I have been doing some remote development using emacs tramp and found that it was quite slow. Every time I save a file, it takes about 10 seconds to complete the save. So, now I am using rsync to transfer the files remotely and it works much faster, it takes about a second plus the local saves from emacs are instant. Are there any con...
The target machine is running Ububtu server 8.04.
Here's the tramp output:
tramp: Opening connection for nungu@ip.ip.ip.ip using nil...<br>
tramp: Waiting for prompts from remote shell<br>
tramp: Waiting 60s for prompt from remote shell<br>
tramp: Sending password<br>
tramp: Found remote shell prompt.<br>
tramp: Initializing remote shel...
My campus only lets ssh access through a gateway server. So to access the cluster I am coding on I have to ssh to the gateway and then ssh to the machine I am working on. The connection is very slow at times and is frustrating to work on.
I would love to use something like tramp which I understand would have the buffer open on my local ...
I'm using emacs tramp mode to remotely edit files over ssh. The problem is that every time I save the file I'm editing I have to enter my user password. I find that very annoying. How can I write my password only once / editing session?
I was trying out tramp-mode, but now I cannot seem to get rid of it.. Whenever I start emacs, it spends about 20 seconds going through various tramp-related initialisations..
tramp: Waiting 60s for prompt from remote shell
tramp: Setting up remote shell environment
..and so on.
How on earth do I unload tramp? grep'ing my ~/.emacs.d f...
I'm trying to get emacs tramp running under Windows XP to work over putty plink on an Amazon EC2 instance. The documentation for doing this is sparse. I can find partial documentation, but none that addresses all the steps required to get this working.
Can anyone provide a walk through, or a pointer to a walk through?
How can I edit files on my remote host using my local Emacs when I can access the remote host only through SSH with public key authentication? Tramp handles normal password logins pretty well but I can't figure out how to get it work with key pairs. I'm using unix/linux on both ends.
I'm using emacs 23.1 on Windows XP with the following configuration
(require 'tramp)
(setq tramp-default-method "ftp")
I can open/save remote files. Find-file auto-completion with TAB works as well. But I cannot open a remote directory, it shows an empty buffer with a directory name on the top.
Here are log messages
ls -lhA d:/tem...
Is there a way to improve emacs tramp performance? For me it's faster to open an external ftp client (filezilla), transfer files to the local disk and open them in an external editor (notepad) than open them with emacs.
I use emacs23.1 under windows xp.
I tried different tramp-default-method (telnet, pscp, ftp), all of them have the sam...
On Emacs, when I start python with C-c ! while editing a remote python file (using tramp - plinkx: on windows), the python interpreter is started on the remote host.
Is there any way I can edit the remote python file and start a local python interpreter?
I am using python-mode (not the default python.el)
I am facing some strange behavior with file-name completion in emacs. C-x C-f to find file opens up the minibuffer with i:/cygwin/home/rrajagop/StockScreener/working_copy/master_repo/stock_screener/. Hitting a TAB makes it i:/cygwini:/cygwin/home/rrajagop/StockScreener/working_copy/master_repo/stock_screener/. A couple of interesting thi...
I have a strange interaction with tramp and cygwin-mount (I think: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1705802/emacs-tab-completion-of-file-name-appends-an-extra-i-cygwin). Because of this, I want to disable tramp. I'm unable to find anything in my .emacs which is loading tramp explicitly. I can see "Loading tramp..." when I hit a tab in ...
This is probably a somewhat out-of-wack question. I use tramp to edit remote files, but I also open several terminals ssh-ing to that remote machine as well for other works (I had problems running ssh shell inside emacs).
Often times during the terminal work I would like to edit some file, and my current procedure is to copy the file n...
Similar to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/148578/
but that question doesn't address MS Windows.
Has anyone been able to use rsync instead of plink, either through cygwin or otherwise?
I've set up Tramp on Emacs on my Windows 7 box (64 bit). For this test, this is the only thing in my emacs-config:
(setq tramp-default-method "plink")
Then I connect to my Ubuntu Server 9.10 running in a VM on my local network.
Connection goes fine, i can use dired to browse folders and open files. Yay!
However, git status shows up a...
Hi, I have some trouble setting up Tramp with EmacsW32 and cygwin. I have configured emacs to use cygwin as shell using w32shell. I also set the HOME enviromental variable to c:/cygwin/home/myusername
Problem is that tramp seems to hang and that no connection is made:
"Tramp waiting for prompts for the new shell".
I have tried to turn...
I recently installed the hg tip version of Ropemacs and I'd like to use it when editing remote files using TRAMP. Has anyone done this? When I try to use M-/ to complete a variable name, I am asked to enter the Rope project root folder and I enter: /ssh:myhost:/path/to/myproject/ and it gives me the following error:
Opening [/ssh:myhost...
I'm trying to use flymake to run pyflakes, as suggested here:
This works fine for local files, and almost works with remote files with a bit of tweaking, but I'm left with a problem where flymake/pyflakes 'modifies' the buffer when it runs (although nothing actually seems to change),...
I am using Emacs Tramp for remote development. I think something must be wrong. I had some serious issues with speed when I used ssh:, so I switched to scp:. It seems to work much faster. I tried to run M-x compile with make and it seems to act differently than if I run make directly from a shell prompt. Namely, it is unable to find...
I'm currently doing a lot of work on remote machines with tramp. However the project logic gets confused when building make command lines as it will attempt to cd to some /ssh:blah.... path.
Does tramp provide any API functions to test if a buffer or a buffer filename is actually managed by tramp and therefor on a remote machine? Can it...