
Upload Entire Directory via PHP FTP

Hey, I'm trying to write a script that will upload the entire contents of a directory stored on my server to other servers via ftp. I've been reading through the documentation on www.php.net, but can't seem to find a way to upload more then one file at a time. Is there a way to do this, or is there a script that will index that direct...

When I upload/copy an image it fails, when I hit refresh/resend it works

Alight so, I am working on a small section of a project and I am uploading an image and then copying it to resize afterwards. What is happening is that when I click submit to upload, it fails, but if I hit refresh/resend the info it succeeds... $uploadFile = $uploadDir . $imageName; $imageName2 = $front[0]."_large\.".$front[1];...

PHP Uploading Issue

Hi there. I've worked with a few scripts to begin uploading files on my development machine. Problem is, despite the expected ease of this operation, Apache seems to time-out whenever I try to upload an image. Uploading is set to On and the tmp directory is set in php.ini. I tried uploading the main gif from Google, an 8.36KB image. I...

How to upload and show avatars in php?

Ok i want to load a Avatar with my users regso they can upload and make a profile page i have user reg and everything and im using a flat file in php? ...

Future proof file storage

I accept file uploads from users. Each file has a pointer in the db which has info on the file location in the filesystem. Currently, I'm storing the files in the filesystem non categorically, and each file is currently just named a unique value. All categorisation and naming etc is done in the app using the db. A factor that I'm concer...

Can anyone provide a rational explanation as to why a web server must assist in the creation of upload progress bars?

I've been putting together a small personal website in rails and have gotten to the point where I need to be able to upload files. This is an almost trivial task and took no time at all. What is taking time - and is slowly sapping my sanity - is the task of providing the user with an upload progress bar. I've seen at least a dozen sol...

overriding upload_max_filesize

Hello, I am trying to override my upload_max_filesize in php but I still get the value which is in my php.ini file which is 2 mb. ini_set('upload_max_filesize','30M'); ini_set('post_max_size','30M'); echo("<br>".ini_get('upload_max_filesize')."<br>"); ...

GWT: How to get a submission result out of FormPanel

The example from FormPanel's javadoc says: "...Assuming the service returned a response of type text/html, we can get the result text here (see the FormPanel documentation for further explanation)..." However the javadoc doesn't explain a bit about this topic. Has anyone found how to get the HTML response sent back from server after a ...

HTTP web request not returning what is expected in C#

Hey I'm currently working on posting a file from a C# application to an image host (KalleLoad.net - with the owners consent, obviously). I've gotten the actual posting of the request to work, but it's not returning what I expected. The owner of the upload site has provided me with an API (of sorts) which will return some XML with the ...

Multipart File Upload in Ruby

I simply want to upload an image to a server with POST. As simple as this task sounds, there seems to be no simple solution in Ruby. In my application I am using WWW::Mechanize for most things so I wanted to use it for this too, and had a source like this: f = File.new(filename, File::RDWR) reply = agent.post( 'http://rest-test.her...

$_FILES array empty in php when uploading .zip, while .jpg works fine

I am running php 5.3, and have bumped into a problem I've not encountered before. I have an upload form (yes, enctype is set to multipart/form-data), that posts stuff to a php page. The php installation has uploads enabled, and upload_max_filesize is set to .5GB. Uploading pictures (I've tried up to 50 at a time) works fine. Uploading...

Uploading files through a HTTP POST in C++

I'm trying to send a file and other POST variables to a PHP script on my server. There are no good resources on Google and the code samples I've found don't work. Preferably without using cURL. ...

Problems uploading a file in php

I am trying to upload a file to a sever using PHP. I cannot get it to work. Here is the code: if( isset($_POST['Upload']) ) { //size condition if ( $_FILES['uploaded']['size'] > 350000) { $mesg = "Your file is too large.<br>"; exit; } if( move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploaded']['tmp_name'], "upload/" . ...

html form enctype

In HTML forms containg file uploads, enctype="multipart/form-data" attribute has to be set. This much I know. But why? What exactly does it change? How does it differ from application/x-www-form-urlencoded? ...

Adobe flex maximum size of uploaded file

Is there a maximum size limit for files being uploaded in Adobe Flex? I am testing it on localhost and can't upload a file of roughly 300MB. Even though I receive the complete event, after I upload the file.... I was able to upload a file of roughly 10MB. I am using PHP on the server side. ...

How can I upload a file via ASP.NET MVC and show a progress bar?

I'm looking to allow a user to browse and upload a file to the server in my ASP.NET MVC application. If it is possible, I'm interested in adding a progress bar to show how much of the file has been uploaded. Does anyone have any examples of something like this? Should I use jQuery to do this? ...

Is it possible to optimize/shrink images before uploading?

I am working on a web application that will deal with many image uploads. Its quite likely that the users will be in areas with slow internet connections and I'm hoping to save them upload time by compressing the images before uploading. I have seen that Aurigma Image Uploader achieves this using a java applet or active x but it's expe...

Htaccess and uploads

.htaccess files are not my strong point. I have document uploads going to /uploads. The user should be able to view the documents they've just uploaded by clicking on the document link that appears via ajax after uploading is completed. However, I would like to be able to password protect the /uploads folder BUT still enable the curre...

move_uploaded_file hangs?

I seem to have a bizarre error I just can't quite figure out. My website was working on one server, but when I transferred it to a new one it stopped working. I believe I've narrowed the error down to this line of code: $ret = move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $orig_path); This is executed through an AJAX call so it's a little bit tricky ...

24MB PHP file upload fails silently

Hello guys, I'm writing an app that accepts .mp4 uploads. So I've a 24.3MB .mp4 that is posted to the server, but it fails silently. The next smallest file I have is a 5.2MB .flv. It's not the file type of course, but file size. I wonder if anybody could shed some light on this? P.S. the relevant php.ini entries are as follows: memo...