
Borland Dev Studio 2006 Turbo C++ Explorer compile issue

G'day everyone I'm a newbie to C++ and even more so to Borland Turbo C++ Explorer. I've just encountered this compile error. Any clues as to how to fix it? [C++ Error] comsvcs.h(3209): E2015 Ambiguity between 'ITransaction' and 'Oledb::ITransaction' [C++ Error] comsvcs.h(3275): E2015 Ambiguity between 'ITransaction' and 'Oledb::ITrans...

About the exit() function in C++

The getche() function doesn't terminate the program properly, so I want to try exit(int status) function. How does it work in Turbo C++ programming language? I cannot understand the explanation in related help modules and I seek for a better explanation... E.g. what does function's parameter consist of? Thanks in advance! ...

How to pass an integer as command line argument in turbo c++

I am unable to pass integer value through the command line in turbo c++. Please help me. ...

How to change file icon in Turbo C++ and cc3270.dll

Hi! I started to use Borland's Turbo C++ a few days ago. I actually have two questions. 1.: How can i change the file icon?? If i create a program (Console Application), it will always have this blue icon (buildings or something like that on it), and i can't find it anywhere, how to change it to the default "none" icon (which like i...

Is it possible to generate a DLL using Turbo C/C++ compiler ??

I need this for calling a C function from Java class (JNI) and I know that there are options to do this using "Microsoft Visual C++ compiler". (explained here) But I am interested to know if something similar can be done using TC or TCC. I don't have a copy of "Microsoft Visual C++" and not sure if cl.exe is available without having to...

Why not Turbo C++?

I am an Engineering Student from University Of Mumbai::RAIT. I am learning C++ from "C++ Primer" by Stanley Lipman and using Visual C++ 2008 as IDE. But, my institute and most of the institutes in my University prefer to use Turbo C++(Version 3.0) by Borland International. What arguments can I put against the use of Turbo C++ in my insti...

C Language - \n - creating virus

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> union abc { int a; int x; float g; }; struct pqr { int a; int x; float g; } ; void main() { union abc b; struct pqr c; clrscr(); b.a=10; textbackground(2); textcolor(6); cprintf(" A = %d",b.a); printf("\nUnion = %d",sizeof(b)); printf("\nStructure = %d",sizeof(c)); get...

long integer problem

I'm a beginner at C, and using Turbo C++ compiler (16 bit). In the software I'm writing, the maximum answer is around 32000. If I want a number larger than that, I use long int. If I execute the following program: #include <stdio.h> void main() { long int x; x=40000; printf("%d", x); } Then I get an error that the consta...

Reading bmp file for steganography

I am trying to read a bmp file in C++(Turbo). But i m not able to print binary stream. I want to encode txt file into it and decrypt it. How can i do this. I read that bmp file header is of 54 byte. But how and where should i append txt file in bmp file. ? I know only Turbo C++, so it would be helpfull for me if u provide solution or s...

unable to use turboc through xp. why? solution?

Hi, I'm having problems opening directly TurboC++ compiler(dos version) on Windows X. if I click on the TurboC++ icon through windows GUI it opens for a sec(a blank dos screen) and shuts down. so i have to access it through the command line i.e., cmd (enter) c:\tc\bin (enter) tc.exe This way TurboC++ opens and I'm able to program and...

Can I use dll in Turbo C++ program and do we have any dll for lzw compression and decompression

I was trying to create a lzw compression program. But i need to finish it by today itself so i want to use some dll for taking my input as txt file and output to as a text file. I want to do this in TURBO C++ code which are doing my remaining functionalities. Can anyone suggest me some method. ...

'??' is getting converted into '^' in Visual C++. Why is it happening and what is the way out?

'??' gets converted into '^' if I compile mn VC++ program and run it e.g. sprintf( ch, "??") prints out ^ But if I run the same code in Turbo C/C++, there is no such problem. Why is it happening on VC++ on Windows? ...

Steganography : Encoded audio and video file not being played, getting corrupted. What is the issue

I have made a steganography program to encrypt/Decrypt some text under image audio and video. I used image as bmp(54 byte header) file, audio as wav(44 byte header) file and video as avi(56 byte header) file formats. When I tries to encrypt text under all these file then it gets encrypted successfully and are also getting decrypted co...

Classes and Objects in C++

class anurag { private: int rollno; char name[50]; int marks; float percen; void percentage(int num) { percen=(num/500)*100; } public: void getdata(void) { cout<<"\n\nEnter the name of the student:"; gets(name); cout<<"\n\nEnter the roll no: and the marks:"; cin>>rollno>>marks; percentage(marks); } void display(void) { cout<<"\n\nTh...

I want to run Turbo C++ in my 64bit laptop? But I can't find any version that support 64bit platforms

I want to run Turbo C++ in my 64bit laptop? But I can't find any version of tc that support 64bit platforms. Do you know of any place I can download a compatible version? ...

Merge Video drivers for graphics application in Turbo C++

How to merge Video drivers for graphics application in Turbo C++? ...

Is Borland C++ v3 for DOS available anywhere now?

Hi, I'm looking for a copy of either Borland C++ v3 or Turbo C++ which can run on DOS, but my searches are turning up a blank. I vaguely remember a free Turbo version available, but can't track it down. Are there free/pay versions of these still available? Is http://www.embarcadero.com my best hope? Thanks for any info... ...

Implement Thread in Turbo C++

How to Implement Thread in Turbo C++? ...

Vesa Mode in Turbo C++

How to implement vesa mode in Turbo C++? ...

How to connect "Database" with Turbo C++?

I want to connect "Microsoft Access" with "Turbo C++". How can I do that? ...