
What would be the use of accepting itself as type arguments in generics

I saw some code on an unrelated question but it got me curious as I never saw such construct with Java Generics. What would be the use of creating a generic class that can take as type argument itself or descendants of itself. Here is example : abstract class A<E extends A<E>> { abstract void foo(E x); } the first thing that cam...

IF Statement has strange behavior

I've developed a 'custom' cout, so that I can display text to console and also print it to a log file. This cout class is passed a different integer on initialization, with the integer representing the verbosity level of the message. If the current verbosity level is greater then or equal to the verbosity level of the message, the messag...

The imagemap today

Remember imagemaps from Web 0.9b? I'm curious about the state of this tag now in 2010. Given some of the surprising and successful resurgences of white elephant technologies (Google Maps' use of Javascript, which was novel when it first appeared, and MySpace ushering in an animated GIF renaissance), is anyone using imagemaps today in n...

Weird Error in C++ Program: Removing Printout Breaks Program

This is a very strange problem... removing the cout in the function below causes it to stop printing the correct/expected results and printing garbage values. (i.e. it still RUNS the data it outputs, though, is wrong). Any ideas? bool extract_tension(std::vector<double> &interfacial_tension_trap, std::vector<double> &interfacial...

What does this untypical link format '#!' means!?

Possible Duplicate: What's the shebang (#!) in Facebook and new Twitter URLs for? Hello, One thing that took my attention in some modern websites is the presence of '#!' symbols in their links, see for example twitter and Rapidshare links: http://twitter.com/#!/SolidSnakeGTI http://twitter.com/#!/SolidSnakeGTI/followers http...