
Is it ethical to post my TopCoder solutions to my blog?

I recently joined TopCoder and have been solving a few problems on the site. Now, I want to publicly post my solutions onto my blog and have others go over it, suggest improvements, better design, etc. wherever applicable. Would this be ethical? ...

How does TopCoder evaluates code?

If you are familiar with TopCoder you know that your source-code gets a final "grade/points" this depends on time, how many compiles, etc, one of the highest weighted being performance. But how can they test that, is there some sort of simple code (java or c++) to do it that you could share for me to evaluate and hopefully write my own t...

Basic C# problem

Determine if all the digits of the sum of n -numbers and swapped n are odd. For example: 36 + 63 = 99, y 409 + 904 = 1313. Visual Studio builds my code, there is still something wrong with it ( it doesnt return an answer) can you please help me here? using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Tex...

TopCoder algorithm problem - how to make progress on this one?

I've recently joined TopCoder and have been practicing in the Practice Rooms for the last few days. I came across this problem which I cant seem to solve. Any help will be appreciated. The problem The product value of a string is the product of all the digits ('0'-'9') in the string. For example, the product value of "123" is...