
Print variable type in C++

Is it possible in standard C++ to print a variable type. I think this is being addressed in C++0x but not sure it already exists. I would like something like this: int a = 12; cout << typeof(a) << endl; That would print: int ...

How to check if two objects are of the same type in Actionscript?

I want to do this in Actionscript: typeof(control1) != typeof(control2) to test if two objects are of the same type. This would work just fine in C#, but in Actionscript it doesnt. In fact it returns 'object' for both typeof() expressions because thats the way Actionscript works. I couldn't seem to find an alternative by looking in t...

C# VS 2005: How to get a class's public memeber list during the runtime?

Hi, I'm trying to get a class memeber variable list at run time. I know this probably using typeof and reflections. but can't find an example. Please someone shed light for me. Here is pseudo code example: Class Test01 { public string str01; public string str02; public int myint01; } I want something like this (pseudo code): Te...

How to determine if Native JavaScript Object has a Property/Method?

I thought this would be as easy as: if(typeof(Array.push) == 'undefined'){ //not defined, prototype a version of the push method // Firefox never gets here, but IE/Safari/Chrome/etc. do, even though // the Array object has a push method! } And it does work fine in Firefox, but not in IE, Chrome, Safari, Opera, they return all pr...

testing if javascript function exists

I need to test whether the value of a form's onsubmit is a function. The format is typically onsubmit="return valid();". Is there a way to tell if this is a function, and if it's callable? Using typeof just returns that it's a string, which doesn't help me much. EDIT: Of course, I understand that "return valid();" is a string. I've ...

Need help converting C# to vb. "array initializer is missing 1 elements"

Hello people, I am trying to convet the following code from C# to Vb using 3.5 framework. Here is the code in C# that I am having trouble with. MethodInfo mi = typeof(Page).GetMethod("LoadControl", new Type[2] { typeof(Type), typeof(object[]) }); I thought it would be like this in VB; Dim mi As MethodInfo = GetType(Page).GetMethod("...

Sun Studio Compiler: implicit function declaration: typeof

When attempting to compile mpd with Sun Studio compiler: "client.c", line 438: warning: implicit function declaration: typeof I tracked down the offending lines of code, in dlist.h: #define list_for_each_entry(pos, head, member) \ for (pos = list_entry((head)->next, typeof(*pos), member); \ ...

LINQ: From a list of type T, retrieve only objects of a certain subclass S

Given a simple inheritance hierarchy: Person -> Student, Teacher, Staff Say I have a list of Persons, L. In that list are some Students, Teachers, and Staff. Using LINQ and C#, is there a way I could write a method that could retrieve only a particular type of person? I know I can do something like: var peopleIWant = L.OfType< Teache...

c# casting to type gotten from typename as string

I want to work around the fact that my WCF servicelayer can not handle a generic method like this: public void SaveOrUpdateDomainObject<T>(T domainObject) { domainRoot.SaveDomainObject<T>(domainObject); } so I built this workaround method instead public void SaveOrUpdateDomainObject(object domainObject, string typeName) { ...

What is the best way to check if an object is an array or not in Javascript?

Say I have a function like so: function foo(bar) { if (bar > 1) { return [1,2,3]; } else { return 1; } } And say I call foo(1), how do I know it returns an array or not? ...

C#.NET - How Can I Get typeof() to Work With Inheritance?

I will start by explaining my scenario in code: public class A { } public class B : A { } public class C : B { } public class D { } public class Test { private A a = new A ( ) ; private B b = new B ( ) ; private C c = new C ( ) ; private D d = new D ( ) ; public Test ( ) { // Evaluates to "false" ...

Dynamic Typeof in C#

I am having trouble writing a typeof statement which would be using a variable from a config file the code is like this Type t = new typeof ("My.other.class" + configValue[0]); configValue being the dynamic value I get from the app.config file. The error I get is "type expected" it is fine if I type out the class directly so I am as...

How to typeof in C++

How to simulate C# typeof-command behavior in C++? C# example: public static PluginNodeList GetPlugins (Type type) { ... } Call: PluginManager.GetPlugins (typeof(IPlugin)) How to implement this using C++? Maybe QT or Boost libraries provide a solution? What about the case if you want to implement .GetPlugins(...) in a way that i...

Issue with JavaScript object constructor where arguments are other objects

I'm writing some JavaScript with three classes, one for Roofs, one for Garages, and one for Houses. The house class takes two arguments to its constructor, a Roof and a Garage. When I run this code I get: can not construct object [Break on this error] throw new Error('can not construct object');\n in Firebug even though the objects are...

C++ Get object type at compile time, e.g., numeric_limits<typeof<a>>::max()?

Given int a;, I know that the following returns the largest value that a can hold. numeric_limits<int>::max() However, I'd like to get this same information without knowing that a is an int. I'd like to do something like this: numeric_limits<typeof<a>>::max() Not with this exact syntax, but is this even possible using ISO C++? Thank...

Boost::typeof compiler problem: mangling typeof, use decltype instead

Hi, short example: #include <boost/typeof/typeof.hpp> #include <boost/proto/core.hpp> using namespace boost; template<class T, class U> BOOST_TYPEOF_TPL(T() + U()) add2(const T& t, const U& u) { return t + u; }; int main(){ typedef BOOST_TYPEOF(add2(2.5, 1.5)) type; // get type -> works BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT((is_same...

retrieving type returned by function using "typeof" operator in gcc

We can get the type returned by function in gcc using the typeof operator as follows: typeof(container.begin()) i; Is it possible to do something similar for functions taking some arguments, but not giving them? E.g. when we have function: MyType foo(int, char, bool, int); I want to retrieve this "MyType" (probably using typeof ope...

typecheck for return value

I have a list in which i want to be able to put different types. I have a function that returns the current value at index: void *list_index(const List * list, int index) { assert(index < list->size); return list->data[index]; } In the array there are multiple types, for example: typedef struct structA { List *x; char *y; Lis...

TypeOf is myType

Hello. I have a function Public MyObj as Object Public Function Test(t as Type) as Boolean Return TypeOf MyObj is t ' does not work End Function Thanks. * EDIT ==================================================================== For clarity I will use a complete example, a little modified that initially was thought. I use an int...

C# Generics: Better Way to Match the Generic's Type to Another?

UPDATE: Didn't give a great example. Hopefully it's better now. Is there a better way than this: (typeof(TRepository) == typeof(UserClass)) Here's the use in writing: public static IBaseRepository<TClass> GetRepository<TClass>() where TClass : IDataEntity { IBaseRepository<TClass> repository = null; if (typeof(TClass) == type...