
File upload kills rails app and server

I have simple model which looks like this: def video_file=(input_data) unless input_data.to_s.empty? newfile = File.open("#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/to_upload/#{self.filename}_vid.f4v", "wb") do |f| while buff = input_data.read(4096) f.write(buff) end end end end and here the error which rails manages to disp...

how can I change(update) an existing avatar to a new one using Django modelform?

Hi, I encounter a problem. In my user models there is an atrrbution: user.avatar = ImageField ('avatar', upload_to=AVATAR_TEMP_DIR, blank=True, null=True) then i use a modelform as an create user form. And the avatar is uploaded corrcet. Which upload to AVATAR_TEMP_DIR, then I move the avatar into AVATAR_ORIGINAL_PATH and make user.avata...

Process the file before uploading it

I got a form with SWFUpload. Files uploaded to the server are converted server-side (video being compressed, images being resized etc) Question is - can i delegate some of the functionality to client-side (like image resizing), to save some bandwidth for user. ...

file upload issue

Hello everyone, I am implementing a similar scenario like Youtube for my web site -- uploading video and so that all people could watch. My question is, I think we need to encode the video after upload before other people could play remotely, but encode process is very slow (I tried with Microsoft Expression Encoder and also mplayer, en...

'pass through' php upload to amazon's s3?

I've seen ways to upload files directly to S3 and I've seen ways to upload a file already on the server. I need to modify the file's name before sending it on to S3, but I don't want to store it locally and then upload it, if I can help it. Is there a way to put it in a buffer or something? Thx. ...

Browser download file prompt using javascript

hi, I was wondering if there was any method to implement browser's download file prompt using javascript. My reason - well users will be uploading files to a local fileserver which cannot be accessed from the webserver. In other words, both will be on different domains! e.g. let’s say websites hosted on www.xyz.com, but files would resi...

Can a long file upload be handled by a cluster of (Tomcat) servers where in if one server fails/crashes during the upload, another one picks it up

What happens when Tomcat fails during the upload process. Will it simply throw a 50X error. Is it possible to gracefully handle the server failure and forward the rest of the request to a different server. ...

PHP - Maximum Total Upload Size?

I have a php web page with 15 fields. The user will use it to upload images. I tested this by uploading 15 jpg images, each about 2 M, without any problems. On the day I launch, I will be moving this web page to another Linux shared hosting environment (still not sure which). Are there some web hosting environments that limit the si...

Slow PDF upload for Confluence

We run a site that we host that uses the Atlassian Confluence. The site works great and is being used now. But there is one thing. It seems like when pdf and gifs are uploaded the upload speed will be slower. But the smaller files will upload fine. Has anyone else having an issue with uploading pdf's into confluence? I am trying to...

Upload large amounts of data to production sql server with minimal contention

I am running a web site that helps manage lots of information for medical clinics. Part of the application needs to upload patient files from an excel spreadsheet. The patient table has about 1 million records and an excel import needs to insert or update 10k,20k,30k patient records at a time. All the while other customers are poundin...

Is it possible to upload [MovieClip] images to imageshack using Flash?

Hello all Is it possible to upload a MovieClip as an image to a image hoster such as imageshack or flickr? If it is possible. Please give direction. Thank you all Update Even if this is possible, would the hoster require the image to exist physically in a file location? Update 2 I sort of know its possible now. But can someone ple...

how does one upload data in bulk to a google appengine datastore?

I have about 4000 records that i need to upload to the datastore. They are currently in CSV format. I'd appreciate if someone would point me to or explain how to upload data in bulk to GAE. Thank you very much. Help appreciated. ...

What is the fastest way to upload a huge data set to appengine?

I have some 4000+ records to be uploaded on the appengine. Does GAE allow you to upload so much data? If yes, then I have some questions: How to upload that data? How much time will it take to complete this thing? What is the fastest method to upload it. duplicate of: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/741599/how-does-one-upload-d...

How to programatically execute a CGI script form that contains a "file" type upload input field?

I've just written (in Perl) a simple web service that displays a web form containing a single "file" type upload field and a single Submit button. I made this simple web page with the intent that a human could use it and also that a script on a different machine could also execute it programatically. I got the human part all done and t...

how to catch error in JQuery's load() method

Hi all i'm using Jquery's load() method for reterive some data when user click on button. Then show the result in . It is ok. But the problem is i don't know how to catch error in load() when error occure while data reteriving. Please help me. Thanks ...

How to build upload functionality into a web page

I've seen a number of different solutions for doing this but I wonder if anyone can suggest which is the most elegant and secure version of letting users upload their own files to a folder on their own shared hosting? (php.ini etc is out of bounds). Files will be anything up to 100mb in size, so maybe an FTP based solution would be best...

Uploading a file over HTTP and reading the result in C#

The title of this question should be self explanatory, but basically I have this code (working) progfrm = new progressform(); System.Net.WebClient ahwebclient = new System.Net.WebClient(); progfrm.Show(); ahwebclient.UploadProgressChanged += new System.Net.UploadProgressChangedEventHandler(ahwebclient_Upl...

How do I upload an image/file using a post request in C#?

C# provides functionality to submit a post request, but there is nothing about uploading an image/file on MSDN. I'd like to do this without using raw headers. Related questions Upload files with HTTPWebrequest (multipart/form-data) ...

How do I bulkupload image BLOBs in Google App Engine?

I have a model which *I want* to contain an image blob. I have the images on my local filesystem, but due to the nature of my application, I need to get them in the datastore. Here's my model: class JeanImage(db.Model): type = db.StringProperty(required=True, choices=set(["main","front","back","detail"])) image = db.BlobProper...

How to prevent the uploading of Warez. (asp.net, C#)

My company created an application that can send large attachements from one mail recipient to another (because most mailboxes are very limited). But we were wondering how we can prevent the uploading of warez? For now all extentions are allowed, but we could restrict the extentions to zip and images. But if you zip warez you can still ...