
Unbind Not works in JQuery

Hi, I am having a button and wrote two functions for the same button Like initially $("#FieldSetting .button").eq(0).unbind('click'); $('.button').eq(0).click(function(){alert('initally');}) later in the JQUery when i click on a div i wrote another function to be implemented by the same button as $("#fb_contentarea_col1down21...

Unbinding specific jquery elements

Let's say I want to handle all links on a page, via a special function, so I do: $('a').bind("click", handleLinks); But I have a navbar with links that I want to handle differently. So I want to do this, which does not work: $('#navbar a').unbind("click", handleLinks); I do not want to specifically exclude the navbar in the first s...

Unbind a div and then bind it later.

$('.tab').click(function() { $(this).unbind("click"); var classy = $(this).attr("class").split(" ").splice(-1); var ihtml = $('.content.'+classy).html(); $('#holder').html(ihtml); $('.tab').removeClass('highlight'); $(this).addClass('highlight'); $(this).unbind("click"); }); So in this code I have basically, a tabbed interface. ...

Unbind click event with jQuery failing.

Hi, I am using a highly modified version of the jqueryFileTree plugin, that is able to add new files and folders. When a new file is created in realtime I have to bind the tree again to the click event so that all new files and folders can work as intended. Just re-binding the filetree has caused me some trouble with the functionality ...

is this unbind bug still exist in jQuery

today i try to make a code with jQuery bind/unbind event but, it always goes wrong if i use unbind, then i search to the net about unbinding an event, is this bug http://dev.jquery.com/ticket/1043 still exist in jQuery???(assume in last version) ...

how to prevent click queue build up, using toggle in jquery? tried using bind/unbind('click')

i want to disable the click handler when the toggle animation is showing so the animation won't build up because of multiple fast click. thanks jquery script: $("#button").click({ $(this).unbind('click').next().toggle("slow",function(){$('#button').bind('click')}); }); html code <div <a href='#' id='button'>Toggle</a> <div...

Unbind jquery plugins

Hello, I'm sure this is simple but I'm banging my head! I'm using the excellent jQuery plugin editable (http://www.appelsiini.net/projects/jeditable). Users can create a form on the fly, and click to edit the title, the body of the text, whatnot. Every time the user creates a new question, I rebind the plugin like so: $('.edit').edita...

jQuery bind and unbind event with paramters

I am trying to bind an event to a textbox that contains paramters. The following keep looks as if it should do it, but everytime the page loads, it gets executed. jQuery(function(){ jQuery('#textbox').bind('click',EventWithParam('param')); }); The event gets called with that parameter everytime the page loads. This may not work be...

Unbind gridview in jquery

Is it possible to do the above? i.e. I have a gridview that binds to a data set. Currently I have a ddl that when a client clicks on it, the gridview 'disappears'. (i.e. $('#GridView1').remove();) However this does not remove the bind and therefore when a postback occurs, the gridview is populated with the 'erased' dataset. Can I use...

jquery unbind method

if my html looks like this: <div id="result_root" class="expand_image"> <image id="expAllArtistImg" class="expImg" src="images/16-arrow-right.png" onclick="expand(this, 'artists', 'artists');"></image> <h1>All Artist</h1> </div> and my javascript looks like this: //change arrow image $(callingImg).attr("src","images/16-arrow-do...

Can txAMQP unbind in RabbitMQ?

I want to remove bindings in RabbitMQ without deleting the bound queue. I am using txAMQP with the 0.8 AMQP spec; it seems to be the only version that RabbitMQ supports but it has no unbind method. Oddly enough, a perusal through the source code suggests that RabbitMQ supports unbind, which leaves me rather confused. Can I unbind with ...

How do I "rebind" the click event after unbind('click') ?

I have an anchor tag <a class="next">next</a> made into a "button". Sometimes, this tag needs to be hidden if there is nothing new to show. All works fine if I simply hide the button with .hide() and re-display it with .show(). But I wanted to uses .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() instead. The problem I'm having is that if the user clicks on ...

Unbind Key Presses

I'm making a game that involves, like all games, key presses. Only left and right arrow and the Space Bar. They work, but the browser is pre-set to scroll left, right, or jump down on those keys. Is there any way to unbind those keys in the code? Thanks. ...

Disable/unbind click on active items, rebind click when inactive

I have a left-positioned navigation that shows/hides content on the right. Currently, when you click a link, it fades in the corresponding content on the right and adds an active class to that link. My problem is that if you click the active link again, the content on the right keeps on fading in again. I would like to unbind that click ...

remove/unbind hover on anchors...

html <a href="home.html">Home</a> css a { color: blue; } a:hover { color: red; } now as you can see <a> now would be color red on hover. Question How do I remove hover via jQuery? I have tried: $('a').unbind('hover'); and $('a').unbind('mouseenter mouseleave') I come to think why it won't work, is this not hover()? Please e...

jQuery unbind('hover') does not work

My unbind does not work. $("img.hoverable").hover(ChangeImage, ChangeBack); $("a img.hoverable").unbind('hover'); The HTML could be like this <img class="hoverable" src="something.jpg"/> <a href="#"><img class="hoverable" src="something.jpg"/></a> When I hover over the second HTML, ChangeImage is still fired. I am not sure if I am...

Unbind not doing what it should

Hi Guys, I must be missing something fundamental, but for the life of me cant work it out. the idea is when u click that click event is then unbind. Also to note the alert('test') is not firing. $(document).ready(function() { $('#menu .cat-item a').each( function() { $(this).bind('click',hide).unbind('click',hide); }); });...

JQUERY bind .unbind

I have an accordion which has different sections to save and display different types of information. But there is only one save button to handle all the sections. If anyone can please give me a clue on how to achieve this using jquery bind and unbind. ...

Struggling with jQuery Toggle function

I am working on a band blurb page, example here. The idea is to click on a photo which will display the band member blurb on the left, overlaying the overall band description. My issue with the current code is that using toggle to display the alternative individual blurbs means that when you click between the different members, sometim...

jQuery drag/drop unbinds child links

Hi, I want a draggable div to include a clickable link. Everything works fine until i drag and drop the div. The link inside seems to unbind after drag/drop. Anyone? Thanks! Dirk ...