
Trouble with CONCAT and Longtext

The SQL... UPDATE Threads t SET t.Content = ( SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(a.Content ORDER BY a.PageID SEPARATOR '<!-- pagebreak -->') FROM MSarticlepages a WHERE a.ArticleID = t.MSthreadID GROUP BY a.ArticleID ) As you can see it takes all of an article's pages (which are each stored as longtext in separate rows) and GROUP_CONCA...

result truncated,a MYSQL bug?

The query below is truncated,with 'created' showing only 'cre'(scroll to the right most first:): mysql> SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT('<comment><body><![CDATA[',body,']]></body>','<replier>',if(uid is not null,uid,''),'</replier>','<created>',created,'</created></comment>') SEPARATOR '') -> ...

How do I find a matching subtree?

I have a large binary tree, T. T "matches". Some number of subtrees of T will also match. In fact, the matching subtrees need not even be full subtrees: they can be truncated, too. By truncated subtree, I mean that nodes in the subtree may not contain children all the way down - some nodes that have children may have their children r...

PHP function return value nested array removed

I have a function that builds a collection of user objects from the database: public static function GetUsersByGroup($instanceID, $groupID) { $col = null; if($groupID != null) { $col = UserGroup::GetCollection("User" ,_DB_GET_ALL_INSTANCE_USERGROUP_MEMBERS,array ($instanceID, $groupID)); } els...

ASP Page has data truncated

ASP page is not being displayed completely. When viewing, user cannot scroll to end of page, data is truncated. When viewing the web page source, all of the data is present. When I save the web page source as a html file, then load in browser, all data is scrollable. note: user can scroll to see most of the data, but not all. Canno...

Truncated Response for Web page with 0x00 character

Hello, I write a program wich download web pages. It works fine for most of web pages but i have found some pages where it doesn't work. These pages contains 0x00 characters. I'm able to read page content until this character, but not the content after. I use this part of code to read the response : IAsyncResult ar = null; HttpWebRe...

How can I get the full string of PHP’s getTraceAsString()?

I'm using getTraceAsString() to get a stack trace but the string is being truncated for some reason. Example, an exception is thrown and I log the string using: catch (SoapFault $e) { error_log( $e->getTraceAsString() ) } The string thats prints out is: #0 C:\Somedirectory\Somedirectory\Somedirectory\Somedir\SomeScript.php(10): S...

boost memorybuffer and char array

Hello, I'm currently unpacking one of blizzard's .mpq file for reading. For accessing the unpacked char buffer, I'm using a boost::interprocess::stream::memorybuffer. Because .mpq files have a chunked structure always beginning with a version header (usually 12 bytes, see

Merge trunk into branch with SVN: "Secure Connection Truncated"

Hi, after trying to merge changes to an svn trunk back to the branch with the following command: ../branches/myBranch$ svn merge -r 94:171 https://.../trunk --dry-run I get the following error from SVN: svn: REPORT of '/svnroot/simspark/!svn/vcc/default': Could not read chunk size: Secure connection truncated (https://simspark...

Apache mod_status: stop request from being truncated

I have Apache with mod_status enabled with ExtendedStatus On. But it truncates the text in "Request" and I can often never see the full request. How can I make it so mod_status stops truncating Request? ...

Problem in linking an nasm code

I'm using a computer with an Intel Core 2 CPU and 2GB of RAM. The SO is Ubuntu 9.04. When I try to compile this code: ;programma per la simulazione di un terminale su PC, ottenuto utilizzando l'8250 ;in condizione di loopback , cioè Tx=Rx section .code64 section .data TXDATA EQU 03F8H ;TRASMETTITORE RXDATA EQU 03F8H ;RICEVITORE...