
Best way of store only date on datetime field?

Scenario: A stored procedure receives from code a DateTime with, let's say DateTime.Now value, as a datetime parameter. The stored procedure needs to store only the date part of the datetime on the row, but preserving all date related arithmetics for, to say, do searches over time intervals and doing reports based on dates. I know the...

Ways to avoid eager spool operations on SQL Server

I have an ETL process that involves a stored procedure that makes heavy use of SELECT INTO statements (minimally logged and therefore faster as they generate less log traffic). Of the batch of work that takes place in one particular stored the stored procedure several of the most expensive operations are eager spools that appear to just...

Transact-SQL to sum up elapsed time

I have a table in my database the records start and stop times for a specific task. Here is a sample of the data: Start Stop 9/15/2008 5:59:46 PM 9/15/2008 6:26:28 PM 9/15/2008 6:30:45 PM 9/15/2008 6:40:49 PM 9/16/2008 8:30:45 PM 9/15/2008 9:20:29 PM 9/16/2008 12:30:45 PM 12/31/9999 12:0...

How do I alter a TEXT column on a database table in SQL server?

In a SQL server database, I have a table which contains a TEXT field which is set to allow NULLs. I need to change this to not allow NULLs. I can do this no problem via Enterprise Manager, but when I try to run the following script, alter table dbo.[EventLog] Alter column [Message] text Not null, I get an error: Cannot alter column 'Err...

SQL Select Upcoming Birthdays

I'm trying to write a stored procedure to select employees who have birthdays that are upcoming. SELECT * FROM Employees WHERE Birthday > @Today AND Birthday < @Today + @NumDays This will not work because the birth year is part of Birthday, so if my birthday was '09-18-1983' that will not fall between '09-18-2008' and '09-25-2008'. ...

How do you maintain large t-sql procedures

I'm about to inherit a set of large and complex set of stored procedures that do monthly processing on very large sets of data. We are in the process of debugging them so they match the original process which was written in VB6. The reason they decided to re write them in t-sql is because the vb process takes days and this new process t...

Floor a date in SQL server

In SQL Server, how do I "floor" a DATETIME to the second/minute/hour/day/year? Let's say that I have a date of 2008-09-17 12:56:53.430, then the output of flooring should be: Year: 2008-01-01 00:00:00.000 Month: 2008-09-01 00:00:00.000 Day: 2008-09-17 00:00:00.000 Hour: 2008-09-17 12:00:00.000 Minute: 2008-09-17 12:56:00.000 Second: ...

How do you determine what SQL Tables have an identity column programatically

I want to create a list of columns in SQL Server 2005 that have identity columns and their corresponding table in T-SQL. Any ideas? Results would be something like: TableName, ColumnName ...

SQL: IF clause within WHERE clause

Is it possible to use an IF clause within a WHERE clause in MS SQL? Example: WHERE IF IsNumeric(@OrderNumber) = 1 OrderNumber = @OrderNumber ELSE OrderNumber LIKE '%' + @OrderNumber + '%' ...

Stored Procs - Best way to pass messages back to user application

I'd like know what people think about using RAISERROR in stored procedures to pass back user messages (i.e. business related messages, not error messages) to the application. Some of the senior developers in my firm have been using this method and catching the SqlException in our C# code to pick up the messages and display them to the...

TSQL: Are indexes on temporary tables deleted when the table is deleted?

Would the following sql remove also the index or does it have to be removed seperately? CREATE TABLE #Tbl (field int) CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx ON #Tbl (field) DROP TABLE #Tbl ...

Removing leading zeroes from a field in a SQL statement

I am working on a SQL query that reads from a SQLServer database to produce an extract file. One of the requirements to remove the leading zeroes from a particular field, which is a simple VARCHAR(10) field. So, for example, if the field contains '00001A', the SELECT statement needs to return the data as '1A'. Is there a way in SQL to ...

How do I drop a foreign key in mssql?

I have created a foreign key (in mssql / tsql) by: alter table company add CountryID varchar(3); alter table company add constraint Company_CountryID_FK foreign key(CountryID) references Country; I then run this query: alter table company drop column CountryID; and I get this error: Msg 5074, Level 16, State 4, Line 2 The o...

Inserting a string of form "GUID1, GUID2, GUID3 ..." into an IN statement in TSQL

Hi, I've got a stored procedure in my database, that looks like this ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetCountingAnalysisResults] @RespondentFilters varchar AS BEGIN @RespondentFilters = '''8ec94bed-fed6-4627-8d45-21619331d82a, 114c61f2-8935-4755-b4e9-4a598a51cc7f''' DECLARE @SQL nvarchar(600) SET @SQL = 'SELECT * FROM Answer ...

Sql server triggers - order of execution

Does anyone know how Sql server determines the order triggers (of same type, i.e. before triggers) are executed. And is there anyway of changing this so that I can specify the order I want. If not, why not. Thanks. ...

How do you priortize multiple triggers of a table?

I have a couple of triggers on a table that I want to keep separate and would like to priortize them. I could have just one trigger and do the logic there, but I was wondering if there was an easier/logical way of accomplishing this of having it in a pre-defined order. ...

T-SQL triggers firing a "Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition" error

Here's something I haven't been able to fix, and I've looked everywhere. Perhaps someone here will know! I have a table called dandb_raw, with three columns in particular: dunsId (PK), name, and searchName. I also have a trigger that acts on this table: SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO ALTER TRIGGER [dandb_raw_searchNa...

How to determine internal name of table-valued variable in MS SQL Server 2005

The name of a temporary table such as #t1 can be determined using SELECT @TableName = [Name] FROM tempdb.sys.tables WHERE [Object_ID] = object_id('tempDB.dbo.#t1') How can I find the name of a table valued variable, i.e. one declared by declare @t2 as table ( a int) the purpose is to be able to get meta-information about the ...

How do you list all the primary keys of a table in SQL Server?

Simple question, how do you list all the primary keys of a table with T-SQL? I know how to get indexes on a table, but can't remember PK's. ...

SQL Bulk import from CSV

I need to import a large CSV file into an SQL server. I'm using this : BULK INSERT CSVTest FROM 'c:\csvfile.txt' WITH ( FIELDTERMINATOR = ',', ROWTERMINATOR = '\n' ) GO problem is all my fields are surrounded by quotes (" ") so a row actually looks like : "1","","2","","so...