
Tooltip of an "img tag" inside an "a tag"

Hello. I'd like to know the difference between title attr of the tag "a" and alt attr of the tag img. Also, wich should I use when I have an image inside an a? Just like in this case: <a class="duplicar" href="#"><img src="Images/btnSegDuplicar.gif" alt ="Duplicar" width="76" height="20" /></a> Right now, as you can see, I'm using t...

Modify JQuery easyTooltip to detect screen edges

I'm using the following JQuery script to create hovering tooltips, the problem is if the tooltip gets close to the edge of the screen it doens't flip or snap to the edge. (function($) { $.fn.easyTooltip = function(options){ var defaults = { // default configuration properties xOffset: 10, yOffset: 25, ...

What can I use to store tooltip messages?

I have around 60 controls and I want to show a tooltip for each of them. I could do this manually but I want something that would allow me to make changes to the tooltip messages or the control they are bound to without modyfing the code (I don't know what this would be called). I thought about XML, but is there a better to store simpl...

Tooltip on Listbox display strange behavior

Hey all, I'm brand new to C# and I wanted to enabled tooltips on a listbox. My wish was to be able to display a different tooltip depending on the hovered item in the listbox (the standard listbox's behavior is to display one single tooltip for itself no matter what item is hovered)... I managed to write the following code : private v...

Flex - prevent tooltips from hiding. Persistent tooltips

Hi Folks, I'm trying to prevent a custom tooltip from disappearing. I've tried three runs at this, borrowing from the usual suspects: Peter Dehann, MonkeyPatch and others. As you can see from the code below I'd like to stay within the tool tip paradigm and not go to popups. Can anyone suggest a way to persist a tooltip? The intent...

jQuery Nivo Slider Captions disappear when using in combination with jQuery tooltips

My headline says it all. I have set up a nivo slider and some captions for testing. Actually they are working fine but now I also have included the flowplayer tooltips which are based on the regular jQuery libary. Since then the nivo slider disappeared. If I exclude the flowplayer tooltips from my site they appear back again.Is anybody o...