How do I URI escape Japanese characters in Perl?
How do I URI escape Japanese characters in Perl? ...
How do I URI escape Japanese characters in Perl? ...
Folks, Anybody knows how Wikipedia or MediaWiki in general, encode the URI according to the title? It's not normal URI encoding, " "s are replaced with "_"s and single quotations are not encoded and things like that. Any reference on that? Cheers Parsa ...
hi, do you help me please... I tried : ImageButton imgbt=(ImageButton)findViewById(; Uri imgUri=Uri.parse("/data/data/MYFOLDER/myimage.png"); (i suppose it was saved in this location) imgbt.setImageUri(imgUri); but i diden't see nothing [simply a void button] thanx ...
please help me, how to get bitmap object from an Uri (i suppose i succeed to store it in /data/data/MYFOLDER/myimage.png or file///data/data/MYFOLDER/myimage.png i used both path) to use it in my application but i failed to get it, Someone have an idea how to accomplish this thanx, ...
Question: I have found that has a create(String uri) option but the does not. More Specific: I am trying to grab the output of RingtoneManager's RingtonePicker and set it as the default ringtone with SetActualDefaultRingtoneUri; Intent intent = new Intent(RingtoneManager.ACTION_RINGTONE_PICKER); intent.pu...
Some popular blog sites typically use square brackets in their URLs but ruby's built-in URI.parse() method chokes on them, raising a nasty exception, as per: I'm trying to write a simple monkey-patch that gracefully handles URLs with the square bracket. The following is what I have so far: ...
I am using a FreePascal web module designed for apache cgi-bin with nginx. The CGI itself is called spidersample.cgi and contains modules such as hello, bye etc. With Apache when spidersample.cgi/hello is called, spidersample.cgi gets executed, and passes control to the hello subroutine it contains. With nginx instead of executing sp...
In PHP, I want to compare two relative URLs for equality. The catch: URLs may differ in percent-encoding, e.g. /dir/file+file vs. /dir/file%20file /dir/file(file) vs. /dir/file%28file%29 /dir/file%5bfile vs. /dir/file%5Bfile According to RFC 3986, servers should treat these URIs identically. But if I use == to compare, I'll end up...
Hi, I want to replace every link I find within a string, with a modified version of the string, say for example: The quick brown fox jumped over the and I would replace (and modify) the links in this so it becomes: and
I am trying to create a content provider where the key contains forward slash "/". I searched about it for quite a while but there is no place/example illustrating it. content://com.lily.provider/items/* General example, which I understand: content://com.lily.provider/items/ab What I want to do: my key is a string with "/" content:/...
Hello, I'd like to retrieve the value of 'q' in this URL: if I use thi...
Just like the title says : = image_tag @organization.logo.url(:cropped) I want this to appear as <img src="picture.jpg?23412341234" /> ...
I'm trying to make a simple app that will "ping" a uri and tell me if its responding or not I have the following code but it only seems to check domains at the root level ie and not private bool WebsiteUp(string path) { bool status = false; try { Uri uri = n...
Hello, I have many XML files with "Build Action" set as "Resource". I can access them from code using the well known pack URI scheme, or just a relative URI (which is actually a valid pack URI, as stated by Microsoft in the pack URI msdn page, so everything is a pack uri :p), like this : Uri uri1 = new Uri("pack://application:,,,/someF...
I've been developing my first app in codeigniter. It was all working fine last night but when I fired it up this morning I got the error 'Disallowed Key Characters', but then realized this error was only occuring in Firefox & not Safari (where the site loads fine)? What issues do I need to look out for with 'Disallowed Key Characters', ...
foreach (var node in root.Find("a[href]")) { var href = node.Attributes["href"].Value; Uri uri; try { uri = new Uri(item.Value.Uri, href); } catch(UriFormatException) { continue; } // *snip* try { if (_imageHosts.IsMatch(uri.Host)) // <--- problematic line pr...
I'm trying to create a pack ui referencing a xaml resource inside of an assembly file in powershell. After reading this post I tried to do this: $resource = new-object system.uri("pack://application:,,,/WPFResource;component/test.xaml") The I get an error noting that it is expecting a port since there are two colons. Can anyone pleas...
Let's say that, being abstract from any language, we have some ontology made of triples (e.g. subject (S) - predicate (P) - object (O)) Now if I want to, for some reason, annotate any of these triples (nodes), than I'd like to keep links to them that I can use in web documents. Here are some conditions: 1) Such link must be in a form ...
Hi! I have several image filés embedded as resources in a DLL file! I want to create my own custom protocol handler to be able to write HTML code to access these resources. For example, on a computer where this DLL is located i want to be able to (in IE) run HTML code like this: < IMG SRC="customuri://res/image01.jpg"/ > This should ...
I know next to nothing about the URI class. I need to make an Relative URI to reference a file in my project (that is on the root of the project). How can I do that? This is what I have tried and it does not seem to work: var uri = new Uri("ModuleCatalog.xaml", UriKind.Relative) I have also tried: var uri = new Uri("/ShellProject;...