
Updating Android app properly?

Help! I updated my android application on the market. This update included a change in the databaseHelper file where I put in more data and tables. Normally, when debugging, I would have to uninstall and reinstall the app because it doesn't see the new values in the database. Now, it's doing the same thing on the market. Why is this ha...

Ubuntu: how to make apt-get/synaptic work for own application

We are developing a (closed-source) Java application and think about possibilities to update the software automatically on the user's machines. Fortunately, for nearly all Linux systems there exist package managers. We don't think it would be useful to add our application to the common repositories for several reasons, but how to create ...

Retrieving the new updated value of a Textbox in a ListView when Update linkbutton is clicked.

I am unable to get the updated value of textbox within a listview when "Update" link button is clicked which calls a function. <asp:ListView ID="_lvCartItems" OnItemUpdating="CartPartItem_OnItemUpdating" OnItemDeleting="CartPartItem_OnItemDeleting" runat="server"> <LayoutTemplate> <table width="90...

suPHP / PHP scrip timeout

After my host enabled suPHP, a previously working script has been timing out after ~3min (it varies, but the script has not run for more then 3, AFAIK). The odd part is, the script is not throwing any errors that I can see (and yes, full PHP error reporting/logging is enabled and all MYSQL queries have been checked for errors, also) it s...

MySQL - How can I update a table with values from another table?

Hello, i'have the task to repair some invalid data in a mysql-database. In one table there are people with a missing date, which should be filled from a second table, if there is a corresponding entry. TablePeople: ID, MissingDate, ... TableEvent: ID, people_id, replacementDate, ... Update TablePeople set missingdate = (select re...

How can I reload an Activity that exists within a TabView?

I have a Tabview with 3 tabs (each having their own activity). I have a tab that parses a RSS feed. How can I refresh this feed via a menu button? I tried doing the following but I lose the tabs above of course. Thanks! Intent UpdateFeedIntent = new Intent(classA.this, classA.class); startActivity(UpdateFeedIntent); finish(); ...

Run certain code every n seconds

Is there a way to, for example, print Hello World! every n seconds? For example, the program would go through whatever code I had, then once it had been 5 seconds (with time.sleep()) it would execute that code. I would be using this to update a file though, not print Hello World. For example: startrepeat('print('Hello World'), .01) #re...

How to update a database used as a source of data by an Android app

I have an app which uses a large amount of data which has been compiled outside the app (on my main PC). The app is for my personal use so there are no complications with having to distribute data updates to other users. However, I am currently following a very convoluted and time-consuming procedure each time I want to update the data, ...

MySQL problem: Show on update

Hello! I wanted to know if its possible to display the contents of a mysql table on a page as soon as its contents are changed/updated Thanks! ...

what is better Doing AJAX call or use UpdatePanel for updating a panel?

In my application i need to update a panels content after the button click which do some server side processing. I don't want to do full page postback. I can achieve this in two ways : By doing a AJAX call or by using a update panel. But I am confused to choose one. Which is a better option in this case? Thanks in advance. ...

Android Market Update Comment?

When downloading and installing updates from Android Market, you often see an update comment like version 1.2.14 Bugfix on... version 1.2.15 Added settings menu and so on. How is that comment made? I couldn't see a update comment field in the market today. Thanx for listening! ...

How could I update a wiki page from a formated txt file?

I need to update info in a template on a wiki page with info from a specially formatted text file. I have access to the actual wiki database if that is necessary. Basically, how do I update a wiki page programatically? What tools do I need? etc. EDIT1:Wiki is running on VMS so things like .NET (and anything windows/microsoft oriented)...

Auto update sluggable field with Doctrine

Hello everyone, I'm using CodeIgniter with Doctrine in a project. One of my models has the Sluggable behavior. The slug is created according to another field X when the object is saved. I was wondering if there was a way to automatically update this slug field when the X field is updated. At the moment, if I update the X field, the slu...

Database is locked

hey my problem is when i try to update my database it goes through the update query fine but then it crashes giving me a error in the console saying "Error while updating 'Database is locked'". Does any one have a clue why is it so? ...

SQL Server Number of records affected by an update before executing the actual update

Hey Is there a way to get the number of records by an update-statement before executing the actual update? I know you can just create a select count(1) statement, but my process needs something more generic. ...

Cannot update my motorola to 2.2 froyo

Hi, I'm trying to update my motorola droid from 2.1 update-1 to 2.2. when I go to settings->about phone->system update it says there is update available I download it and after restarting when it starts to install new version of android, the exclamation mark appears for a second, restarts phone and loads it into old version again. I tri...

openquery update on linked server

I want to execute the following statement through from a linked server (openquery): UPDATE SAP_PLANT SET (OWNER, OWNER_COUNTRY) = (SELECT import.AFNAME, import.COUNTRY FROM SAP_IMPORT_CUSTOMERS import, SAP_PLANT plant WHERE plant.SAP_FL = import.SAP_NO ...

Getting Textmate to recognize Ruby version upgrade

I used the instructions at http://bparanj.blogspot.com/2010/06/installing-ruby-191-on-snow-leopard.html to install Ruby version 1.92 on my Mac running Snow Leopard. The only deviation is in step 3, which calls for .bash_profile to be updated. I have .profile, but not .bash_profile, in my home directory, so I added the export command to...

How to insert X amount of rows at the beginning of a pre-existing table of data in sqlite

I am relatively new to sql, so I had a question about insertion. I have a table of data that I need to import above the existing content of another table. For example, the table I am bringing in has 100 rows, and the table I'm bringing the data into has 100. I need to make the table I am bringing new data into have 200 rows, and have the...

how to put a xml into couchDB?

hi, i want to do this: 1. PUT a xml string to couchdb server. something like: curl -X PUT http://localhost:5984/db/_design/app/_update/echo/h1 -d "<doc><name1>value1</name1><name2>value2</name2></doc>" at the couchdb server side, i parse the xml string into json object. save the json object as a document. is this possible? how...