
MSVC: union vs. class/struct with inline friend operators

This piece of code compiles and runs as expected on GCC 3.x and 4.x: #include <stdio.h> typedef union buggedUnion { public: // 4 var init constructor inline buggedUnion(int _i) { i = _i; } friend inline const buggedUnion operator - (int A, const buggedUnion &B) { return buggedUnion(A - B.i); } ...

Union as sub query MySQL

I'm wanting to optimize a query using a union as a sub query. Im not really sure how to construct the query though. I'm using MYSQL 5 Here is the original query: SELECT Parts.id FROM Parts_Category, Parts LEFT JOIN Image ON Parts.image_id = Image.id WHERE ( ( Parts_Category.category_id = '508' OR Parts_Categ...

Is it possible to map multiple tables to a single domain model using NHibernate?

Is it possible to map multiple tables to a single domain model using NHibernate? It's basically a UNION, something like shown below but I am not sure how to do the domain models in C# and mappings of NHibernate. I basically have 1 abstract class and 2 concrete classes. Each concrete class can be mapped to a single table in the databse....

Trying to speed up a SQLITE UNION QUERY

I have the below SQLITE code SELECT x.t, CASE WHEN S.Status='A' AND M.Nomorebets=0 THEN S.PriceText ELSE '-' END AS Show_Price FROM sb_Market M LEFT OUTER JOIN (select 2010 t union select 2020 t union select 2030 t union select 2040 t union select 2050 t union select 2060 t union select 2070 t ) as x LEFT OUTER JOIN sb_Selection S ON S....

Combine two tables that have no common fields

I want to learn how to combine two db tables which have no fields in common. I've checked UNION but MSDN says : The following are basic rules for combining the result sets of two queries by using UNION: The number and the order of the columns must be the same in all queries. The data types must be compatible. But I hav...

Ordering FREETEXTTABLE result UNIONed with standard SELECT by Rank

I had a working FREETEXTTABLE query that searched for a @searchString. I now need to UNION that with another simple query that tries to parse the @searchString into an INT, and if it succeeds, filtering the table by looking for the row with PK equal to the parse @searchString. Previously, I could easily JOIN the FREETEXTTABLE result to ...

using unions in function parameters

I recently discovered that something compiles(not sure that it's legal though). My need for such a thing comes from this: My project outputs machine code for a selected arch.(which may or may not be the same arch. as the one running the program). So, I would like to support up to 64bit architectures right now(while also supporting existi...

Drupal Views combine 2 columns into 1?

I've got two content types, both have a node title and a document attachment, the doc attachment fields are different names (being from two different content types). In my view, I'm displaying the node title and the file name in a table. The node titles are great all in one column, but the two content typed attachment fields are display...

Initializing aggregate unions

I've got a union : union my_union { short int Int16; float Float; }; I'd like to create : const my_union u1 = ???; const my_union u2 = ???; and initialize their values to be of different types respectively : u1 -> int16 u2 -> float How do I do that ? If the above is not possible, are there any workarounds? ...

What's a good, generic algorithm for collapsing a set of potentially-overlapping ranges?

I have a method that gets a number of objects of this class class Range<T> { public T Start; public T End; } In my case T is DateTime, but lets use int for simplicity. I would like a method that collapses those ranges into ones that cover the same "area" but that do not overlap. So if I had the following ranges 1 to 5 3 to ...

Strange C++ boolean casting behaviour (true!=true)

Just read on an internal university thread: #include <iostream> using namespace std; union zt { bool b; int i; }; int main() { zt w; bool a,b; a=1; b=2; cerr<<(bool)2<<static_cast<bool>(2)<<endl; //11 cerr<<a<<b<<(a==b)<<endl; //111 w.i=2; int q=w.b; cerr<<(bool)q<<...

merging data bt tables in mysql

Hi. I have three tables with the following structure: tb1: id(AI, PK), uid, date, text tb2: id(AI, PK), uid, date, text ... and so on I have to keep them separate because of additional unqiue data that each table has. I'd like to execute a query that will merge and get me the last 20 entries (ie, date DESC) (specifically, i need uid a...

SQL: SELECT n% with pictures, (100-n)% without pictures

Hi all, we have a DB which stores users who may have pictures. I am looking for an elegant way in SQL to get the following results: Select n users. Of those n users e.g. 60% should have an associated picture and 40% should not have a picture. If there are less than 60% users having a picture the result should be filled up with users wi...

MySQL performance – Multiple queries or one inefficient query?

Hi. I have three tables, each contain some common information, and some information that is unique to the table. For example: uid, date are universal among the tables, but one table can contain a column type while the other contains currency. I need to query the database and get the last 20 entries (date DESC) that have been entered in ...

Using union and count(*) together in SQL query

Hello I have a SQL query, looks something like this: select name, count (*) from Results group by name order by name and another, identical which loads from a archive results table, but the fields are the same. select name, count (*) from Archive_Results group by name order by name How would I combine the two in just one query? (S...

What is the difference between group by, distinct, Union for selecting distinct values for multiple columns?

Hi gurus, This question explained about a way of getting distinct combination of multiple columns. But I want to know the difference between the methods of DISTINCT, UNION, GROUP BY keyword method for this purpose. I am getting different results when using them. My queries are like this Query 1. select column1, column2, column3 from ta...

MySQL query for ALL search terms in index

I have a table of employees and their schedule, like so: Emp_Name | Date -------- ----- Smith | 08-01-2009 Jones | 08-01-2009 Goodman | 08-02-2009 Smith | 08-02-2009 Jones | 08-02-2009 Goodman | 08-03-2009 How would I write a query so that the results were only employee names of employees working on 08-02-2009 and 08-03...

How do I do a union in Java (or how can I get/set individual bits in a float)?

I have to admit in all my work with Java, I've never come across the need for a Java union (like the C union, not the SQL one) and I cannot find an answer here on SO. Admittedly, most of my work in Java has been at higher abstractions that bit-fiddling. I have a integer which I'm setting individual bits for and I want to print out the e...

Get result row count for individual SELECT statements with UNION ALL in MySQL when using LIMIT

Hi all. I need to get the row count for individual SELECT statements in an UNION ALL SELECT query that uses LIMIT. The MySQL docs are pretty clear about getting the global row count for the query (place individual SELECTs in parenthesis and place an SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS only in the first statement, then get FOUND_ROWS() the usual way). Ho...

Zend Framework Select Objects And UNION()

I'm pretty sure this is not possible in Zend Framework (I have searched the Web, the documentation and issue tracker) but I just want to make sure so I'm asking here. $select = $this->select(); $select->union($select1, $select2); That doesn't work of course. To explain what I need. I need to use UNION() to merge 2 tables in a SELECT q...