
UploadString (Post Method) in VB.NET doesn't work

Hi, I am trying to post simple data to some site, in this example to a php file on my local server. My VB.NET Code: Dim W As New Net.WebClient Dim A As String = "" W.Encoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 Dim URL As String = "http://localhost/test/p.php" A = W.UploadString(URL, "bla=test") MsgBox(A) and here the p.php: <? print_r($_P...

WCF + WebClient + Powershell

Hi, I tried it works fine for the asmx (simple web services) but for WCf do we need to do some thing different. Can the Same work for the WCF services as i get the error for the WCF service also. i just created the Simple WCF service in .net and tried to access. but was not successful. Error: $Url = "http://localhost:4637/WCFService2/...