
How do you access user controls on a masterpage from the asp:content page using the master?

I keep getting these requests for 'make me a tool to do xyz' for a web app we're putting up. So after the third one, I realized it'd be easier to lump them all together and use a master page. I've got a user control called MessageCenter I use for error, success, and informational messages, and so I dropped that on the master page. <%@...

How do I make a Silverlight UserControl a content container?

I am making a Silverlight UserControl where the consumer of the control needs to be able to provide custom attributes and content. I thought this would be as easy as exposing my custom attributes as dependency properties and deriving from ContentControl, but apparently not. Here are my questions regarding this: I got the attribute to...

Silverlight 3 user control data Binding in xaml

I’m trying to achieve something that is conceptually quite simple but can’t seem to get it working. I have a class called c1 it has 2 dependency properties in it an integer I and a string S. It implements INotifiyPropertyChanged. public class c1: INotifyPropertyChanged { private int i; public int I { get { return i; } set { i ...

Tool to simulate WPF user control?

I just wan to know if there are any tools to simulate user control without integrating it to the actual application. I need it just to test the user control's logic and functionality without depending on the whole application itself. ...

WPF UserControl Dynamic Size / Dock / Anchor & StoryBoard

I'm looking for some guidance on creating a WPF UserControl. My objective is to create an indeterminent progress bar, that slides an image back and forth. I'd like to be able to dock the left and right edges of this user control to the sides of the Window so if the user resizes the window, the width of the progress bar is also increased...

How to get the IControlDesignerView service from the IDesignerHost (in ASP.NET)?

Hello there, Is it possible to get the IControlDesignerView service from the IDesignerHost service of the ASP.NET control? A piece of code would help a lot. Thanks, Dattebayo... ...

.net user control event handler lost on postback

I have a menu usercontrol called LeftMenu that has a bulletedlist of linkitems. It's on the ascx page as such: <asp:BulletedList ID="PublisherList" DisplayMode="LinkButton" OnClick="PublisherList_Click" cssClass="Menu" runat="server"></asp:BulletedList> I databind the list in the page_load under if(!isPostBack) I'm having an issue on...

How do I assign a device level hotkey to my Blackberry App?

Blackberry devices have shortcuts to open applications. For example, if you hit the 'T' button, the tasks app will open. (BTW, you have to have "Call from Home Screen" disabled in the Phone App Settings for this to work) How can I assign a shortcut key to open my own application? For clarity and in case the link dies, I'll post the i...

Validating button click event using JS from inside ascx nested inside updatepanel

Hello I have a button inside an ascx inside an update panel inside aspx content page. When the button is clicked i want it to run a JS function that causes to show a panel. Here is my Code. <pre> <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ABC.ascx.cs" Inherits="App.ABC" %> <script type= "text/javascript...

How do I set a default value for a ASPX UserControl property?

I have a user control defined on an page as follows: <uc:MyUserControl ID="MyUserControl" runat="server" Visible="true" /> I am wanting to reuse the same control on a different page with a custom property as follows: <uc:MyUserControl ID="MyUserControl" runat="server" Visible="true" MyCustomProperty="MyCustomText" /> The purpose o...

GridView Sort and Paging broken on User Control inside ajax tab container using lazy load?

Hello and Good Day I have a system that uses custom user controls for the information displayed on an ajax tabcontainer. I have finally gotten the lazy load of the user controls to work using triggers and placeholders to dynamically load the user control only the first time the user clicks on the respective tab. The issue I am facing ...

Steps for embedding a windows forms user control in web page

I am developing a windows forms user control in Visual Studio 2005. It is a file upload control and uses only 2 elements. A button for showing opnefiledialog An openfiledialog I have added an object tag to the html page with the class id and all that. <OBJECT id="myControl1" name="myControl1" classid="ActiveXUploadFile.dll#ActiveXU...

Silverlight 2.0: Determine if a dependency property is set before changing it.

I have a dependency property (Foreground) on a custom control which is inheriting from Control. When I am loading the control, I want to see if the user has set the dependency property or if it is using its default value before I set the value for them. The problem is a bit more complicated then that, here it is: The control is in a ...

Moving user controls from web project into their own library/assembly.

We have a website that we would like to extrapolate user controls from and put them into an assembly of their own. This is so we can more easily reuse these controls in other similar projects. I think we can do this fairly easily by creating a new class library project, moving the .ascx and .ascx.cs files over to this project, adding t...

How to apply dependency injection to UserControl views while keeping Designer happy?

public class StatisticsViewPresenter { private IStatisticsView view; private Statistics statsModel; public StatisticsViewPresenter(IStatisticsView view, Statistics statsModel) { this.view = view; this.statsModel = statsModel; } } I don't use events (but am willing to if it can solve my problem), so ...

WPF Images don't display when View is switched out

I have the following WPF application <Window x:Class="Window1" xmlns="" xmlns:x="" xmlns:local="clr-namespace:WpfApplication1" Title="Window1" Height="300" Width="300"> <Grid> <TabControl> ...

FlowLayoutPanel in CF.NET

I'm writing an application in .NET 2.0 and I need the functionality of a FlowLayoutPanel from WinForms. This is the code I came up with that I'm using right now (mostly with labels): /// <summary> /// Flowable layout panel /// </summary> public partial class FlowLayoutPanel : Panel { public FlowLayoutPanel() { InitializeCom...

ASP.NET Web User Control Library

We have a bunch of user controls we would like to pull out of a web application and into a separate assembly/library, and I thought it would be as simple as creating a class library and pulling the ascx and ascx.cs files into the project, and compiling a DLL to be reused among our applications. This was not the case, however. Our ultim...

Dynamic WPF geographical map display usercontrol

I am designing an application where I basically want to load geographical maps that are defined using paths (outlines of countries). The Maps should be displayed on my Window and when I hover each country on the map, it should change color. I managed to do this partially by exporting an svg map to xaml and including this xaml in a cust...

ASP.NET user control and jQuery dialog

On my page I got the following user control: <div class="editFormDialog" style="display: none; font-size: 12px;"> <mm:Form ID="editUC" ShowCreateButton="false" ShowEditButton="true" runat="server" /> </div> This UC has a public property that takes a DataSet, and updates some fields in the UC. So when I push a button on my page, i...