
Can I specify a JPA compliant persistence.xml file on the java command line?

I've got an UberJar with all my java classes, but want to execute this jar with an external persistence.xml file. Per the specification, Hibernate (or any other JPA provider) looks for the persistence.xml file in any META-INF folder that's on the classpath, but I haven't been able to make this work with an UberJar. Any ideas? Is the U...

Is it possible to create an "uber" jar containing the project classes and the project dependencies as jars with a custom manifest file ?

I'm trying to create a executable jar(using maven) that contains the project classes and it's dependencies with a manifest file that has the entry for the main class and the class path entry that points to the dependencies packed in the root of the jar;something like this : Manifest File: ..... Main-Class : com.acme.MainClass Class-Pa...

after assembling jar - No Persistence provider for EntityManager named ....

im developing a standalone application and it works fine when starting it from my ide(intellij idea), but after creating an uberjar and start the application from it javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider is thrown saying "No Persistence provider for EntityManager named testPU" here is my persistence.xml which is placed under meta-in...

Using Maven shade plugin in a multi module project

I have a scenario where-in I need to create an uber jar of a multi module maven project including all modules and their dependencies. I tried using maven shade plugin. but it seems to work only when I use it at the module level. If I add the plugin entry in parent pom then the build breaks (it tries to shade the parent pom) [INFO] Repl...