
uibinder css literal Hide options

inside my css, i put .someClass { width: literal("expression(this.width > 40 ? 40: true)"); } is this correct syntax ? i tried ,but no result output when i debug with firebug on firefox. i try to make max-width working in ie6 ...

gwt pushButton in UiBinder

hi, all I need to create a pushButton(so it's a button with image) in gwt with UiBinder but not sure how, here is my ui.xml code: ... <g:PushButton ui:field="myPushButton"/> ... and in *.java file i defined: PushButton myPushButton; how can i add an image to the push button? i tried the following but wont' work: <g:PushButton ui...

Programmatic access to inline Styles where name is separated with dashes

Here is shown how to use styles in CamelCase, but how to use styles with a dash in its name? Valid Java method name can't have dashes in it (at least eclipse shows syntax error). Style defined in template: .menu-inactive{ background-color: grey; } ...

one GWT CssResource, two implementations (css files)

public interface ReviewPanelStyle extends CssResource {...} @Source("BlueReviewPanelStyle.css") ReviewPanelStyle BlueReviewPanelStyle(); @Source("YellowReviewPanelStyle.css") ReviewPanelStyle YellowReviewPanelStyle(); We would think that this should work, however it does not. The color of elements styled (regardless of weather assoc...

GWT UiBinder: Add Mouse Handler to Panel or Grid

I can't find a way to add a Mouse Handler to a GWT Panel or a Grid while using UiBinder. I basically need a way that I can detect the following over a Grid: Detect what cell the event is happening in. Detect Mouse Up Event Detect Mouse Down Event Detect Mouse Out Event Detect Mouse Over Event I had planned to try and do this with th...

Custom attributes in UiBinder widgets

I'm using GWT and UiBinder for my app, and I'm trying to do this <g:TextBox ui:field="searchBox" styleName="{style.searchBox}" placeholder="search" /> But the custom placeholder attribute won't work because there isn't a setPlaceholder method on TextBox - I need to this: searchBox.getElement().setAttribute("placeholder", "search"); ...

passing an object to the constructor of a widget defined in uibinder

I'm trying to pass my app's EventBus to a widget declared in a UiBinder via its constructor. I'm using the @UiConstructor annotation to mark a constructor that accepts the EventBus, but I don't know how to actually reference the object from my ui.xml code. That is, I need something like WidgetThatNeedsAnEventBus.java public class Wid...

Does GWT designer currently work with UIBinder?

I recently learned about GWT Designer and I am trying to use it in one of my projects. When I tried to open myView.java I got a message that this view is associated with a UIBinder file and that I should open the UIBinder file. When I open the UIBinder file I am told that I need version 2.1 M4 for UIBinder to work. I then install 2.1R...

uibinder widget add child fail

i try to add child in uibinder i get error in a text-only context. Perhaps you are trying to use unescaped HTML where text is required, as in a HasText widget? Element <package:ListItem..... my parent look like below public class ListItem extends ComplexPanel implements HasText, HasHTML, HasClickHandlers, HasKeyDownHandlers, HasBlurH...

Laying out a table in a GWT UiBinder (with Grid?)

I want to make a table of data in a UiBinder. I need programmatic access so I can add data at runtime, but I'd like my designer to have access to header names, column styles, etc, in the ui.xml file. Is there a solution that meets these needs? A Grid perfectly satisfies my programmatic access, but I don't see a way to specify rows or ...

use uibinder css in java rather than xml

in my ui.xml, i have style like below <ui:style src="../teststyle.css" /> if i want to programmatically use the style inside java file rather than ui.xml, in my widget how to call .setStyleName(..) as the css is obfuscated ...