
How do I programmatically wire up ToolStripButton events in C#?

Hi, this is my problem: I'm programmatically adding ToolStripButton items to a context menu. That part is easy. this.tsmiDelete.DropDownItems.Add("The text on the item."); However, I also need to wire up the events so that when the user clicks the item something actually happens! How do I do this? The method that handles the click ...

Only display ToolStripMenuItem icons

I have a Windows Forms ToolStripSplitButton which shows only an icon. I have added some ToolStripMenuItems and I have set their DisplayStyle to ToolStripItemDisplayStyle.Image. The drop down display the area for text (but it's blank), and the image to the left of the empty text area. Is there a way to get rid of the text area so it on...

Display UAC shield icon on a ToolStripItem

Hi, is there a recommended way (like sending BCM_SETSHIELD to a button control) to display the UAC Shield icon on a ToolStripItem? ToolStripItem is not a control anyway, so i wonder what the best-practise for that is. Thanks. ...

toolstripseparator with no line

Is it possible to make a toolstripseparator without the vertical line, but only a space? ...