
How can I still use DDD, TDD in BizTalk?

I just started getting into BizTalk at work and would love to keep using everything I've learned about DDD, TDD, etc. Is this even possible or am I always going to have to use the Visio like editors when creating things like pipelines and orchestrations? ...

The Purpose of Mocking

What is the purpose of mocking? I have been following some ASP.NET MVC tutorials that use NUnit for testing and Moq for mocking. I am a little unclear about the mocking part of it though. ...

TDD - beginner problems and stumbling blocks

While I've written unit tests for most of the code I've done, I only recently got my hands on a copy of TDD by example by Kent Beck. I have always regretted certain design decisions I made since they prevented the application from being 'testable'. I read through the book and while some of it looks alien, I felt that I could manage it an...

Creating a Mapping Function Through TDD: Too Much Time Spent Writing Tests?

I'm a big TDD enthusiast, and always strive to write tests before writing production code to ensure correct behavior of the code that I'm writing. Occasionally, however, several question if it is prudent to write a large body of tests for certain kinds of methods. This seems to come up most often when writing a mapper class. public clas...

Unit Testing or Functional Testing?

I have recently heard of Functional Testing over Unit Testing. I understand that Unit Testing tests each of the possibilities of a given piece of code from its most atomic form. But what about Functional Testing? This sounds to me like only testing if the code works, but is it as reliable as Unit Testing? I've been told there was two ...