
Struts2 and Dojo (double?) publish

I am publishing with dojo topics: dojo.event.topic.publish("publishThisTarget"); And in JSP I have listenTopics: <s:url var="url2publish" action="MyAction" namespace="/public" /> <sx:div showLoadingText="false" indicator="ajaxIndicator" id="content" href="%{url2publish}" theme="ajax" listenTopics="publishThisTarget" preload="fal...

How does a JMS Topic Subscriber in a clustered application server recieve messages?

Suppose I created a JMS Topic (PropertiesTopic) with one subscriber (PropertiesSubscriber). PropertiesSubscriber is running in a load balanced application server cluster as shown in the picture below. When a message is delivered to PropertiesTopic, do all the instances of PropertiesSubscriber running on different app servers get tha...

Why does ActiveMQ hold messages that should be deleted from Topic?

I use ActiveMQ as Notification System(Pub/Sub model). On server: if any changes of data occur, Server send this updated data (File) to Topic using BlobMessages. There are few Clients, that subscribe on this Topic and get updated File if it exsist in Topic. The problem is that all of BlobMessages, that were sent to Topic, are hold by A...

Messages on peristent topic goes to DLQ when JBoss restart

My setup is JBoss messaging 1.4.2 on JBoss 4.2.3. I have a topic with two durable subscribers Persistence is used with a MSSQL database The problem: When I restart JBoss, messages that has not yet been delivered to a subscriber will be put on DLQ. This is not the behavior I expect and I dont know how to configure to make the messages re...

mysql php forum list

here are my tables topics -id -title -category_id posts -id -topic_id -user_id -date -time -txt user -id -username i want to list for a category every topic with the following information the author's username (who posted first), number of replies,the name of the last reply's author, and the date of last post sorted by the date of ...