
How do I properly implement Unicode passwords?

Adding support for Unicode passwords it an important feature that should not be ignored by developers. Still, adding support for Unicode in passwords is a tricky job because the same text can be encoded in different ways in Unicode and you don't want to prevent people from logging in because of this. Let's say that you'll store the pa...

Python regex \w doesn't match combining diacritics?

I have a UTF8 string with combining diacritics. I want to match it with the \w regex sequence. It matches characters that have accents, but not if there is a latin character with combining diacritics. >>> re.match("a\w\w\wz", u"aoooz", re.UNICODE) <_sre.SRE_Match object at 0xb7788f38> >>> print u"ao\u00F3oz" aoóoz >>> re.match("a\w\w\wz...