
Uploadify and rails 3 authenticity tokens

Hi chaps, I'm trying to get a file upload progress bar working in a rails 3 app using uploadify (http://www.uploadify.com) and I'm stuck at authenticity tokens. My current uploadify config looks like <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"> $(document).ready(function() { $("#zip_input")...

Ruby Rails, jQuery, Uploadify - weird UTF-8 error

Hi everyone, I'm setting up jQuery and Uploadify in my Rails app (with the uploadify-rails plugin). Its all going fine, the flash is loaded, the authenticity paramater is passed through along with the session key and so on. However, my MySQL queries on the way to handling the upload from the flash are all reporting a 'redundant UTF-8 se...

Why isn't uploadify and asp.net mvc 2 playing nice for me?

First of all, I've checked out all the SO threads, and googled my brains out. I must be missing something obvious. I'd really appreciate some help! This is what I've got. UploadController.cs using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; namespace NIMDocs.Controllers { public class UploadController : Controller { public Acti...

jQuery working in everything but IE7. (checked my commas)

The following code works in IE8, FF, Safari, Chrome etc. (not bothering with IE6 for this one), but doesn't work in IE7. I've been through the code with a fine tooth-comb. Checked the commas, messed around with ; but it's not going anywhere. I'm using the jQuery Validate and Uploadify scripts. Can anyone see the problem here? Thanks. ...

What are the correct steps to capture data with uploadify?

Does anyone have a demo of using uploadify with additional fields and saving to database? The site's examples don't explain the process in depth and I am not familiar with jquery. I don't know why but I can't get my head around how too integrate the two. I have the demo working and I have my app which uses traditional php/html forms wo...

Uploadify uploadSettings with scripData does not work

Hi everyone, I am sending a file to my Java Servlet via jQuery Uploadify, there are no problems while sending the actual file. But when I try to send some scriptData with file along, to process on Servlet it just does not send anything. Here is the JS code: $("button").click(function(){ $("#uploadify").uploadifySettings('scri...

django+uploadify - don't working

Hi, I'm trying to use an example posted on the "github" the link is http://github.com/tstone/django-uploadify. And I'm having trouble getting work. can you help me? I followed step by step, but does not work. Accessing the "URL" / upload / the only thing is that returns "True" part of settings.py import os PROJECT_ROOT_PATH = os.path....

Where can I find a free upload button image for an ajax file uploader?

I'm using the Uploadify plugin to handle file uploads but the default button image is ugly. Where can I find free button images (particularly upload buttons). ...

Uploadify Hanging at random on 100%

I am using Uploadify to enable my users to upload images via my web application. The problem I am having is that every now and then (at what appears to be random) when the progress bar reaches 100% it 'hangs' and does nothing. I was wondering if any developers familiar with uploadify may have any idea how to solve this? I am in despera...

Subdomain and Uploadify not working

I have wildcard subdomains for example: .example.com goes to example.com/app/ It seems uploadify works fine if I use the directory instead of the subdomain. But when I use the subdoman and click on the upload image nothing happens. It seems to load the flash fine and no JS errors but when I click on the button I do not get a file brows...

uploadify and absolute filepaths ?

can anyone with experience of the plugin see anything I'm doing wrong? var SITE_ROOT = 'http://localhost/hf_latest_desktop/'; $("#uploadify").uploadify({ 'uploader' : SITE_ROOT+'st_wd_assets/js/uploadify/scripts/uploadify.swf', 'script' : SITE_ROOT+'st_wd_assets/js/uploadify/scripts/uploadify.php', ...

Can Uploadify send e-mail on complete?

Uploadify is a jQuery/Flash plugin for uploading multiple files. It's working great, except I can't figure out how trigger e-mail when all files are complete. If I try to add something like <% SendEmail(); %> to the onAllComplete parameter, it just sends the e-mail when the page loads. Is there a way to do this within the handler recom...

File uploads with Progressbar in Django

I am looking for an example which does a file upload with a progress bar, in Django. I have been trying djangp-uploadify for quiet sometime, but have not been able to get it working. I have been trying something similar to that given in http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2821612/djangouploadify-dont-working/2887831 and also in http://wik...

uploadify changing scriptData

when i call uploadifySettings("scriptData", { 'description': description }); it mean that param description is set one time after click button upload, how can i set param description on each file that uploads ? for example i want to upload 10 files so i can change param description 10 times ...

How to debug move_uploaded_file() in PHP

move_uploaded_file() won't work for me anymore, it was working fine and just stopped out of nowhere. Is there a way for me to check why it's not working anymore? Here's what I currently have, but it only returns TRUE or FALSE. $status = move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $targetFile); if($status) { echo 'its good'; } else { echo 'it fail...

Does Uploadify support jQuery 1.4?

Does uploadify supports jQuery 1.4? The site states that it needs: jQuery v1.2.x or greater ... but the demo runs on 1.3.2 and I don't feel like trying to get everything to work just to realize that it's some feature I want later is not compatible with my version of jQuery. ...

Jquery uploadify just one file upload and other upload stay at 100% ???

Hello,first,I work on localserver,xampp,jquery uploadify just upload one file,and other files are on 100%,and stay like that.When click on x button to stop I get this message : 'uncaught exception: Error in Actionscript' ?? Any idea?This is wordpress project. my code : uploadifyObj={ uploader : '<?php echo $full_path_...

.uploadifySettings not working as expected

I'm using uploadify and the function to change the settings doesn't seem to be working. I'm basing my code from the following example: #(‘#someID’).uploadifySettings(’scriptData’, {‘name’ : some.val()}); So here's what I'm doing: // INITIALIZATION $("#"+elementId).uploadify({ // other data "scriptData": { "token": token ...

Firefox crashes with mulitple Uploadify JQuery browse buttons and ajax

Hi, I'm using four JQuery Uploadify browse buttons on a page that's calling the Uploadify code/buttons through Ajax. We have a javascript function called from onComplete which refreshes the Ajax page. The problem we're encountering is that when you start uploading one file, if you click browse to upload another file, Firefox will crash ...

How to slow down Uploadify plugin script voor jQuery

Now if that isn't a weird question, I don't know what is. But here is the problem: I have a function in my "onSelect" option that has to collect some data (through AJAX) and I have a function in my "onComplete" option that processes the just uploaded files based on the data "onSelect" collected. However, with very small files, the "onS...