
Form Initialization with ToscaWidgets

Question: How do I prefill a CheckBoxTable from ToscaWidgets with values. Background: I've looked everywhere and I can't seem to figure out how to initialize a particular form field with ToscaWidgets. Most form fields seem to respond just fine to initialization, like if I create a form with a single TextField in it when I render the ...

Chain FormEncode Validators

Problem: I have a form in TurboGears 2 that has a text field for a list of e-mails. Is there a simple way using ToscaWidgets or FormEncode to chain form validators for Set and Email or will I have to write my own validator for this? ...

ToscaWidgets Recaptcha - Error Rendering Recaptcha => Page cuts off

Hello everyone, I am using the TW for recaptcha, integrated everything as shown in the examples. When sending the ReCaptcha to my template, my whole page output just cuts off. I have traced back the problem to the javascript code in the widget. It looks like this: <script ....></script> Only the dotted area contains some data, but t...

ToscaWidgets CalendarDatePicker pylons

How does one set the date on the CalendarDatePicker. i.e. it defaults to current date and I want to display it with another date which I will set from my controller. I am displaying the CalendarDatePicker widget in a TableForm from tw.form. I have looked at this for a few hours and can't work out how to do this so any pointers greatly a...

Dynamically hiding ToscaWidgets fields

I am trying to dynamically hide fields depending on some data. With dynamically, I don't mean JavaScript, but server-side: class EditUserForm(TableForm): class fields(WidgetsList): user_id = HiddenField() user_name = TextField(label_text=u"User Name") reject_member = SubmitButton(default=u"Reject Membership")...

Pylons Toscawidgets DataGrid what data format

Hello I can't seems to work out how to fill the toscawidgets DataGrid. In my controller I have: dgfileds = [('Email Address', 'email'), ('Logon ID', 'id')] = [ dict(email ='[email protected]', id='1'), dict(email ='[email protected]', id='2') ] c.grid = twf.DataGrid(fields=dgfileds) In my mako tem...