
Subversion update misses new directories

Hi all, Periodically we have trouble with SVN when doing updates. Very occasionally when someone adds a new directory doing an update through Tortoise doesn't work. If we do a "Fully Recursive" update using "Update from revision..." option then it picks it up fine. I'm poked around and seen this question which is virtually identical ...

How to flash the JFrame on Windows taskbar when it needs attention?

Hi, i'm a computer science student working on a Yahoo Messenger - like program implemented in Java. My problem is that whenever the JTextArea inside my frame contains new message updates, the user must be prompted even when his/her frame is minimized. Is there a workaround on how to make the JFrame on the taskbar blink when updates are ...

detect when a webpage is updated

Hello, There is a website (very simple) which will be updated soon and I'd like to receive an alert at the moment it changes (like a sound, a popup,...) I guess I should send request every x minutes and compare the result with what's now but I don't know how to do that. I don't really care about the language used, I know java, python,...

Upgrade rails app from 2.2.2 to 2.3.5

Hi Everyone, How hard/complex would upgrading an application from Rails 2.2.2 to the latest build? I have seen some rake tasks for upgrading from 1.2 versions etc. but havent seen any comments on a smaller increment upgrade. Thanks, Danny Error after upgrade macbook:trunk danny$ script/server => Booting Mongrel => Rails 2.3.5 appl...

Objective C unable to update UILabel more than once.

I have a method which I created that appends some new text to a UILabel. I've tried two ways of doing this (one is commented out) but both of them only update the label the first time. Any more calls to this method do not update the label. - (void) updateLog: (NSString*) text { /* NSMutableString *newText = [logLabel.text muta...

Need opinions on LaTeX and ever upgrading

Hi, I've been using LaTeX since 2005 with the TeXLive distribution and I've been upgrading as each new TeXLive distribution comes out. In the recent years I noticed an increase in new packages, updated packages and in one instance a new package bearing a different name replacing an old one by the same package author. A LaTeX document whi...

Can we update a source that is not DepencyProperty or not INotifyPropertyChanged compliant

I have a business object that comes from the core of the application. That object does not inherit from INotifyPropertyChanged. It contains some property that my XAML code bind to it. I only want to update the properties not the UI dynamically (OneWayToSource style). By example, if I change the text of a text box, the source item does n...

How to update a table using a select group by in a second one as the data source in MySQL?

I can't do this in MySQL UPDATE tableA, tableB SET tableA.column1 = SUM(tableB.column2) WHERE tableA.column3 = tableB.column4 GROUP BY tableB.column4 ; Neither can I UPDATE tableA, ( SELECT SUM(tableB.column2) sumB, tableB.column4 FROM tableB GROUP BY tableB.column4 ) t1 SET tableA.column1 = sumB WHERE tableA.column3 = column4...

Silent authentication

What is meant by silent authentication/ silent update? ...

Update text in StatusBar in wpf using C#

hello, I have a TextBox in StatusBar in wpf which i want to update. I have a list of files in ListBox. On each file I would be doing some operation by calling say method ProcessFile(). So whenever the file processing is completed I want to show that file's name in the StatusBar text. I have tried something like this: private void but...

twitter like tweet update notification in asp.net

we are adding new functionality in our application where in there would be some users posting short comments and on the other side there would be some users monitoring the activity or comments posted by the other users within the same application. my question is, what is the best way of implementing the notification of new comment availa...

How to keep Java Frame from waiting?

I am writing a genetic algorithm that approximates an image with a polygon. While going through the different generations, I'd like to output the progress to a JFrame. However, it seems like the JFrame waits until the GA's while loop finishes to display something. I don't believe it's a problem like repainting, since it eventually does d...

What is the best way to implement an object cache with Entity Framework?

Say I have a table of "BlogPosts" in a database and i want to be able to cache the ones that were retrieved already in memory, for further reads, I can just use a standard hashtable type memory cache like System.Web.Caching.Cache, but if i then need to update a property on one of these blog posts e.g. blogPost.Title and update the rec...

PowerShell: How to find and uninstall a MS Office Update

I've been hunting for a clean way to uninstall an MSOffice security update on a large number of workstations. I've found some awkward solutions, but nothing as clean or general like using PowerShell and get-wmiobject with Win32_QuickFixEngineering and the .Uninstall method on the resulting object. [Apparently, Win32_QuickFixEngineeri...

Increment a database field by 1

With MySQL, if I have a field, of say logins, how would I go about updating that field by 1 within a sql command? I'm trying to create an INSERT query, that creates firstName, lastName and logins. However if the combination of firstName and lastName already exists, increment the logins by 1. so the table might look like this.. firstN...

POST new schema to SOLR

Is there any way of POSTing a new schema to Solr (eg. is there a handler for managing schema updates) instead of manually placing the new schema.xml in Solr home directory? ...

SQL update fields of one table from fields of another one.

I'm having two tables: A [ID, column1, column2, column3] B [ID, column1, column2, column3, column4] A table will always be subset of B table (meaning all columns of A are also in B). I want to update a record with a specific ID in B with their data from A for all columns of A. This ID exists both in A and B. Is there an UPDATE syntax ...

Updating MS - Access fields through MS-Excel cells

Hi everyone.... Consider that i have an excel workbook and an access table not necessarily having a similar structure (i.e. They may not have same number of columns) When i open the workbook the rows in the excel sheet get populated by the rows in access table (copied from the access table into the excel sheet's particular range of ce...

Android. update ExpandableListView

Hi everyone! I have the following problem: I would like to change value of ExpandableListView's cell on click. How should I do that? Here is what I'm using: public class TemplateActivity extends ExpandableListActivity { private SimpleExpandableListAdapter expListAdapter = null; protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInsta...

How to update a table using a select group by in a second one and itself as the data source in MySQL?

I can do this: SELECT t2.value + sum(t3.value) FROM tableA t2, tableB t3 WHERE t2.somekey = t3.somekey GROUP BY t3.somekey But how to do this? UPDATE tableA t1 SET speed = ( SELECT t2.value + sum(t3.value) FROM tableA t2, tableB t3 WHERE t2.somekey = t3.somekey AND t1.somekey = t3.somekey ...