
Do you know a user management project in Java?

I'm looking for a lightweight and easy to install user management system made in JAVA. It should use a free Database System (MySQL for example) and handle basic security after logging (access or not with error message). I'm not looking for anything fancy/flexible like SpringSecurity. Thank you! ...

How to handle user mangement in Django for groups that has same access but different rules?

Background information: I have created an internal site for a company. Most of the work has gone into making calculation tools that their sale persons can use to make offers for clients. Create pdf offers and contracts that can be downloaded, compare prices etc. All of this is working fine. Now their sale persons have been divided into...

What is the best authentication script?

Hi, I'm planning on making some dynamic PHP websites and I need a free Authentication system that allows me to create control panel for these sites' admins. It should contain : Remember password Lost password Maximum login attempts per specific interval users Management Thanks. ...

.NET User Management - User Registration and Email Activation Link

Is there a Standard settled comomn way to create User Registration with Email Activation Link in Dot Net 2.0 ? ...

User management for custom application built on google apps

Hi guys, I'm modifying our collaboration system so it can be listed on google applications. A small issue I'm facing is the registering of user details. By default whenever someone logs into their google Apps account they pretty much are logged into the application. For every action taken by a registered login in user I store the user ...

is it possible to use iis 7 to manage users when using forms authentication with

I have an ASP.NET web application that is using forms authentication. Everything is configured and working correctly. However, i'm dealing with the issue of creating and maintaining users and role membership. I know that I can roll my own solution but I'm wondering if there is an alternative solution? Does iis7 provide screens for man...

SugarCRM - how to make users see only child users?

Hello, I want to change the behaviour of Sugar CRM community version. Here's what sugar currently does: 1) Admin logs into Sugar. 2) Admin clicks on Admin tab. 3) Admin creates a new user named George with admin access 4) Under user information section, Admin makes George report to Admin (in the database, it will show users.report_to...

How to switch users in a smooth way in a Point-Of-Sale system?

I am designing a Point-Of-Sale system for a small shop. The shop just have one Point-Of-Sale but often they are one to three users (sellers) in the shop. Each user have their own user account in the system so they login and logout very often. How should I design the login/logout system in a good way? For the moment the users don't use p...

how to expire a password with ADAM

We are using ADAM to simulate an AD server in our development environment. We need to expire passwords for a couple of our users to test several key code paths. We have been doing this by setting the password expiry window low (1 day) and then waiting that interval until the password expires. However, this is slow and once we change...

SQL Server 2005/2008: Identify current user

Hello I have a web application, which is using a SQL Server 2005 database. My problem is, that the application has no role management. So the application always accesses the database with one default user. But now I have to save and access a value only for the current user. Is there any way to do this? Maybe something like a session...

logic before dispatcher + controller?

I believe for a typical MVC web application the router / dispatcher routine is used to decide which controller is loaded based primarily on the area requested in the url by the user. However, in addition to checking the url query string, I also like to use the dispatcher to check whether the user is currently logged in or not to decide ...

user access management in j2ee web application

Hi everyone, I am working with jsp/servlet project and i have to complete the module of access management to my jsps since I have more than one user with different profile. I defined a table in my database wich resume the profil and the url permitted like that: id_profil :1 url : http://localhost/ id page 1 Now I am trying ...

An IdP/STS for SaaS providers, where the SaaS customer does his own user management?

(This question is not about programming, but about how to avoid doing any programming. Also, lots of terminology in here-- I'm assuming someone with an answer will already know what they mean.) Background: I'm working on single sign-on in an environment with 'federated identity'. We have several products that are federation-aware (usi...

A book or tutorial about secure user management and privileges

I'm looking for a book or tutorial about secure user management and privileges. I have O'Reilly's Essential PHP Security. When I'm starting a project, I'm never sure that it's secure, or if I'm doing security the right way. Because this, I'm looking for a case study. ...

GAE logout url giving error 404

My GAE java based application uses only one google user - the admin. For the admin web pages I generate the logout url using UserServiceFactory.getUserService().createLogoutURL("/") The generated url is always having a /zero at the end and clicking on it gives 'Error 404 NOT_FOUND'. I The problem occurs on development server as wel...

User Fast Switching Ideas Needed

I'm looking for ideas on how to implement some type of fast login scenario for an application that will allow employees to quickly login. I work with an organization that has employees rotate every 30 minutes to a different location. If there are 3 employees, then the first employee won't come back to the checkout station for an hour. ...

Query TFS for permissions

Is there a way to list which users and AD groups have permissions to a folder and all sub folders in a TFS project? EDIT: We are using TFS 2008 ...

Where can I find some MVC User Administration Helpers for AD Users?

So I have an MVC 2 app that uses the Active Directory Membership Provider. Authentication works like a charm! Now I need to add some additional screens to allow the users to: Change their password Reset forgotten passwords (email a super secret link or something?) Conditionally add additional users (of course users of a certain role, a...

How to purge specific users/groups from a SharePoint site collection?

I am trying to write a utility to find/delete specific users and groups from a SharePoint site collection. At this point I'm using the SiteUsers property of the SPWeb class to do the job, but I'm wondering: why isn't there a similar property in the SPSite class? This seems completely counter-intuitive to me (though at this point nothing ...

is it possible drupal like taxonomy and user managment in joomla?

Hi every one, is it possible in joomla to make pages and users like drupal? in drupal there is an option called taxonomy by which we can create tags which are similar into a group and can create user groups who can use a particular group of tags. and those group of users can manage pages created under those taxonomy group. i want to d...