
Testing Spring MVC Output

Hello, So I have an MVC project that exposes my services in JSON format. What would be the ideal method of (unit?) testing whether or not my methods return correct content (in terms of JSON syntax as well)? Thank you, Sammy ...

Unit testing ASP.NET Code behind.

I've been reading about MVC in which the authors suggest that testability is one of the major strengths of MVC. They go to compare it with ASP.NET WebForms and how difficult it is to test the code behind in WebForms. I do understand it's difficult but can someone explain how unit tests were written to test code behind logic in the old ...

How should I unit test sending email from a controller?

I'm getting started with unit testing and trying to do some TDD. I've read a fair bit about the subject and written a few tests. I just want to know if the following is the right approach. I want to add the usual "contact us" facility on my web site. You know the thing, the user fills out a form with their email address, enters a brief...

Unit Test Sessions Window Closes when debugging

When I select an NUnit test in the Unit Test Sessions window and click debug, the window disappears. My breakpoints are hit, but if I hit F5, the Unit Test Sessions window does not return until the test returns a result or I stop the debugging session. This is preventing me from viewing any console output during tests. Any ideas? ...

How do you send a long press from an InstrumentationTestCase?

In Android, how can I send a long press from an InstrumentationTestCase? I'd like for instance to do a sendKeys(KEYCODE_DPAD_CENTER) but make that a long click. ...

[C++] Boost test: catch user defined exceptions

If I have user defined exceptions in my code, I can't get Boost test to consider them as failures. For example, BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE_EXPECTED_FAILURES(MyTest,1) BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(MyTest) { // code which throws user defined exception, not derived from std::exception. } I get a generic message: Caught exception: .... unknown locat...

How do I ignore the UTF-8 Byte Order Marker in String comparisons?

I'm having a problem comparing strings in a Unit Test in C# 4.0 using Visual Studio 2010. This same test case works properly in Visual Studio 2008 (with C# 3.5). Here's the relevant code snippet: byte[] rawData = GetData(); string data = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(rawData); Assert.AreEqual("Constant", data, false, CultureInfo.InvariantCu...

Unit Testing Interfaces in Python

I am currently learning python in preperation for a class over the summer and have gotten started by implementing different types of heaps and priority based data structures. I began to write a unit test suite for the project but ran into difficulties into creating a generic unit test that only tests the interface and is oblivious of th...

Using Moq to set indexers in C#

I'm having trouble figuring out how to set indexers in C# with Moq. The Moq documentation is weak, and I've done a lot of searching... what I'd like to do is similar in the solution to How to Moq Setting an Indexed property: var someClass = new Mock<ISomeClass>(); someClass.SetupSet(o => o.SomeIndexedProperty[3] = 25); I want to modif...

How should I pass an object wrapping an API to a class using that API?

Hello everyone :) This is a revised/better written version of the question I asked earlier today -- that question is deleted now. I have a project where I'm getting started with Google Mock. I have created a class, and that class calls functions whithin the Windows API. I've also created a wrapper class with virtual functions wrapping ...

mocking command object in grails controller results in hasErrors() return false no matter what! Please help.

I have a controller that uses a command object in a controller action. When mocking this command object in a grails' controller unit test, the hasErrors() method always returns false, even when I am purposefully violating its constraints. The more baffling thing is that in production, hasErrors() works! So this is just a testing problem....

Under what conditions should I test get() and set() methods?

I could not confirm whether to do these tests. It seems the set and get method is so simple,such as: setA(String A) { this.A = A; } getA(){ return A; } Any ideas would be appreciated! Thanks, Joseph ...

NUnit not running Suite tests

I've created a test suite in NUnit that references several distinct unit test fixtures in various assemblies. I've pretty much used the example code from NUnit's docs: namespace NUnit.Tests { using System; using NUnit.Framework; using System.Collections; public class AllTests { [Suite] public static...

Good Unit testing book

Can anyone recommend a good book for beginners about unit testing with visual studio 2008 (c#) ? Thank you! ...

Cannot execute newly created TestMethod in VS2010

When I try to run a new TestMethod on an existing TestClass in Visual Studio 2010 (by right-clicking on the method name and choosing Run Tests) the test method does not execute. After a restart of VS, the problem has gone. Am I missing some refresh thing, or is right-clicking even the correct way of executing a single test method? ...

Mockito verify no more interactions but omit getters

Mockito api provides method: Mockito.verifyNoMoreInteractions(someMock); but is it possible in Mockito to declare that I don't want more interactions with a given mock with the exceptions of interactions with its getter methods? The simple scenario is the one in which I test that sut changes only certain properties of a given mock a...

[NUnit+Moq] Guidelines for using Assert versus Verify

I'm new to unit testing, and I'm learning how to use NUnit and Moq. NUnit provides Assert syntax for testing conditions in my unit tests, while Moq provides some Verify functions. To some extent these seem to provide the same functionality. How do I know when it's more appropriate to use Assert or Verify? Maybe Assert is better for con...

ASP.NET MVC Unit Testing Controllers - Repositories

This is more of an opinion seeking question, so there may not be a "right" answer, but I would welcome arguments as to why your answer is the "right" one. Given an MVC application that is using Entity Framework for the persistence engine, a repository layer, a service layer that basically defers to the repository, and a delete method on...

JUnit for Functions with Void Return Values

I've been working on a Java application where I have to use JUnit for testing. I am learning it as I go. So far I find it to be useful, especially when used in conjunction with the Eclipse JUnit plugin. After playing around a bit, I developed a consistent method for building my unit tests for functions with no return values. I wanted...

mockito ArrayList<String> problem...

I have a method that I am trying to unit test. This method takes a parameter as an ArrayList and does things with it. The mock I am trying to define is: ArrayList<String> mocked = mock(ArrayList.class); which gives a [unchecked] unchecked conversion" warning. ArrayList<String> mocked = mock(ArrayList<String>.class); gives me an...