
SQL and toad

I have a select query that fetches some values based on user input, for EG :- SELECT company, accounts from testdrive WHERE company LIKE '&Company', accounts = '&Account' order by company desc On running this in Toad, the user is prompted for values.. but I want to know how can the USER specify the "conditions" ALONG with the va...

"no descriptor for this position" Oracle error

We're trying a basic insert statement: INSERT INTO HOLIDAY (HOLIDAY_TYPE_CODE, CALENDAR_NAME, HOLIDAY_DATE, DESCRIPTION, CREATE_TS, UPDATE_TS) VALUES (2, 'CZK', '17-NOV-2009', NULL, SYSDATE, NULL); And we get this error: ORA-24334: no descriptor for this position What are we doing wrong here?? ...

Oracle Query Help - Using TOAD

Hi all, I have used this type of functionality before but is MSSQL but can't get it to work for Oracle, any tips? DECLARE MY_TBL NUMBER := 1; BEGIN IF(MY_TBL > 0) THEN SELECT * FROM MY_TBL ORDER BY MY_TBL_ID DESC; END IF; END; What I would like to have is a flag variable set to zero or one, if one display the re...

Query Optimization - Why does this speed up the Query?

I'm using Quest's TOAD for SQL Server on a SQL Server 2000 Server. Here is my query: SELECT CASE SLCE.GroupName WHEN 'Other' THEN ARM.FBCOMPANY WHEN 'Inter Co.' THEN ARM.FBCOMPANY ELSE SLCE.GroupName END AS [Company Name], ARM.fcustno AS [Cust No], ARM.fbcompany ...

Toad 'insert record' button disabled.

I'm using Toad 8.6 and when I try to add new records using the Schema Browser, Data tab, my 'insert record' is grayed out. so, I installed the 9.6 version and the same problem persists. see the grayed out buttons in red in the picture. but i'm able to add records through the SQL insert statement at the SQL Editor of Toad. Weird ! is...

TOAD sql editor - prompt when file changed?

In TOAD, if I'm editing a sql file in the sql editor window and that file is changed (ie: by making an edit to it in Textpad), TOAD doesn't prompt you to get the changes. Is there a way to get TOAD to give you a prompt? Conversely, in Textpad if you have a file open and it is changed, Textpad will prompt you and ask if you want to relo...

Free alternative of TOAD for DB2

I am currently using Toad for DB2 to work on my DB2 database. I just wanted to know is there any free alternative to Toad for DB2, Note: Similar question is posted earlier, but it was for TOAD [ oracle ], none of the solution specified is for DB2 obviously. ...

Tool Compare the tables in two different databeses

I am using Toad. Frequently i need to compare tables in two different test environments. the tables present in them are same but the data differs. i just need to know what are the differences in the same tables which are in two different data bases.Are there any tools which can be installed on windows and use it to compare. Much apprec...

DBMS debugger causes TOAD to hang

I can start the dbms debugger in Toad and use it normally but if I hit the 'halt execution' button or just hit the 'Run' button to reach the end of the function it causes TOAD to hang. Windows reports it as not responding and I have to kill it through the task manager. I have had this problem in Toad and Toad 10 on two differen...

why i can't stop my pl/sql program at breakpoint which i set in TOAD

hi guys, i have a simple oracle stored procedure proc1 as follows: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE SYS.proc1 IS total NUMBER := 0; temp INTEGER := 0; BEGIN FOR i IN 1 .. 5 LOOP temp := 2 * i; total := total + temp; END LOOP; DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (total); END; the owner of proc1 is sys. sys have enough p...

Multiple Select Statements within IF

I could use some help to write a prog./sql construct for a report.. The Sql should first check for the prompt & then decide which "select" statements should run something like (pseudo-code) Select ACCT,LOC FROM ( IF :loc = 'MN' THEN Select acc as ACCT,location as LOC ELSE IF :loc = 'MA' THEN Select accid as ACCT,loc...

question about pl/sql stored program text

hi all. I use TOAD to do my PL/SQL development. In TOAD when i type a procedure name and press f4, I can see this procedure's source code. I think TOAD get the source code from v$sqltext view. To confirm my thought, I wrote a query: select * from v$sqltext but when I execute the upper query, Oracle give me an error: ORA-00942: tab...

Problem with Toad for MySQL and version control

I'm trying to use SVN with Toad for MySQL to keep two DBs on two development machines in sync. When I modify a table on one machine Toad changes the appropriate scripts and checks them in just fine. On the other machine, when I try "Update database" or "Updata schema" or even "Get Latest" on the specific table, I get a window which show...

Difference between 'Execute' and 'Execute as script'

Hi Guys. I'm currently experiencing what I believe is strange behavior when using Oracle with TOAD. I have a query: SELECT COUNT(as_at_date) FROM job_log WHERE as_at_date = TO_DATE('24/11/2009', 'dd/mm/yyyy'); When I try to run this using Toads 'Execute statement' button I get zero rows returned. However when I use '...

How do I diagnose steps in a trigger on MySQL

I have two tables: source table result table I have an after update trigger on my source table which updates some records in result table. the problem is, my trigger is not updating result table and I would like to diagnose my trigger execution. I tried putting select statements to see variable values but selects are not allowed in ...

dotConnect for MySQL license cannot be used with TOAD

Hello. I am trying to connect to MySQL with TOAD. I have dotConnect for MySQL (trial) installed on my PC. The very first time TOAD's connection with MySQL worked fine and I worked with that connection across 2 days. However, now after my system re-start, when I am trying to make the same connection, I get following error message: Assemb...

Debug Oracle stored procedure using Toad

Hi guys, I have the following situation: I have a java code launching a stored procedure. What I want is to launch the java code, and when arriving into the stored procedure, to start debuggin it using Toad. Is this possible? Thanks alot. Best regards, Corneliu ...

variables in TOAD scripts

I have a SQL script that is being executed in TOAD. Currently I have it laid out with just statement after statement, thusly: select such-and-such from somewhere; delete other-thing from somewhere-else; And so on. Some of the where clauses end up being repetitive because I have complex inner queries to get particular IDs to operate...

Oracle DBAs: Any way to see what queries my ASP.NET app is running?

I have an ASP.NET application that uses Oracle for persistence and queries it via ADO.NET and stored procedures. I have the full version of TOAD and administrative rights to the database. Is there any way to view all queries issued by the application over the last 10 minutes? ...

How to export the result into different tabs of Excel in Toad for Data Analyst?

Hi, Does anyone know how to export results from more than one query into different sheets of the same Excel workbook using the report automation in TOAD for data analyst? Thank you ...