please install RubyGems and try again:" I expect this has something to do with the $PATH, however, I don't know what to do? I'm running ruby 1.8.6 and rails 2.3.2. I'd appreciate any help, thanks! ...

GNU screen and less: overwriting previous output

I'm in the process of switching from multiple tabs in iTerm to one GNU screen session. In iTerm, I can look at a file with less and the content of the terminal is restored when I quit less. In GNU screen, the previous contents get overwritten by the content of the file I looked at in less. Is there some way to change this? ...

Mac OS X: Sharing Folders via Terminal

Is there a command line utility for creating network shares, using the Apple Filing Protocol (afp://)? ...

Using command as ctrl in a Mac OS X terminal

I'd like to have my command key work as a ctrl key in the Mac OS X terminal. That is, I want "command-c" to do the same thing as "ctrl-c". Does anyone know of a way to do this? Specifically, I would really like this to work in emacs. Emacs uses a LOT of ctrl key bindings and reaching for the control key is beginning to strain my wr...